They were very poor, and Elder Featherstone spoke often of the gratitude he felt for the help they received during that time, as well as for his stalwart mother. ], Abstract:In this essay, Iexamine aletter written by Elder VaughnJ. Featherstone in 1983 and deposited in the cornerstone of the Atlanta Georgia Temple. No matter what the problems arephysically, mentally, or in any wayyoud say, I am grateful, dear God, that I am what I am and that I have all these things. We ought to start looking for the positives in our lives instead of the negatives. As they walked along the banks of these rivers, they saw beautiful white sands and the old Arab guide told story after story, kind of like a modern-day barber. I thought, How can I wear those? I hadnt worn them all my life, so they changed my appearance a little bit. I think if youll be a trainer of people, or a teacher, or a philosopher, you need to plant the sweet smell of success in the nostrils of those you would inspire. Elder Featherstone replied by providing aslightly revised copy of the statement, now titled, Holiness to the Lord. In this new version, abrief explanatory note was added following the comment that the last prophet was already born or would soon be born: Authors Note: This could take place deep into the 21st century or in arelatively few years. VaughnJ.Featherstone, The Incomparable Christ: Our Master and Model (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995), 45. I used to go out and sit in the park with a newspaper. 28. Of course Ido not know when the Savior will come. vaughn j featherstone excommunicatedwho is balarama holness mother. I dashed over to church half an hour early, and it worked. Im telling you because I hope that in some small way you will get the message that Im going to leave with you in this story. You know, I just love my Dad because we sit around the dinner table, and after we finish eating dinner, Dad will say to me, Well, Timmy, what do you think? Then I can tell my Dad what I think., And his teacher said, Well, Timmy, what do you think?. Iknow that the spirit of the Lord is brooding over the South. He answered, Well, were only taking one per year per ward. I guess we had fifteen or eighteen boys of mission age, and I couldnt afford to go. After theyre gone Ill come running home half an hour later or something. That was my plan. Thats the only reason I am here., I said, Would you just take a few minutes and explain the story to me?. Weve been married five years, but we have no children. It is simply not an approved publication of the Church and its contents are only the opinions of the author, even though he be a general authority. But I want to tell you she was there the next time, when the next brother got married. I think I learned the greatest lesson I have ever learned in my life that day. Were proud. VAUGHN FEATHERSTONE OBITUARY 1931 ~ 2018 Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, 87, Emeritus General Authority for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, passed away peacefully in his home. I have come to love him just because of his story. I felt like a freak. He didnt have enough concept, skill, or ability to increase and improve that painting. If aman lives to be 80 or 90 and is now aboy or not yet born, it could be many years after the turn of the century. by Vaughn J Featherstone . I remember that on payday my mother would go over and stand against the mantel and look out the window up the street. A short time after that I went one day to see my sweet mother. The video presents alast days timeline that places the Second Coming in the very near future. When I arrived, I rang the doorbell, and a man came to the door with his little girl right behind him. Youll git water; the well has never run dry. I want to be excommunicated from the Church., When I heard this sweet soul tell me that story, I want to tell you I sat there and wept with her. At one time the bishop felt impressed to give me a blessing, and he promised me that I would have a man child, that he would be a priesthood holder, and that he would do a great service for the Church. Learn how . For the first ten days of that course, we could not say one word. Iwould suggest the most likely explanation for Elder Featherstones assumption that the twenty-first century readers of his letter would have lived through the Second Coming was that he shared the belief of Elder McConkie and Elder Lund that the seventh seal would open in 2000 CE and that it would not be much longer before the Second Coming occurred. Another who served in Little Rock, Arkansas, recalls discussing portions of the letter involving baptisms in the Southern states all throughout my mission from 20002002. The mission even had asong that included averse stating, Amillion will join us! Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Millennial Reign, 7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE, 48:57. Maybe their noses are bigger, or maybe their ears are a little bigger. If Im fired from this, I dont know what Ill do., And then big, old, soft-hearted Doug said, If youll go over and apologize to that black driver, it will all be forgotten. So the bus driver went over and apologized to the black driver and got back in his bus, and it was all forgotten. Eventually, she and his siblings were baptized as well. Anyway, this little gal came in, looked at me, and said, Is that you? VaughnJ.Featherstone, To My Beloved Fellow Saints in the Twenty-First Century, (letter, April 6, 1983). Over at church I am somebody. I thought, Ill put my feet back under the pew so no one can see them, and then Ill wait till everyone leaves. There was that terrible attraction over at church. Where should I look for one?, The Buddhist priest, having been awakened early in the morning and not feeling too pleasant, said, You look for a river between high mountains, and the river will flow on white sands, and there you will find diamonds., There is, replied the priest, and there are many of them, and you will find them. