Another of the narco messages hanging in Caborca. 7Mo el Observador de Caborca, en el que se ve a dos elementos de la GN consumiendo cocana, incluso uno de ellos toma la droga que le da una persona que estaba sentada detrs de un tinaco. I love writing and researching about cartel activity in Tijuana. Vuelos Vuelos. On the day of March 4 2021, El Milko had just driven out of a luxury housing complex when he was shot in broad daylight, in the middle of the street by a group of armed men. Demolition of the remaining building begins tomorrow. (, PROFILE: El Pablito was believed to be the second in command of the Caborca organization, under Rafael Caro Quintero and El R. He is the nephew of Rafael Caro Quintero. El 20 has been accused of being involved in the July 2020 execution of a Santa Ana state police commander named Daniel Hernndez. Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, alias "El Macho Prieto, is believed to have supervised El Gigio at some point in his career. (Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. [9][10][11], Last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11, "El resurgimiento de Caro Quintero, el "Narco de Narcos": Crtel de Caborca disputa Sonora a los "Chapitos", "El Crtel de Jurez y de Caborca: la violenta alianza que se estara dando en el hampa de Mxico", "Caro Quintero: un imperio criminal, la condena de 28 aos y su inesperado regreso con el Crtel de Caborca", "Se disputan Caborca 4 grupos criminales; son escisiones del Crtel del Pacfico", "Hijos del "Chapo" y Crtel de Caro Quintero desatan guerra en desierto de Sonora", "Crtel de Caborca, el regreso de Rafael Caro Quintera", "Dirige Caro Quintero el crtel de Caborca", "Capturan al capo de la droga Rafael Caro Quintero, el hombre ms buscado por la DEA", "Choix, Sinaloa, el sitio donde la Marina detuvo a Caro Quintero",, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11. Tweet. Jajaja! Adems, la polica de Sonora detall que en el vehculo donde fueron asesinadas las dos personas se encontraron drogas y que se inici la investigacin por los hechos.. En los videos que circulan en redes sociales se observa a los alumnos del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnolgico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS) 37 ubicado en Cajeme resguardarse ante los disparos que se escuchaban muy cerca. Un par de elementos de la Guardia Nacional fueron captados consumiendo presunta cocana. (, PROFILE: Juan Pablo Navidad is believed to be the leader of the Caborca Cartel operations within the municipalities of Guaymas and Empalme. It is worth noting that La Barredora is more of a general term for when a cartel/group is doing a cleanup (, Jesus Dario Murrieta Navarro, alias "El Cara de Cochi", is boss of sicarios for La Barredora 24/7. Los Sabori were led by Raul Flavori Cisneros, alias "El Negro", who was arrested in 2011. (, PROFILE: He is the brother of To Bencel. Lol you again? Sonora . (, PROFILE: He was named as a Sonora cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. (. They, along with El Gigio, are believed to have participated in the Sinaloa Cartel cleansing of the Beltran Leyva organization in Agua Prieta, Nogales, Santa Ana, Tubutama area around 2009. BLING88 adalah situs game slot online yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan menghasilkan uang asli. (, PROFILE: He is the cousin of Juan Pablo Navidad and Rafael Caro Quintero. The earliest member of the clan that was involved in drug trafficking was Pedro Paez Soto, the uncle of Rafael Caro Quintero. Some allege that following the 2018 attempts on Chapo Alfredo's life, Alfredo suspected El Telcel had sold him out so he had him executed. Francisco Meraz "El Pancho Antena" was killed by municipal police officers on October 28, 2017 in San Ignacio Rio Muerto when he was fleeing after shooting at a state police patrol car in the Tobarito police station, a town located 15 minutes from Ciudad Obregon. . (, ) He was named as a Caborca Cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. They move around here with impunity doing and undoing things while affecting the townspeople. Pls go come up for air, speedys balls must taste good to you. He comes from both the Paez and the Quintero crime families. Currently Somos is a good series. Unknown October 15, 2020 at 7:58 AM. Of note, the