The explosion inside an oxygen factory in the town of Bandar-e Mahshahr, south of Tehran. As this is different from Davids comment below Ill go away and try to get some evidence. The target selection technology provides NSM with a capacity for independent detection, recognition, and discrimination of targets at sea or on the coast. Any damage to external sensors, VLS tubes, the bridge area, mast, or flight deck would be enough to take it out of the fight. Its not a valid comparison in 2003 the Russian was in a post Yeltsin mess and in no way capable of acting as a deterrent to US forces. Ultimately, the maneuver ends abruptly. Purely theoretical, but just imagine Putin had deployed military units to Iraq in 2002/2003 as peacekeepers and to secure WMD. Thats an oversight. Putin has been blowing smoke about NATO having significant forces in countries bordering Russia, but really they are minimal. A source familiar with the Russian Defence Ministry's thinking said this was the most likely scenario if Moscow decided to attack, but that he was unaware of any such decision. However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he may consider halting the pipeline if Moscow attacks. The weakness is in Biden. A publicly available U.S. intelligence document said Russia could stage an invasion this month with up to 100 battalion tactical groups (BTGs) or some 175,000 troops. But the figures arent as large as claimed andRead more . I think Putin is going to have to attack or look weak. US truckers are heavily non vaccinated. Lots of disinformation out there I dont understand how Trump takes no blame on either side of the Atlantic for signing the peace deal with the Taliban of all groups but Biden blamed on this board with no push back. To all and intents you could be correct, but heres the rub he is a dictator in all but name. So, USA has no troops in Ukraine? SPEAR 3 will have a small warhead, but it will be very accurate. Ill think you well find Im disagreeing with a nut job who thinks Salisbury was a UK government conspiracy lol. Im all for countries determining their own choices, but I can see Putins concerns. Iranians being bombed at will??? The US CSG in the med training with Italy and Spain no doubt this is positioned close by aswell. Europe? Oh, that would be Slovakia and Poland for example who have NATO aircraft from America not to mention eFP fighters in Lithuania, Estonia and Bulgaria. Er, as infantry, I had all of 9 seconds according to the briefing table on the Majors desk reading down the list and RMP were given 36 hours; and the rest is history. "There is nothing unusual here: it is commonplace, but this time the ship is equipped with the latest hypersonic rocket system Zircon, which has no match. And the balls to back up that posture with action if necessary. Push buttons. I think most would agree Trump was a very poor President and Joe Biden has not covered himself in glory. At the end of the day it isnt going to be Britain v Russia, It will would be a NATO coalition. In such a febrile atmosphere, the risk of a misunderstanding or unplanned escalation is greater, and Russia could use such an incident as a casus belli. Helicopters for the littoral, Nuclear boats for larger vessels. UK and French jets team up against simulated aerial threat, Britain, Italy and Japan merge combat aircraft projects. It said: "The crew of the frigate 'Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov' conducted an air defense exercise in the Norwegian Sea. Historical animosity towards the Russians. But the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK, Vadym Prystaiko, called on extra help from Western powers. Its a gap that worries the ranks the most! I pray it doesnt happen, but sheer negligence in thisRead more . The Iranians are being bombed at will. F35 will be able to carry 8 of these missiles internally. As for unvaccinated drivers not being allowed to cross, well who wouldnt want to keep the chronically stupid out of their country? Published: 8:51 ET, Jan 24 2023 A RUSSIAN warship armed with "unstoppable" hypersonic missiles is sailing towards the US coast in a show of strength, reports claim. No Typhoons in Romania at present, but USAF F-15Es there. The ships - which included a . KALIBR provides even modest platforms, such as corvettes, with significant offensive capability and, with the use of the land attack missile, all platforms have a significant ability to hold distant fixed ground targets at risk using conventional warheads. Trump isnt the president now, its Biden. Hi Ron. It can be logically assumed that KALIBR capability willRead more . Unlike the Ukrainians who are, in the main, suffering out in the trench systems with a serious number of dont want to be here conscripts. Yes we cant come to Ukraines aid in any meaningful way but this should be it now as far as the Baltics are concerned- reinforce the fuck out of them so they know what surrounded really means and, I hate to say this but trump was right the Germans are useless spineless allies and they dont deserve the support they have now, relocate all forces to Poland and the Baltics where it really matters. Didnt work out too well last time. JSM is also getting a version of BAes RF receiver, that is one of the primary sensors on the LRASM. Russia is allied with Iran, need I say more. Nuclear centrifuge assembly plants. Syria is not a big news story for Putin. 