Coronation: 15 January 1559, Westminster Abbey. The rest of the Spanish fleet was forced to sail away from the French coast and into the North Sea with the English fleet on their trail. The English navy attempted some minor raids but they were largely ineffective as only 2 Spanish ships were lost, and these were by accident. J. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. The plan was that 130 ships (equipped with 2431 guns) would sail along the Channel to the Netherlands, where they would pick up 27,000 troops, led by the Duke of Parma. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. She raised an army following her escape from prison but was defeated at Langside (Glasgow). Humiliatingly, Elizabeth had to confirm the loss of Calais, which had been an English possession since 1347. -Elizabeth forced to impose strict penalties against Catholics (penal laws) which enforced religious settlement and protected England against Catholic influence. Copy. The most important reason however was a combination of Marys arrival and the Popes interference. If this union between Scotland and France became something, Spain could help England by attacking France from below. Elizabeth was eager to nullify the threat of the Auld Alliance (Scotland and France), which had been further reinforced by the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots and French King Francis II. There are many reasons for this, including interference in English affairs from the Pope, Elizabeths role in the Dutch revolt (which angered Catholic Spain), Mary Queen of Scots arrival in England in 1568 and the rebellion in 1569 that was led by the Catholic Earls Northumberland and Westmoreland. 1585 Treaty of Nonsuch This significantly committed Elizabeth to support the Dutch rebels directly against the Spanish. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! How much is the average salary for an overseas dentist? Seeing Spain as a threat, Elizabeth tried to form an alliance with France. . You may use the following in your answer: Mary, Queen of Scots and foreign threat (12 marks) . The traditional bonds between England and Spain were deteriorating and England needed the support of France for protection from Spain. This partly explained why harsher treatment of Catholics occurred soon after, led by the Council of the North. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. Spain and France were the major European powers. The Armada sailed up the Channel in a defensive crescent formation which used the large armed galleons to protect the weaker supply ships and infantry ships. Protestants (notably John Knox) initially claimed female rule was unnatural or monstrous, while Roman Catholics judged . James also pledged to help Elizabeth if invaded. This included: 1) the Act of Supremacy which stated that Elizabeth was Head of the Church, 2) the Act of Uniformity which set out expectations for church appearances and church services and 3) Royal Injunctions a set of instructions reinforcing the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity. Another being the English sympathy to the protestant rebels on the Netherlands. When Elizabeth I acquired the English throne in 1558, many believed due to the religious decisions of her predecessors, dating back to Henry VIII's reign, Elizabeth had inherited a country that was predominantly Catholic in belief. She's regarded as one of the greatest monarchs of England. This attack proved to be a major setback for Spanish preparation for the Armada. As the closest person to God in the eyes of the Catholics, obeying the Pope was of paramount importance and this meant Elizabeth had to be suspicious of other Catholic threats at home. Phillip II of Spain was reluctant to destroy his alliance with Elizabeth and therefore his support for the plots were heart-hearted. The news of the rebellion caused widespread. Apply for student finance without a bank account? JPs provided the able-bodied with raw materials (like wool) to make items to sell. Calais was a French port which the English had occupied and was responsible for 80% of wool exports. This established a new Anglo-Scottish peace and also reconfirmed the agreement at Cateau-Cambresis. The features and significance of the Ridolfi, Throckmorton and Babington plots. In response to the Throckmorton Plot, Elizabeths advisors drafted the Bond of Association, which was aimed at deterring any further plots. The war was going badly for England. In the eyes of the Spanish, Drake was a pirate however in the eyes of the English and Elizabeth, he was a patriot. Another reason Dudley failed was a number of his officers were divided over questions of strategy. During the 1570s, England was starting to have ambitions of establishing an empire of its own and had hoped to become an imperial power that could rival Spain. Drake also managed to capture a Spanish ship called the. In 1558, the same year Elizabeth became Queen of England, a number of As the Spanish had lost these to Drake, they were forced to make their barrels from unseasoned wood, which couldnt preserve food or water very well. Elizabeth's legitimacy was one of many problems that Elizabeth faced when she became Queen in 1558. Norfolk was also expected to marry Mary. The Ridolfi Plot of 1571 and later the Throckmorton and Babington Plots, of 1583 and 1586 respectively, all involved the aim of placing