surviving victims of this arson also accuse El Oliver of belonging to the Cartel Jalisco New Generation. Son of Emilio Quintero Payan, brother of Emilio Sajid Quintero, alias El Cadete, and the cousin of Rafael Caro Quintero. (Source) Similar to El Castros alleged background, some social media users claim that El Monkey was a Secretara de Marina (SEMAR) soldier prior to becoming a hitman in service of La Plaza. Current address please, thank you. Where is Rafael Caro Quintero? Abraham Mier relat que los supuestos sicarios de la delincuencia organizada irrumpieron en varios domicilios, realizaron disparos contra fachadas de viviendas y se llevaron a un grupo indeterminado de pobladores. Los hechos supuestamente ocurrieron en Caborca, Sonora, segn el reporte ciudadano que divulg el portal El Observador, aunque un usuario refut y dijo que se trataba de un video viejo, cuya escena sucedi en Michoacn. (Source, Source, Source) His group has an alliance with the Caborca cartel. Very few comments here reflect accurate information from people living in Mexico. (, El Gigio works closely with Leonardo Lopez, alias El 20. They made their first public announcement in Sonora in mid-2019 by burning a rival gang member alive. Los informes prevn que habr otro arribo del mismo grupo criminal en la noche. Supuestos elementos de la @GN_MEXICO_ fueron captados inhalando cocana en #Caborca, #Sonora +QU OPINA? (Source, Source, Source, Source), POSITION:Lieutenant of Caborca Cartel- Former. (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz brothers. (Source). 3:51 do not know what you are talking about. Speedy is a nobody next to Ramon. the only people who defend them are stupid pochos who say words like cuh and foo and drive ugly ass modded Chevy trucks with those hideous rims and garbage music blasting. Guess it was worth a shot. Constantes estruendos de rfagas de armas de fuego de grueso calibre y reportes de caravanas de vehculos con hombres armados, hicieron que los habitantes de . (, El Pitayo is believed to be the plaza boss of the Valle de Empalme and Guaymas areas. Man since BB came back from hiatus there seems to be no moderation to speak of. The government already knows too thats why he has it out there, 8:29look up bajafelix on Reddit and look at his postlook up el speedy by Miguel comando. Look forward to the rest. This Saturday the 3rd, the Mexican president was going to inaugurate a National Guard facilities in Caborca, according to the official Presidency agenda. Posts pictures with a rifle with no sights, in an apartment rented,with 1 chainworth maybe 20-30k that he always wears, been in the game a couple years at most, no bounty on his head by DEA. Paquetes Paquetes. Prez Flores asserted that part of El 70s execution operation involved an immolation burial site in Ortiz, Sonora. Cuz yo smelly boy ? 10:50 peepe or not peepee, AMLO is still your weewee presidente for 4 more years, his mandate will not be revoked or reworked because AMLO es mucha riata para ti --como la ves desde ahi putito? Lucky he did not kill poppy, they trusted each other with reason, they both were/used CIA for their dirty purposes since Bay of Pigs, Then menso and his band of tweekers cjng are the kings of snitching. 6 enero 2023 2 Comentarios. (, He is a head of sicarios for La Plaza. Captados inhalando cocana en #Caborca, #Sonora. PROFILE: He is believed to be a high-ranking cartel member based in Ures, Sonora. Mxico: el narco se disputa Caborca, en la frontera con EEUU. 6:42 we are grateful for the information, relevant or not. (Source, Source), PROFILE: He is the brother of To Bencel. (Source). Reserva tu hotel cerca de Plaza Comercial Omega en Caborca. (, ) Known associates of El Pablito include Chapo Alfredo, from Los Olivas. True, that and the cjng fans are really embarrassing. He and his brother El Indio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz Brothers He was the plaza boss of San Ignacio Rio Muerto. Los Sabori were led by Raul Flavori Cisneros, alias "El Negro", who was arrested in 2011. (, PROFILE: He allegedly is in charge of southern Obregon city, directly reporting to Chapo Alfredo. (, On March 4 2021, El Pablito was arrested in Atizapn de Zaragoza, State of Mexico. That family fought REAL drug wars, had HEAVY corrupt officials protecting them on both sides, founded their Tijuana