'Should Russia invade, we will provide additional defensive equipment to Ukrainians.'. Were you not barred a couple of years ago from this site? LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea. But Russia? Last night a senior defence source said: 'We strongly believe [Putin's] preference is for a full invasion rather than a limited offensive. Combined, these would provide us with a very capable deterrent for home defence from land, sea and air. 36 minutes ago. I think Irans aspirations in the region run much deeper than having mild cooperation with Russia. I think one of Moscow's long-standing goals has been to try to sow divisions between and within our countries and quite simply, we cannot and will not let them do that. AnyRead more , Once again I must say that your assessment is spot on. A Ministry of Defence Spokesperson told me: As part of a unified response with our allies, the Royal Navy are monitoring the presence of Russian Ships as they transit through the English Channel. In an announcement on Monday, the agency said the surprise. Our carriers will only come intoRead more . France Germany etc may send troops to countries near Ukraine but fighting Ill be surprised. Surface vessels Anti ship missiles are effectively back up. 'Grateful for [US's] political & security support. Their Intel also saying that they see no particular problem. The reason they were happy to get rid was cost. British warships escort Russian fleet through English Channel, Turkeys first dedicated intelligence-gathering ship, TCG. Yes, its certainly a complex situation, aided no doubt by a perceived weakness of the US, which is currently very poorly led and has been for several years. Billboard in Dnipro, Ukraine with the statement written in Russian. The USA didnt pick UkraineRead more . Something will give as you cannot maintain an army at this sort of readiness indefinitely. And I know the USA seems to have more fruit-cakes that believe these. Iran if anything will be taking the opportunity to cause issues whilst US attention is firmly off the region. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. During the last 2 years lots of HGV drivers left the profession, as happens every year. HMS Lancaster joined Severn tracking Steregushchiy-class corvette Boikiy in the Channel and using its Wildcat helicopter to gather intelligence. Most likely require a supplementary MoD budget? Putin has huge domestic discontent for which the Ukraine crisis is a distraction. the disaster of the BEF and lack of anti tank capability that was promised in the event of conflict, sadly never materialised. How does that relate to this story? Agree but the Russians view is that any weapon in hand can be used against an enemy and therefore gets kept. A senior State Department official said: 'This is neither an exercise nor normal troop movement. Using it just to illustrate how the forward presence of US/Nato forces in Eastern Europe may or may not influence Russian decision making. I would say that is far more annoying than Greta who actually tries her best to practice what she preaches. The N Koreans are starving again. Sadly its not nonsense, the number of ships laying off shore is rising. Didnt Bidens Son in law have an interest in the Ukraine (monetary) ? This was of course totally unrelated to his dad, then VP, having a say on loan money going into Ukraine. It does not stop Russia interfering in/invading Ukraine. Is Harpoon totally ineffective against Russian ships or just a bit old? An analogy would be how the small number of US troops placed in both Syria and Afghanistan deterred attackers until they were removed andlook what follows. THey may have a go at making life uncomfortable for the US there as well. NSM in clear sea lanes, is perfectly suited to keeping enemy at arms length. I can see why you next comment was For starters. Some operating virtually continuously for a couple of years or more on a return trip every month. Its the same with 90% of Russian kit. It was not immediately clear what equipment would be arriving today. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. Its perhaps worth considering that just supposing a few Russian armoured/infantry detachments had been deployed in and around Baghdad at important government and military sites as peacekeepers/observers or an actual hostile force, then would the 2003 invasion of Iraq have taken place? The vessels were found by Naval News with the help of Damien Symon, an independent defense analyst. Perhaps all they want is a buffer zone with no NATO assets in sight? Warships belonging to the Russian Northern Fleet have sailed through the English Channel in a routine and lawful passage through British waters. Russia has accused Kyiv of harbouring plans to retake the region by force, something Ukraine denies. The Armys flip ups on procurement have disengaged us from effective land ops in NATO context. Social Media and Comment Moderation Policy, New British nuclear missile submarine reaches milestone, Despite funding concerns Type 32 Frigate still planned, European deployment successfully completed by Royal Navy, UK and US nuclear missile submarines send message to Russia, UK signs for Aster 30 Block 1 anti-ballistic missile weapons, Royal Navy seeking loitering munitions for ships, , NATO battlegroup in Bulgaria reaches full capability, BBC announces new aircraft carrier documentary. Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russia's Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a "show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts" General . Kongsberg have said that the NSM will also get the receiver. It builds up its arsenal in one location to make the world think thats the location they are going to attack. It remains unclear whether tanker Karma accidentally revealed its location. You are right. That is the role of EFP troops in Poland and the Baltics show of support plus being a tripwire. Royal Navy warship @HMSPortland is tracking Russian guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov and accompanying tanker Kama as they sail in international waters close to the UK. We are now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine.'. I would love it if we did do that. Criminal in the present circumstances which has been predictable for years that no effort to do so has been made. A string of government websites was hacked on Friday. (apologies for the convoluted English there!). No warning shots had been fired and no bombs had been dropped in the path of the Royal Navy destroyer Defender, it said. I really dont disagree with you. Complex rules of engagement, and a pretty good chance you wont hit the intended target. If this new cold war turns into something nasty, our T45 should have something better than Harpoon to engage enemy ships. It is certainly andy reeves again! Also most of that Russian buildup is into barracks so not suffering. But they need to be postured in way that showed the West meant business. If the US had done this early enough the Russians would have back off. 'The current deployments are versatile. Instead we were lured away by the glitter of ongoing wars in the ME. Your posts are very aggressive. Is not the opposite more true? No, but it would be interesting to know what Circumstances would trigger that. The fighting units the Russians have deployed are professional soldiers not conscrips. You talking Cobbers as usual! The ships have included a surfaced submarine, a destroyer, a corvette and a patrol ship along with their supporting tugs and supply ships travelling in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and the West Coast of Scotland. During its 2008 war with Georgia, Russia bristled at U.S. warships operating in the Black Sea, and in April the United States cancelled the deployment of two warships to the area. In this second scenario NATO troops/aircraft dont even need to be in Ukraine thereby making it difficult for Putin to complain. Try it too often, find work elsewhere. The big question is-could this conflict once started, and if NATO do get involved, be limited to a conventional battle? Estonia is sending Javelin anti-armor missiles while Latvia and Lithuania are sending Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and related equipment, according to a Friday statement by the countries defense ministers. Will Stewart Would tend to agree with you Graham, to what end does Putin need to invade Ukraine? Mr Prystaiko also slammed Berlin for pushing ahead with the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that will circumvent Ukraine. In total, the pair saw 14 ships, led by a Russian minesweeper, approach the coast off Odesa and then turn back toward Crimea. US is now flying in warlike items to Ukraine. If I see him Ill ask. Likewise the presence of Nato tripwire forces might just persuade Russian planners to step back. Lauren Lewis For Mailonline, Russia sends troops and military vehicles to Belarus in move likely to increase fears of Ukraine invasion ahead of Putin's 'war games' with ally Lukashenko, German Chancellor appeases Putin and obstructs Western efforts to defend Ukraine as he refuses to send weapons to Kiev's forces and takes soft stance towards Russia, White House believes Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent: Jen Psaki warns there is an 'extremely dangerous situation' at the border ahead of Blinken's trip to meet President Volodymyr Zelensky, Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, 'Vindication': Georgia Harrison on ex Stephen Bear's sentencing, Incredible footage of Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russians in Bakhmut, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' Published. Unless of course you are a Putin oligarch;0). I think youll find the Poles really ramping up, unlike us Brits who have more horses than tanks, the Poles have superannuated their winged hussars moumts and morphed onto modern MBTs. Saying your putting your entire navy to sea simultaneously across every theatre you operate in is a bit of a red flag.. though considering the state of the Russian navy if even 25% of the ships leave harbour I will be surprised. I have little faith when the top brass commit to building frigates that have no ASW or AsUW capabilities. "The U.S. Coast Guard is currently monitoring the Russian . If you were spending months in a bunker in a trench system in that climate I think it may well matter. The conflict in Donbass has killed 15,000 people, Kyiv says. SMs dont spend a lot of time having needless conversations with their controlling authority. U.S. officials have said Russia might attack Ukraine as early as this month when the ground will be harder, making it easier for tanks and other armour to move swiftly. Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Without listing specific equipment plans General Carter hinted long-range precision rockets, air defence missiles and surveillance drones would be brought into service. faster working shipyards would help. Could you tell me what youre drinking? good job that idiot trump doesnt have access to the red button or the west would be rubble. That was not my point: NATO has antied up and put boots on the ground, who are prepared to fight. Xi has exactly the same problems internally in China and may be actually undetaking a modern genocide of the Uighur for which the Taiwan crisis is his distraction. General Sir Nick Carter delivering the annual Royal United Services Institute lecture. Video shared by the US Coast Guard of a Russian ship near the Hawaiian Islands. Im afraid Martlet wouldnt scratch the paint on a Kirov, whilst the Wildcat wouldnt get within range to launch kinetics before being eliminated by the Grumble. View our online Press Pack. It looks like a scene from 1984. Or perhaps NATOs drive eastwards since the fall of communism might just be giving them sleepless nights! ', She said it mimicked the playbook used when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula, and included social media disinformation to show Kiev as the instigator of violence. French President Emmanuel Macron has offered to send troops to Romania., More of your disinfo to correct here the US spends as much as the next 11 biggest spenders combined on defense nowadays not the rest of the world. But you have to appreciate they are not the be all and end all. Actually, its an interesting point. Regime change? A 4 ship of F35s could put 36 missiles into the target area from over 100km away with the advantage of stealth. People always seem to vastly underestimate the effectiveness of a medium gun. Whereas I have friends and colleagues dotted along the West Coast which is how I can call out your nonsense on that one. The US Coast Guard in Alaska came across Russian and Chinese vessels on an ordinary patrol earlier this month, the agency has said. An interesting question is how much does Kremlin insider Klyushin being in US custody have to do with the escalation? "Escorting the Russian task group alongside forces from our NATO allies has demonstrated the UKs commitment to the alliance and to maintaining maritime security. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Six Russian landing ships have sailed past Britain sparking speculation they are bound for an impending 'full-scale invasion' of Ukraine - as Kiev warns President Putin has 'nearly completed' the build-up of troops along the border. Hi mate. Again, your assessment that putting 2,000 US troops into Ukraine before the status quo has changed, would not have detered 100,000+ troops amassing on the border or the worldwideRead more . And you dont have to sink a warship to take it out of the fight. I tell you what happened ; the worst thing that people in this Country did, come out of Europe. By He sees weakness and disharmony and a split America with half the voters seeing thier Country as an island totally ignorant of what losing Europe would mean to the US position in the World. And even 2 or 3 Astute boats would give any fleet a serious headache. The same Russian warship has since conducted military drills in the Norwegian Sea, the Russian defence ministry announced. Not training troops. The Ivan Gren-class can transport 40 BTRs or IFVs and 300 troops. HMS Tyne, HMS Richmond and HMS Kent jointly escorted the same group of Russian ships as they operated in the Celtic Sea. Supplying intel and light weapons will not change the outcome much , Russia will win regardless of the losses shell receive. At least they didnt decimate their armed forces like the UK and most of its allies as a result of peace dividend at end of cold war. Ukraine has long accused Russia of having regular troops in the region, something Moscow denies. I think itRead more , Hi Dave ,knife through Butter with todays build of warships we can but dream a larger build of Destroyer with 6in either single or twin fully Auto good fire control radar no need for the old 274/75 sights or LAS just ops Rm fire controller and PWO but alas smaller ships and bores seem too be the way fwd with The MOD. Special Forces, or a couple of thousand US Marines or Paratroopers. So the design probably dates back to the late 1960s / early 1970s, so getting a bit long in the tooth..! We all have opinions and may not always agree but nice to keep things civilised. Tommo dont get carried away with what the media put out. He then moves on to Berlin and will also hold talks with France and the UK.