Mary on the throne. Mary was married to Philip II of Spain. The first question to ask yourself when revising for GCSE psychology is which exam board am I studying? Elizabeth seized the gold which angered King Phillip and in response, he seized English ships that were in Antwerp. Company Reg no: 04489574. Boston House, Here is an example answer to the following 16-mark question on the reasons for the increased Catholic threat to Elizabeth I after 1566. Therefore, I disagree with the statement. AQA GCSE History Paper 2 Section A 8145/2A/C - 16 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 2: British depth study 1HI0 B1-B4 16 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 2: Period study 1HIA P1-P5 - 21 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA A Level History Paper 1 (options A to L) 7042/1C - 26 May 2022 [Exam Chat], OCR A Level History Non-British period study: All Exams - 22 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 1: Thematic study 1HI0 10-13 - 19 May 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 2 Section B 8145/2B/C - 21 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 2 Section A 8145/2A/A - 16 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 1 Section B 8145/1B/C - 19 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level History Paper 3: 9HI0 30-39 - 22 June 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 1 Section B 8145/1B/B - 19 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 3: Modern depth study 1HI0 30-33 - 9 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level History Paper 2: Depth Study 9HI0 2A-2H - 10 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat]. Cleopatra, Queen Victoria and many more. She replaced her Catholic half-sister Mary, who died childless. By spring 1588, the Spanish Armada was complete and King Phillip was ready to launch his, The Armada was a huge fleet consisting of, The Spanish also had thousands of more soldiers stationed in the Netherlands under the command of the. West Yorkshire, Elizabeths legitimacy becomes a problem because of this marriage. Boston Spa, By instinct, Elizabeth was a 2022 Youth Conference - post conference 4 month challenge! West Yorkshire, 214 High Street, As long as Mary was alive, the plots could always be deemed credible and many Catholics secretly wanted a return to Catholocism. The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, finally removed the on-going threat at home from Catholics who wanted to replace Elizabeth with her. Mary, Queen of Scots, flees from Scotland to England. Dudleys campaign in 1586-1587 proved to be unsuccessful and he suffered heavy defeats at the hands of the Spanish general, the. The northern nobles felt Elizabeths advisors were responsible for many of these policy changes. They had enjoyed religious freedom under Queen Mary, Elizabeth's sister, and they were now being. A very detailed response which demonstrates excellent subject knowledge and reaches a clear judgement based on justifiable criteria. Foreign Affairs. - Quite a significant political threat as both France and Spain had the power to invade England. He saw Drake as a pirate and therefore deemed Elizabeths act as deliberately provocative. Moreover, a child would create more stability domestically and nullify challenges to the throne (like that from Mary Queen of Scots) as a political vacuum would have been filled. Elizabeth and James VI agreed to maintain Protestantism as their respective countries religion. Elizabeth and Philipthese two powerful peoplewould begin their relationship peacefully, even warmly, but they would become enemies, facing off in a battle of empires and faiths that would . Spains naval and military strength was much greater than Englands at the time, so Elizabeth was reluctant to do anything that could damage their already fragile relationship and lead to open war with Spain.. The loss of ships, weapons and supplies were proving incredibly costly for Spain as these needed to be replaced and obtaining fresh supplies put a strain on Spains finances. France however, thought her intention was to create war between France and Spain while England looked on. Both could be serious threats to Elizabeths England. Continue with Recommended Cookies. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Drake was the first English person to achieve this (and the second person in history at the time). There was a very real risk that he could form an alliance with other Catholic powers such as France and Spain and invade England. In July, the Spanish fleet was seen off Cornwall and signal fires known as beacons were lit along the south coast to send the news to the Elizabeth who was in London. Moreover, to raise money Elizabeth would have to make the immediately-unpopular decision of raising taxes, the permission for which would need to be granted by parliament (which, in turn, could then make further demands on Elizabeth). The raid on Cadiz proved to be a major setback for King Phillips plans to invade England and delayed the Armada by more than a year. There were two important reasons why France was seen as a threat to England. There are 4 main exam boards used in the UK. The threat posed by the pretenders Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel. Died: 24 March 1603. Queen Elizabeth and King Phillip II were still reluctant to openly declare war with one