cartel from the ground up, what speedy and his tecatos claim now, you expect me to believe or anyone to believe he is a bigger capo than Ramon hahahah damn bro u must be smoking some bomb shit. He and his brother El Indio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (Source, Source), POSITION: Plaza Boss of San Ignacio Rio Muerto - Former (Source), PROFILE: One of the Meraz Brothers He was the plaza boss of San Ignacio Rio Muerto. Caborca municipality in specific has a growing mining industry that cartels in the area are fighting to control. Argument que un comando de centenas de sicarios no pueden ser enfrentados por sus elementos y no se trata de arriesgarlos. He was alleged on social media to be a drug trafficker for Los Antenas on the side. "There is no complete evidence, its only known that this (the Altar Desert) was an area that he always dominated; now there have been different names of crime figures, which most likely will have to do or not because the Secretariat has no evidence", manifested. La "narco-guerra" que actualmente se desarrolla en el norte de Sonora entre los grupos del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, aliado del Crtel de Sinaloa y el grupo de Caborca que dirige Rodrigo Omar Paz Quintero, de 44 aos de edad, sobrino de Rafael Caro Quintero, tiene como epicentro un territorio donde se asienta una gran veta de oro. Lo que ningn vecino de Caborca comprende es cmo un convoy de ese tamao pudo pasar por . El R is the nephew of both Miguel and Rafael Caro Quintero. Jesus Dario Murreta Navarro "Cara de Cochi" Armed Wing: La Barredora 24/7 (24/7 Sweepers) ~~~ La Linea (Juarez Cartel) (NCDJ): Juan Pablo Ledezma "El JL" (?) DESCRIPTION: The state of Sonora is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona. Along with Carretera Internacional as well as another in front of the Municipal Palace of Caborgo. (, ) El Pelo China was one of the Caborca leaders named in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to President AMLO. Una vez libre, el llamado "narco de narcos", fund una organizacin criminal a la que denomin "Crtel de Caborca", precisamente porque sus operaciones abarcan esa zona fronteriza del estado de Sonora, y con el que hace frente al grupo criminal denominado "Los Salazar", brazo armado del Crtel de Sinaloa en aquella regin. They have strong El Mayo associations within the Sinaloa Cartel and they are closely aligned with the Caborca Cartel. He's Flaauitos secretary and that's all he is. La violencia en Mxico contina y aunque . Los Paleteros were the strongest group in the region and shared operations with Ignacio. On the day of March 4 2021, El Milko had just driven out of a luxury housing complex when he was shot in broad daylight, in the middle of the street by a group of armed men. (Source) El Pelo China was one of the Caborca leaders named in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to President AMLO. DESCRIPTION: PROFILE: Jos Silverio was the leader of Los Siete Demonios The FGR and SEDENA arrested him in September 2020 alongside nine of members of Los Demonios. DESCRIPTION: Los Olivas is an organization that is aligned and works under the Caborca Cartel. If Flaquito goes Caf, SM is CAF, if Flaquito goes CJNG SM will too. CABORCA.- Un enfrentamiento armado que habra dejado como saldo ocho personas muertas, de ellas siete civiles y un militar, fue reportado en Caborca el domingo por la noche. Rodrigo Paez Quintero. Miami authorities reportung Surfside condo collapse death toll is at 22. They, along with El Gigio, are believed to have participated in the Sinaloa Cartel cleansing of the Beltran Leyva organization in Agua Prieta, Nogales, Santa Ana, Tubutama area around 2009. He may get the rifles (cheap 3D printed guns) for his crew but he's nothing more than a Secretary for Flaquito. (. Over the years, the organization absorbed local crime cells and operates more like an ecosystem of different factions with respective plaza bosses. He may do his own deals here and there and he may use his name on the deals he does but I guarantee you it's most likely Flaauitos doing and it's smart. For years he fought for control of area against his nephew Luis Luisillo Fernando Sanchez Paez , alias L7 or Luisillo. Circula rumor de su muerte en una clnica de Guadalajara, Trailero desarm a asaltantes y mat a dos en