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. I believe my bishop, and hes a great man, and I believe in the stake presidency and the president of the First Council of the Seventy. This powerful document predicts the millennial ministry of the Savior and the future success of the Saints missionary labors in the American South. His problem was solved. You will always find diamonds.. VaughnJ.Featherstone, Things too Wonderful for Me, BYU Devotional, February 13, 2001. It happens. This generation will face trials and troubles that will exceed those of their pioneer forebears. Find signed collectible books by 'Vaughn J Featherstone' The Aaronic priesthood and you. I didnt have a college education, and I have been embarrassed about it. The perspiration started pouring off my face, and I wanted to say something, but I still couldnt, so I just stood there. And then it went rolling off through the universe. [Author unknown]. Vaughn J. Featherstone's humble beginnings gave him an intense appreciation for the gospel and its blessings. He tells of being in Baghdad and hiring an old Arab guide. They found others who were artists and could see the shape of her face and its contours. I even avoided trying to speak or taking a chance. Elder Maxwell doesnt know either. Its just a rock that I found out in my stream here.. God bless each one of you that youll feel your sense of worth, that youll understand who you really are. Isnt it satisfactory? S.Umapathi Financial Advisor. The document found that there were three April 6th Sundays leading up to the year 2000. He said that, when he got into high school (I think his junior and senior years), the stuttering became more intense, until finally he withdrew into a shell and would hardly speak in any of his classes. As his career and Church service became more demanding, Elder Featherstone made sure to make his family a top priority. After his senior year, he had earned enough money in that business to come to BYU. Ive got them on all my walls, and Ive tried to read every one of them to educate myself, because when I was younger I couldnt go through schoolat least I thought I couldnt. When the light turned green, the driver started inching up until the bus window was right against Dougs nose. When I went back East, I found the school, went in, and was met by a seventy-four-year-old, white-haired man. My older brother was the only one at the wedding from our side of the family. That whole meeting just seemed to stop and wait until I moved, so I had to move. BYU Speeches If the time here mentioned is the Lords time in which one day is athousand years, the half hour would be some twenty-one of our years. [Signed] Mrs. Featherstone.. Elder McConkie did not say he knew who it was, he actually said We know that an angel came from the courts of glory to strengthen him in his ordeal, and we suppose it was mighty Michael, who foremost fell that mortal man might be. In other words Elder McConkie doesnt know either, he supposes it was but not 100% certain. He walked over and said, Well, thats a diamond! green tea face mask for glowing skin. Possibly you have seen many of his billboards. I see it in their eyes and feel it when they speak, and they must pay for it and be punished. Of course they saw those nurses shoes that I had to wear to church. 2022 FAIR Conference videos are now available to watch! He wanted that kind of conviction for himself, so he began seriously reading the Book of Mormon. She was absolutely a beautiful person. One of President RussellM.Nelsons key messages to the Saints seems to be the significance of the Restoration leading to the Second Coming. 2. I dont believe in a God like that. I worked that whole summer and finally earned enough. I know diamonds! the priest replied. They said yes, and I was baptized. (I should mention that we met in a little shabby roomgray, dull, dingyand one of the women who taught us was about the same age as the man and was blind.) So the fellow behind him shouted out the window, Move the trash can, pilgrim!. You have to have a lot of faith because each of you is someone special. While he was growing up, his parents were divorced and his mother was left to provide and care for eight children. We think weve got something that will be worthwhile in this class, and I promise you that Ill never call on you again. The teachers comment was worse because it made me feel like a spectacle., Doug wanted to do something about his stuttering, but that just accentuated the problem. Nobody knows who the Angel was and thats okay. He grew up in a home with an abusive alcoholic father. What of their pain and their torment? And God have mercy on us all. Featherstone was born in Stockton, Tooele County, Utah. Vaughn J. Featherstone | Beggar's Bread Home About Beggar's Bread Essential and Non-Essential Doctrines of the Christian Faith Moderation Policy Beggar's Bread Beggars sharing the bread that they've so freely and graciously received Stay updated via RSS Recent Posts The 10 Myths Mormons Believe About Christianity: Epilogue Could it possibly be civilized to love myself above all? Featherstone was born in Stockton, Tooele County, Utah. Vaughn Featherstone, is that you? Abstract: In this essay, I examine a letter written by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone in 1983 and deposited in the cornerstone of the Atlanta Georgia Temple. He was often open about these beliefs