another however, in 1585, this changed due to dispute over the Netherlands. On the death of Mary and the accession of Elizabeth, many hard-line Protestants returned from mainland Europe (where they had fled for their own safety during the reign of Mary) in the full expectation that they were returning to a state where Protestantism was the one and only . The fear of a Catholic uprising and a plot against Elizabeth was a constant threat to her. The New World, privateering and the significance of the activities of Sir Francis Drake. Sir Francis Drake and the raid on Cadiz: `Singeing the King of Spains beard. Surviving colonists abandon Virginia and return to England. He was a protestant and head of his country; however England viewed Sweden as a mediocre power and not a nation to be linked with in marriage. Roberto di Ridolfi was an Italian banker who played a small role in the Revolt of the Northern Earls. She was the last monarch of the Tudor period. This meant atholics did not think . August 3rd - 4th: Spanish ships were outgunned and forced to move to Calais in France. English canons could also be reloaded more quickly than the Spanish ones allowing them to inflict greater damage. Before she came to the throne her mother Mary of Guise ruled Scotland while she remained in France married to the French prince Francis. West Yorkshire, Henry believed that Elizabeth wanted France to go to war with Spain while England looked on and would benefit from the probable weakening of both. - I partly agree with the statement as both France and Spain were powerful Catholic countries, who could unite against Protestant England. Insolvency therefore limited the choices of the new Queen and instantly undermined her power. The imprisonment owed to her likely involvement in the murder of her second husband, Lord Darnley. After inheriting the throne from her sister Mary I, Elizabeth was 300,000 in debt. However, it should be noted that one reason for the eventual crushing of the revolt is because the vast majority of Catholics in the north stayed loyal to Elizabeth and did not revolt, suggesting that Elizabeth did not face a threat from all Catholics within England, but enough of a threat to be permanently suspicious. August 8th: Battle of Gravelines fireships caused the Spanish fleet to scatter. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! In 1558, England lost its final possession - the port of Calais - in France. Francis Drake is knighted on the Golden Hind. A great threat was presented by Catholic opposition to Elizabeth's rule, but Mary's influence over this, and therefore the threat that she posed as an individual, may be called into question. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. She managed these difficulties with great pragmatism and opportunism, reducing the threat of invasion. Many colonists this time were poverty-stricken Londoners (it was felt they would be used to hard work and would therefore be happy to work for a new life in the New World). Fearful of the wrath of Catholic powerhouses, France and Spain, Elizabeth did not want to be perceived as Europes leading Protestant. Parma and his men, however, were being blockaded by Dutch ships and werent able to reach the coast in time. Spain depended on large ships which were heavy and difficult to handle whereas the English built long, narrow ships that were faster and easier to handle. As with the 1569 plot, she would marry the Duke of Norfolk. [This summary of factors helps re- establish conceptual focus]. The harsh weather conditions made it impossible for the Spanish fleet to return to the Channel after the battle of Gravelines. What made the Auld Alliance stronger at this time was the fact that Mary, Queen of Scots was married to the French Prince Francis II. VAT reg no 816865400. The Pope, as head of the Catholic Church, could rally support for these plots and for some Catholics, obeying the Pope was more important than obedience to Elizabeth. Become a Member | In 1558, England and Spain were still allies against France, but King Philip of Spain (who had been married to Mary) hated Protestantism with a passion. Boston Spa, By 1572 Protestant ideas had spread in the Netherlands and Protestant Dutch rebels began a campaign for independence from Catholic Spain, leading to the Dutch Revolt. Some Vikings fled to France to establish a colony called Normandy. King Philip of Spain sent an. VAT reg no 816865400. Elizabeth offered support to the Protestant Henry IV of France but found him an difficult ally to get on with. Roberto Ridolfi was a spy of the Pope. Why was the threat of invasion Elizabeth's biggest problem in 1558? Therefore, France controlled the whole of the northern coastline and posed a major threat to England. Elizabeth faced many problems upon her accession to her throne in 1558 and, whilst the question of legitimacy was important, the immediate concerns of debt, as well as the threat from France and Scotland were of far greater significance as they instantly impacted upon her ability to rule. The first being Elizabeth's refusal of marriage to Phillip if Spain. Tensions in the Netherlands increased greatly between 1576 and 1584. The defeat of the Northern Earls showed there was little appetite for a Catholic revolution. The Spanish plan to meet the Duke of Parma at Dunkirk was seriously flawed. - Invasion was a major threat because of the power of the countries France and Spain. Instead, Drakes plan was to attack the port of Cadiz, which wasnt as well defended. Elizabeth I: a biography. Describe two features of Elizabeth's religious settlement 1559 5. In this sense, the colonisation of Virginia should be understood in relation to the wider conflict with Spain. Describe two features of the threats posed to Elizabeth in 1558 3. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th point + evidence. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. In 1568 Elizabeth also controversially stole gold from Spanish ships (which was loaned from Genoese banks to fund the Spanish army, against the Dutch rebels) that were staying at English ports. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Here is a summary timeline of key events for students taking Early Elizabethan England (1558-88). To counter homelessness and the begging/criminal activity that sometimes accompanied this, a law was passed that stated that, if found, vagrants were: 1) to be whipped and have a hole drilled through each ear 2) if found a second time would be imprisoned 3) would be killed if found a third time. In April 1587, Drake sailed to Cadiz and began attacking the anchored ships there. Overview of Elizabeth I / "The Scarlet Ibis" would be a different story if it were told from Doodle's point of view. They began to revolt against the Spanish. However, the settlement was abandoned and no trace of the colonists was ever found. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th explanation. Catholic priests were ordered to leave so as not to influence the English Catholics with divided loyalties. The plots were often uncovered due to Elizabeths informants and Walsinghams highly efficient spy network. After her death in 1558, her half-sister Elizabeth I preceded the throne and she tried to re-establish Puritanism in England. English exports to Europe were vital to the English economy and reached the European market via the Dutch ports, particularly Antwerp. Marys permanent presence in England meant that she was a rallying point for many Catholics, who believed she had a stronger claim to the English throne than Elizabeth. Elizabeth I is by many historians considered one of England's greatest ever monarchs, which heralded the 'golden age' in English history. Foreign prince candinates would all be Catholic. The attack was a success. The English had drastically improved their shipbuilding techniques which gave them several technological advantages. Boston House, English ships were went on many voyages of discovery and established valuable trade routes with India and the far east. Elizabeth I faced more difficulties as a monarch than any other Tudor. These ensured the plots were uncovered before they could be fully developed. The evidence was enough to persuade Elizabeth to put Mary on trial and eventually execute her for treason. - The threat increased by the fact that Spain and France were catholic, but Elizabeth had chosen to move her country towards Protestantism. However, the Privy Council had put huge pressure on Elizabeth to marry and urged her to take a husband in late 1559, which suggests that the Privy Council would have agreed on a suitor had there been someone suitable as they realised the importance of securing a Protestant English throne and the Tudor dynasty, and perhaps it was this lack of a suitable suitor that caused Elizabeth to remain . Apple Ordered to Pay Optis Wireless $300 Million in Second LTE Patent Trial. Most people in . Dedicated to. VAT reg no 816865400. This delayed the Spanish attack and gave the English more time to prepare (hence the attempted invasion of the Armada one year later in 1588). "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 2nd explanation. It was the arrival of Mary which also partly contributed to the revolt of the Northern Earls in 1569, which had brief success. Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook. The invasion would include the murder of Elizabeth and the placing of Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne. She changed the church back to Anglican and it has been the official . Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! Elizabeth had also reduced the power of the northern nobles and increased her own control over the north through the Council of the North, which helped govern the area. In October 1586, Mary was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. Elizabeth therefore committed actions that helped undermine the Spanish whilst ensuring England did not become fully embroiled in the conflict. Abroad, however, was another matter as Marys execution inflamed Catholic opposition and increased the threat of foreign invasion. Another serious contender was Francis, Duke of Alencon, later Duke of Anjou. When Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558, she inherited a difficult financial situation and a debt of 227,000. He was the son of King Henry VIII by his third wife, Jane Seymour.Throughout the realm, the people greeted the birth of a male heir, "whom we hungered for so long", with joy and relief. 214 High Street, Explain why Elizabeth faced many problems upon ascending to the throne in 1558 . Mary's Catholicism and previous alliance with France increased the threat of a French invasion in support of her, which threatened the stability of Elizabeth's kingdom.