la Mxico-Veracruz, Sguenos en Google Noticias para mantenerte siempre informado, Atienden en Chiautzingo 16 incendios en zonas boscosas y pastizales, RATEROS golpearon durante asalto a un empleado de Coppel en Tehuacn, Jess, de 15 aos de edad acab con su vida al ahorcarse Miahuatln, El Poder Judicial es el que no reacciona en el caso Monzn, Llaman a diputados a sacar pendientes y acabar con el rezago legislativo, VIDEO. We the citizens of Magdalena, Santa Ana, Caborca, and Nogales are tired of the violence that doesnt stop within the municipalities. Caro Quintero has the highest bounty of all the fugitives listed on the DEAs most wanted list, with a reward of $20 million dollars being offered. Other known associates of El 20 include "El Coyotito and "El 6-3", who leads the region surrounding Hermosillo with El Negro previously reporting to him. Considerada como una de las entidades con ms municipios dominados por el narcotrfico, en Sonora se recrudece la llamada "pelea por las plazas". Hey ELMO why you no get wee wee pee pee ? Mi troka no quema cuh porque no tengo, ando apenas en mi GT PERFORMER y t pelo de tlacuache te queda al por ser el #1, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; El alcalde reconoci que la polica fue superada e incapaces de responder oportunamente. PROFILE: He is a close associate of Chapo Alfredo and considered to be his right hand man. Wheres the proof hes involved ? Videos of the cartel convoy quickly went viral after the attack in Caborca, Sonora. The authorities know this very well and act like they cant see whats happening. PROFILE: He reports to Juan Pablo Quintero and Tony Navidad, the leaders of the Guaymas, Empalme area for the Caborca cartel. Snap. CIUDAD DE MXICO.- Extraditan a Estados Unidos a sobrino de Rafael Caro Quintero.. La Fiscala General de la Repblica (FGR) entreg en extradicin al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos a Ismael . (, PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. En Caborca, medios locales reportaron una balacera entre sicarios y elementos de Sedena, donde hubo 2 muertos, un detenido y un herido.#NoticiasMilenio #Carl. In reality it was written by contras or enemies of the Quinteros, hoping the federal goverment gets involved in preventing them from attempting to advance in Sonora. En 2021, Sonora registr 2,354 homicidios dolosos, siendo uno de los estados ms afectados por los asesinatos pese a tener . Caborca, Son. (Source, Source, Source), POSITION: Plaza Boss of the Port of Guaymas, NAME: [First Name Unknown] Quintero Navidad, PROFILE: He is the cousin of Juan Pablo Navidad and Rafael Caro Quintero. Miguel Caro Quintero was born in Caborca, Sonora, Mexico, in 1963.Previously arrested in 1992 on charges of tax evasion, he was found not guilty, which the DEA attributes to the use of threats and bribes by Caro Quintero.While imprisoned, it is believed Caro Quintero was still running the Sonora Cartel, where he is purging a prison sentence for racketeering, drug smuggling and money laundering. Pura gente del sombrero, My comment before the one about 6-3 didnt get posted I guess but in it I explained exactly what my source is fuckhead, Shame El Durango didnt get to finish the job. An Odessa man was arrested and more than 300 grams of cocaine were seized Tuesday following an undercover operation by the Odessa Police Department. Lmao hahaha bro, like I said Speedy does his thing I give him that, he's connected but to Flaquito and that's where it ends. (Source, Source, Source - p.7, Source), Plaza boss in Nogales, Magdalena, Santa Ana, Cucurpe, Ures, San Pedro de la Cueva (Source), OTHER ALIASES: El Gio, El Yiyo, El del Sombrero (Mayo is also referred to as Sombrero), PROFILE: El Gigio is the leader of Los Gigio, a group with a long history in the Nogales area. El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother, Juan Pablo. And even Flaquito isn't as big as Ramon was. La captura este viernes de Rafael Caro Quintero ha estado precedida . Mr. Andres Manuel Lpez Obrador. En los ltimos meses se han registrado varios eventos violentos relacionados con el crimen organizado , incluyendo el asesinato de 12 civiles en la regin de Caborca el pasado 20 de junio. (. He was apprehended by the US government on October 11, 2017 at the San Ysidro International Gate, California. He also