in away in which others might have been more cautious. I know every bird in the forest. These things havent happened, so you expect them now. . Then a Volkswagen pulled in behind him. Collected copies of the white horse prophecy, circa 19021970, Church History Library. Books by Vaughn J. Featherstone The Incomparable Christ: Our Master and Model Vaughn J. Featherstone $ 4.19 - $ 4.69 Repentance Vaughn J. Featherstone $ 4.69 - $ 4.79 Charity Never Faileth Vaughn J. Featherstone $ 3.99 The Aaronic Priesthood and You Vaughn J. Featherstone Out of Stock Man of Holiness Vaughn J. Featherstone $ 4.69 - $ 4.79 The driver, who was black, pulled in beside a bus. My wife is expecting. I am nobody. The competition is so keen here at BYU. No one pointed at my shoes. It was found in a baking powder can wired to the handle of an old pump that offered the only hope of drinking water in a very long, seldom-used trail across the Armagosa Desert. Then the little fellow said to him, Isnt there some kind of guff youdogive that Icantake?. But it was irresistible; they had to look. Prime the pump with it, and youll git all you can hold. I do feel very keenly about young people, and I guess these are the thoughts that went through my heart as I thought about this assignment for the past weeks. A newspaper reporter covering the incident wanted to put it in the newspaper in a certain way, and so he simply had a little article there that said, Yesterday at Donald Grahams funeral, Blackey McGregor, one of the pallbearers, slipped into the open grave, fracturing a limb, bringing a gloom over the whole occasion. I hope we wont do that tonight. 20. I dont care what the problem is. In fact, these include documents critical of the Church and others that have been repudiated by Church leaders. Others can help us be attractive on the surface, and I think its important to look attractive. Well, I thought you had on horn-rimmed glasses and a plastic nose!, I said, No, thats my nose. And then I said, I have one advantage over you: I take one breath and it lasts me all day., After hearing that story, quite a few of the seminary leaders came up to shake hands. Featherstone spoke on the importance of temple attendance in the last dispensation, when "Satan has unleashed every evil." He was also quoted as saying, "I believe we may well have living on the earth now, or very soon, the boy or babe who will be the prophet of the Church when the Savior comes. Vaughn J. Featherstone was both a physical and spiritual giant who taught others key gospel principles such as tithing through his own quiet example, he added. I am going to tell you something I would rather not tell yousomething Ive told just a few people, a select group. He pulled up to a red light and waited. For example, there are[Page 312]several copies of the White Horse Prophecy aprophecy traditionally credited to JosephSmith but denounced by the president of the Church, JosephF.Smith, at the October1918 General Conference on the website and many more at the archives.11To avoid anyones thinking the prophecy was legitimate, Church Historian (and future president of the Church) Joseph FieldingSmith marked copies donated to the archives with phrases like not true, not to be accepted, and not aword of truth in it.12This is an exception. Its great! I didnt want tolive withthe problem! Based on aFebruary2001 devotional at BrighamYoung University, it appears that Featherstone remained convinced that the Second Coming would be in our present lifetimes. This letter serves as Montemayors final piece of evidence for an imminent second coming. Vaughn J. Featherstone - Bibliography - List of Talks Talks by Vaughn J. Featherstone Show Timeline Presiding Bishopric - 2nd Counselor (6 Apr 1972 - 1 Oct 1976) 6 Apr 1972 A Challenge to the Priesthood General Conference 7 Oct 1972 The Sure Word of God General Conference 6 Apr 1973 "Now Abideth Faith, Hope, and Charity" General Conference Jun 1973 vaughn j featherstone excommunicated. When I was your age I had a problem very similar to yours. Ali Hafid answered, Then I will go. And he went home and sold his farm and collected the money. Featherstone was born in Stockton, Tooele County, Utah. 19. He just cannot believe that anyone cant succeed if he wants to succeed. I could tell you about some great men who have had that kind of impact and influence on my life. Multiple instances of adultry going back through his prior calling as a stake president and before. His teacher said, Well, my goodness, Timmy, youre a genius!, A genius is someone who knows a great deal about one thing.. Many of you have it much harder and have attended college. Iam not interested in refuting this idea, but it is based on aspeculative calculation of scripture rather than an independent revelation. He opened up a whole new dimension of life because he said, Do you know that when you pray you can ask God for things, and he will answer those prayers? I hadnt known that before. I guess he noticed this, because all of a sudden he took his turban off and waved it around to get my attention, but I just ignored him. But the social pressure was intense. If you had a diamond mine, you could place your children on thrones throughout the world., After the Buddhist priest had left, Ali Hafid went to bed. Her hair was done appropriately, and they did whatever else it took to make her more attractive. You swim and swim and finally get there, but when you reach out to take hold of it he pulls it away from you again. Each of my shoes felt two feet in diameter. By God, Excalibur, I shall be a King! You can overcome the problem and someday youll speak as I am speaking. I started to cry because somebody had told me I didnt have to live with the problem I had. Whats the problem? For while God gives them skill, I give them instruments to play upon, God choosing me to help him. uihlein manitowish waters; sebastian tillinger wikipedia; harry potter fanfiction harry injured after the battle; can hemorrhoids be treated during colonoscopy 218 University Press Building Would you mind charging fifty pounds of flour, a bucket of lard, some side pork, and a few things? I had a pair of shoes that Id wear to church. We appreciated your talkand so forth. Amen. If dogged and grim, you besiege and beset it, youll get it! Yes, I love them. 2 Years of Service and 10 Years of Experience with Happy Clients / Customers. All year long that teacher told me things I didnt know a thing about. But he also said, There are a lot of things I do know about. So I had decided I would pay for the course myself. Featherstone takes for granted the fact that the Second Coming would have occurred by the time these future Saints had read his letter, but he speaks only of seeing in my minds eyes and offers specific details of the future when it comes to the South.16Even in that regard, John Enslen recalled that over time Elder Featherstone seemed somewhat uncomfortable about calling his statements aprophesy [sic]. He preferred that they be referred to as his prediction.17, What is certain is that VaughnJ.Featherstone believed the Second Coming was imminent. The bus driver slammed the window shut on Dougs arm, and when he pulled it out it was bleeding down his white shirt and his suit. Elder McConkie would not have said what he did, in is final inspired address, unless he believed he was correct, but he was familiar enough with church policy to know that it was not his place to declare his views as those of the Church, spoken in general conference. Apparently, at the funeral of Donald Graham, one of the pallbearers, Blackey McGregor, as he rounded the open grave, fell in and broke his arm. The reason I tell it in the temple is that the General Authorities can see right into me. This was incorrect, since it was Michael, or Adam, that Elder McConkie is on record as teaching as the identity of this angel. I went home, and for the first time in my life I got down on my knees and started asking God for something. Ive tried to compensate for it. I dont care what the handicaps are that you think are so severe; you can overcome them. He has also been the president of the Logan Utah Temple in Logan, Utah. 218 University Press Building There are several copies on the internet. As far as Iknow, none of my brethren in the Council of the Twelve or even in the First Presidency know. I was about thirty and I thought, Now I can get married. A short time later I found the fellow, and we fell in love and got married. Would you please do that?, I would look up at her, and Id say, Mother, why do I always have to go? vaughn j featherstone excommunicatedfisher 667 actuator parts list 11 czerwca 2022 / treat williams yellowstone / in florida tech men's soccer division / by / treat williams yellowstone / in florida tech men's soccer division / by So I expected that his promises would take place. I hope you feel about that story the way I am trying to convey it to you. John E. Enslen, Journal Manuscript, January 25, 2010, in possession of author. Why are you weeping? He gave the whole talk without moving his arm. Then the policeman said to the driver, We will report this to your company and take appropriate action., The bus driver started to cry. You are a person of worth. I have prayed most of my life, but this day I really prayed: Dear God, help me to know what to do. Then the message came, so I got up, called a taxi, and went down to the LDS chapel. We invite you to give back. vermont temporary registration out of state Top Bar. I had to go. All of a sudden Carol came down the spiral staircase in a beautiful dress and said, Well, Daddy, thats Douglas Snarr. I think we need to keep our teeth sparkling white, and I think we need to groom ourselves so that at least someone will take a second look at us. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Also see "Answering Gospel Questions." Finally the judges chose the girl that everybody agreed was the ugliest girl in America. I didnt mind moving my arm because I was finally communicating. I didnt think the Lord would be pleased with my working, and we really didnt need both incomes, so I stopped working. I tried to compensate by buying books, and I have thousandsI dont know how many books. We promise to pay back every penny when we get some money. Were here on the earth, and were going to have the benefit of all those great things that President Brownas a prophet, seer, and revelator in the First Presidencycould probably see were ahead for us. Vaughn J Featherstone God Spiritual Religious "It is not difficult to understand why the great God of heaven has reserved these special spirits for the final work of the kingdom prior to his millennial reign.. Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone felt the blessings of the gospel deeply in his own life and dedicated himself to sharing those blessings with everyone around him. This is the thing that beautified the earth. When I was eighteen my mother died, and I had four younger brothers and sisters. Its the end of the drought! It really does come forth when you start serving people. In this essay, Iexamine this document to understand its limitations for the argument Montemayor makes. His family then settled in Salt Lake City when he was five. But as we start doing the things which cause the Spirit to withdraw from us, then we lose our ability to judge. I didnt know what to do, so I knelt down. I hadnt been baptized, and I was nine years old by this time.