reportedly manages the transportation of Caborca Cartel drug shipments to the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and parts of Tabasco. Cada vez se pone ms intensa la disputa por el estado de Sonora en la que Los Salazar, brazo armado del Crtel de Sinaloa (CDS) y el Crtel de Caborca encabezado por Rafael Caro Quintero, alias el Narco de Narcos, se pelean el control del narcotrfico. The Caborca Cartel, also known as the Sonora Cartel, is a criminal group based in the northern state of Sonora and reportedly led by infamous drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero. BB Do a article of the Caro/Payan family tree line ! A cluster of municipalities in central Sonora. His organization began with fee collection (cobra de piso) on owners of video game machines, cigarette vendors, the fees have escalated to affect small merchants and those of the Yaqui tribe. Chapo Alfredo also has strong Beltrn Leyva (BLO) associations, as his brother Trinidad Olivas Valenzuela alias Chapo Trini was allegedly a BLO plaza boss. Las cruenta "narco guerra" que actualmente protagonizan en el norte de Sonora los grupos del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, aliado del Crtel de Sinaloa, y el grupo de Caborca . One of the most important factions or subgroups under the Caborca cartel is Los Paez, a criminal clan based primarily in Caborca. (, PROFILE: El Gigio is the leader of Los Gigio, a group with a long history in the Nogales area. Just last December 4, the state secretary of Public Security, David Anaya Cooley, denied the presence of the "narco of narcos" in Caborca. PROFILE: El R is believed to be the day-to-day leader of the Caborca Cartel. When Chapo Trini was executed in July 2017, his brother Alfredo Olivas Valenzuela, alias Chapo Alfredo, is believed to have taken over leading the Los Olivas Organization. Come on bro you're honestly either a huge speedy fanboy, his best friend or just delusional. Ignacio counted with El Mayos support. El Chubeto worked for Los Chapitos, who have the following factions in the region: Los Salazar, Los Rumas and/or Los Costeos, and Los Cazadores. Y'all have you're own problems, pinche estado cagado hechado a perder. Replies. (, He as been tied to Sonora Sinaloa Cartel figures such as El Jabal and El Negro Sabori. In Caborca, Sonora, a couple of narco tarps were placed with messages to President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador (AMLO), who is on a three-day tour of the entity. (Source,Source,Source), OTHER ALIASES: El Charral, El Grenas, Narco de Narcos(Source). Hector Guerrero. Trump still having loser tour and ask donation from his stupid followers. At present, the group has a bloody dispute with the Los Salazar criminal cell, identified as the armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel. A un da que @lopezobrador_ estuvo en SONORA y cobr las cuotas al cartel @MxLibreAntiPG @HijosDeMx #NarcoEstado, Tido esta requetebin. OTHER NAMES: Los Siete Demonios (Photo via Twitter @niporwifi) MEXICO CITY More than a dozen vehicles filled with cartel gunmen . (Source), Chapo Alfredo is the brother of Chapo Trini, from whom he inherited the organization from. Notable Figures articles try to focus on contemporary cartel operators that have had major relevance within the last five years. Some social media users have also accused him of extortion operations in these areas, in addition to being in charge of the regional drug sales. (, ) Similar to El Castros alleged background, some social media users claim that El Monkey was a Secretara de Marina (SEMAR) soldier prior to becoming a hitman in service of La Plaza. (Source), POSITION: Organizes Drug Production in South America, Plaza Boss of Some Locations in Quintana Roo, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco, PROFILE: El Pelo Chino is the son of Eulogia Quintero Payan. ; Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0; additional terms may . (, PROFILE: El Oliver is believed to be the plaza boss of Empalme. In the early 2000s, Los Paez was headed by Octavio Paez Soto, the right-hand man of Miguel Angel Caro Quintero. DESCRIPTION:The Caborca Cartel, also known as the Sonora Cartel, is a criminal group based in the northern state of Sonora and reportedly led by infamous drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero.