He opened it and pulled one out. Normally he would have been red with irritation from the sound of such irksome persistence, but the smile that would claim Bokuto's face whenever he agreed to something would make Akaashi forget all about how frustrated he was. Akaashi stared at Bokuto, opened his mouth to say something, but found that he couldn't form even one simple word. What was he to do? "I know." Thin lips pressed into an even thinner line. He leaned into his touch, and his vision began to fade, his eyes welling with tears. Akaashi felt his heart sink to his stomach. Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. "Of course they do." Not in front of Bokuto. "About three hours." He held it up to his ear and waited for the other line to pick up. more depressing than the outsiders. My friend is." That he wasn't another one of those illusions his mind would create. "So we were going to step outside for a minute or two in order to get this owl to shut up.". Akaashi almost smiled back, and he would have, too, if it hadn't been for the thunder that sounded its arrival from above. Akaashi stared on as his mind searched for words. "Shut up." "What?". He tried to aim for it at the very least, but found it difficult to. There was definitely a storm coming his way, so Akaashi knew that Bokuto would need him. He did not seem to take offense easily. Akaashi turned away and frowned. hasjhjaa currently crying. When he had, however, instead of shutting his phone off and trying to force a few hours of sleep upon himself, Akaashi stared at the phone screen longingly, and read the last messages that were sent between them. Looking down swiftly, Akaashi's sights locked onto his hands. Akaashi figured it was safe to say that Bokuto had already begun to pull Kenma back in. "You're sick, you need medical attention. "I know that I'm unbearable. Nodding once, Akaashi acknowledged Kuroo's words, but did not know how to respond to them. Getting into the groove, Akaashi follows his routine of preparing for school. He feared he wouldn't be able to pull himself out of this state, but then it occurred to him that he was not alone in this. He looked up at the sickly one when he'd said those words, trying to meet his gaze, but ultimately finding no yellow eyes to look into. It was the weakest sound Akaashi had ever heard. Bokuto's voice was soft, measly, and carried no force to it. Akaashi watched as one of Bokuto's hands twitched involuntarily, and to his dismay, it wouldn't stop. But three hours can also feel like seven minutes. His head was down and his fingers moved swiftly over the buttons on the gaming device that he held in his hands. He figured he would tell his parents that the people in the hospital were too occupied with everything else to tend to him. He removed his slippers and waited at the entrance for his friend to enter. "I'll get you back to the hospital by seven in the morning.". Akaashi.". "I used to have some insane dreams, too. He wanted for him to spike it at least once lest Bokuto threw a self hate-induced panic attack. In another life. Slowly, he reached a hand out and closed it over the twitching one, his four fingers fitting into Bokuto's palm. "I used to handle the cold better than this." He, too, did not intend on showing up to any funeral. He tried desperately to hold it in. His head rested against the bed, slumped to the side, facing away from Akaashi. "He does. i was disappointed they didn't fricking kiss and bokuto's death is just the saddest thing in the world. In its latest offering, 'Another Life', it has 'Battlestar Galactica' star, Katee Sackhoff, play the role of a woman who leads a team of astronauts into deep space to discover the . "What are you smiling at?" Akaashi knew this. Do something Akaashi closed his mouth and swallowed. This is why I never read Major Character Death. [Nightmare? "Keep in touch, Akaashi.". He pulled the thick blanket over himself with much effort. He started down the hall, sighing heavily, intent on rushing home. He meets Bokuto, a patient who has a crippling disease, Fatal familial insomnia, FFI. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. He was waiting for Kenma, but Akaashi wondered why he hadn't waited for him in the seat that he was initially sitting in. ", Bokuto stared at Akaashi. They remained speechless in each other's company for several minutes before Bokuto actually spoke up, his voice sounding like nothing more than a mere whisper. Where most people would detach themselves, Bokuto took hold and wouldn't let go, being as persistent as he was energetic. "Keep him company from now on. "It's your house. Akaashi said bitterly as he hobbled up the stairs. "Apathy-kun." I am still crying. Akaashi turned to catch a glimpse of him, but he stared off in the distance, his eyes not focusing on anything in particular. ", "That's the same thing!" He turned around. Akaashi laced his fingers together and dug his nails into the backs of his hands. "Take a seat. Akaashi's parents were intent on having him intern in a hospital nearby, so that he could stockpile more things that would look . He smelled sort of like a hospital. I'm not quite sure if he dies from a heartbreak or not though, trying to find that out for myself. I'm not just some visitor, after all. He stretched and stifled a yawn, pushed a hand through the mess that was his hair, and relaxed his head against Akaashi's shoulder. After this, he would repeat the same process, paying little to no mind to the freezing cold that surrounded him. "Hi." It was Akaashi's way of letting Bokuto know that everything would be alright, and this would always comfort him, no matter the situation they were in. A month and sixteen days had passed since Bokuto's final visit to Akaashi's home, and once he'd been taken back to the hospital, the doctors and nurses made sure to keep a closer eye on him, and with good reason. My face was the only thing sticking out." sutton united average attendance; "There is no known cure, huh?" From: Bokuto (Sent July 29th at 11:56 PM). His hand wobbled so much that it was impossible to decipher which letters he was hitting. He didn't care if it was seven at night, or eight at night, or twelve in the morning, or if the world's clock stopped moving altogether. Akaashi managed the faintest of smiles. Akaashi watched Bokuto, listening to every word he said. There was no hiding it. Akaashi shared a bench with Kenma. From: Kuroo (Sent January 31st at 2:25 PM), [Things could be better. After that night, things had only gone downhill from then. "Of course. I have have a theory that make he managed to achieve sleep, like w/out twitching awake, and during that sleep he entered a dream phase where he kinda had "the light" moment and passed . It was soft. It felt strange, not falling asleep against Bokuto's body, but Akaashi knew that he would have to get used to this form of sleeping by his lonesome once again. Bokuto stared at Akaashi, his features having gone from disappointed to unaccepting. He placed it on the counter near his bedside and buried himself into the blanket that he had so openly shared with Bokuto. Turning his attention back to him, Bokuto met Akaashi's gaze. "What's up, guys? Shut him out, don't let him in. His face glowed the quietest shade of red, and he tried to hide it from Akaashi. "Would you like for him to send a photo?". "So I guess I am pretty good at being funny. YES! Akaashi remained in his faux sleeping position, feeling that it would take much more of an effort for him to open his eyes and check around than to stay dormant. Looking up from the laptop screen, Bokuto directed his attention to Akaashi. There was a longing in his eyes that Akaashi couldn't stand to see. He just breathed now. He twisted his body to reach for the box of Pocky that sat on the counter. Apathy-kun. It's ridiculous.". The day was exceptionally cold, but Akaashi was glad to know that the hospital's room provided enough heat to keep Bokuto from freezing over. He placed a hand on his broad back and rubbed gently, hoping to comfort him and to be the stronger of the two. ", A laugh escaped Bokuto, the sound curling his lips into a smile. "That's Fine with me." He found it strange, how Bokuto was the one walking around when he was the sick one out of the lot. ], [Are you calming down? His hands at his sides, Bokuto bowed. He then reached out and took hold of Bokuto's arm to help him back to the bed. We can watch Cloud Atlas again. "Is there something wrong with me standing here?" Bokuto smiled wide to those words. "Sorry." Several flakes had gathered on the outstretched limb, but they were not quick to melt. I didn't hear what you said" Kenma looked up and was greeted with a front facing camera. Keep it cool. rockin' the west coast prayer group; easy bulky sweater knitting pattern. He looked down at Bokuto as he said this, and glanced away soon after. So instead of putting on a sour expression, Akaashi only kept a neutral one, like he always did. Akaashi murmured the words and looked Bokuto up and down. Partly be-cause I was too afraid to read up on it. He instead continued to stare in Akaashi's direction with hopeful eyes. This is one of the best fics, no, pieces of writing full stop that I've ever read! littleluxray's writing style is absolutely amazing and i can see why several people love this. "I understand, but I still have to go." He dreamt of nothing in particular that night. Did he really think he was admitted to a hospital just because he was having trouble sleeping? Bokuto's hands were as cold as ice, causing Akaashi's concern in him to grow even more. His only other choice was to lie there and accept whatever it was the IV liquid had to offer him. Akaashi closed his eyes against him. His voice was a soft tremor. Statistics Chart He stood there, hesitant, uninterested, indifferent. Characters die in one life?" He didn't want to be the one to say no to someone who had little to nothing left in his life. "Do you want your scarf back?" He moved forward. You like volleyball too?! Sho, known as Shawn in the US dub, is the male lead of The Secret World of Arrietty. "I heard the doctors talking. An 'It's alright,' could be heard from behind him, but it soon faded as Akaashi continued forward. Bokuto reached up a cold, frail hand to wipe at the mess that was his face. It was his attempt at brightening the mood, or "being funny," as some called it, but alas, his words had fallen flat on the ground as he received another silent reply from Bokuto. Show him a movie or play a game with him that would result in him to calm down quickly. Bokuto would've taken an hour. ", "I am. Akaashi didn't say another word afterwards. Complete and utter silence befell them afterwards. He rubbed the back of his neck. Lying next to Akaashi, a ghostly pale Bokuto smiled. He squeezed Akaashi, mashing him closer until he could barely breathe. Trying so hard to fit in that small amount of sleep that would get him through the next day, and Akaashi wanted to help. He would have laughed if he could. He looked at Akaashi with heavy lidded eyes. "I look Like shit, I know.". An old friend." His fingers remained stiff for quite some time as his eyes read the introductory paragraph over and over again. He had probably lost a bit overtwenty pounds in the two months that passed. "Are you sure you should be going out in the cold like that?". Bokuto stared down at the white clump of melting ice, and with one finger, he pressed against it to watch it fall apart. Akaashi did not give him time to react to this as he moved closer still, and when he was close enough, he lowered his head to lean it on Bokuto's shoulder. "No is my final answer." That had been the fifth time that month where Akaashi had to tear himself out of another nightmare. He blinked sluggishly. He turned his head to get a clear look at Bokuto's face, but instantly wished he hadn't. "Well, even if you wanted to, I wouldn't have an answer for you." What was he to say? "My parents aren't home.". Akaashi rose from his seat to enter the room, but instead found Bokuto standing at the door in seconds, his eyes wide with surprise. "It's freezing." Seeing this display unfold before him, Akaashi could barely think. Akaashi set his phone down and leaned back slowly, resting the back of his head against his pillow. He turned his head slowly to look at Bokuto, and watched him as he lay in his arms. My home is not a place for you to be right now. This one.". Imagine the looks on their faces when they see me coming in from the outside. With his hand clinging to his neck, he slowly looked up to find that Akaashi was staring back at him with vacant eyes, void of all known emotion. I never asked." He observed his surroundings once again, having been fascinated by the inside of someone else's home. He moved in his seat and sat straight against the head of the bed, then looked down at Bokuto. Surely enough, he noticed Kenma sitting in the seat next to Bokuto's bed. And even if he could speak, he wouldn't have been able to talk for long considering the state he was in. He pushed the laptop away and pressed play. "Wait, what? All he cared about was the fact that Bokuto Koutarou was still there. It would shake every so often, and each time it did, Akaashi would squeeze lightly in response. Akaashi's eyes widened, his emotions now falling victim to a strange mix of fear and fury. All he had to do was talk to someone, and in an instant, they would be involved in Bokuto's lively shenanigans once again. Akaashi's chortling had been dragged out for a few seconds longer before he, too, quieted down. It reminded him of his home Bokuto nearly bumped into Akaashi as he stopped to enter his room. haikyuulovestory, xread. Kuroo panned the phone to his side, and a blurred Kenma came into focus on screen. When you're around him, you help him forget.". He would study them for quite a while until they melted and left behind nothing more than a droplet on his arm. I don't want to know them. Akaashi hesitated. After several minutes, Akaashi closed his laptop and lay back on his bed. He had no interest in staying where he was. Akaashi felt his chest rise. He didn't get a response, nor did he see any signs of responding. (See the end of the work for more notes.). "I refuse to go. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life. It works for me as well. I don't regret meeting you.". ", Confused and mildly shocked, Akaashi made a face. Bokuto missed Akaashi's set twelve times. I don't want to read them. Here too" His voice was weaker than before, if possible. In no time, Bokuto was standing in front of Akaashi, eager in every way to make it to the gymnasium. Still, he continued. I was sobbing so hard at the end I legit thought I was going to pass out. "They aren't really there." "I am. It was a quiet laugh. His lips quivered before he could form his words. "What's it called?" He watched as Bokuto's smile faded instantly, his eyes having gone from half lidded to wide in a second. Kuroo's voice was reserved and reluctant. After a while, he opened his eyes and sighed, then moved across the court to the net. Mentally, he was more than ready to spike, but not so much physically. "Just Because" He replied in what almost sounded like a surprised tone. He was slow to speak up again, but did either way. "Thank you." "How does it feel? As much as he didn't want to believe it, Akaashi wanted so badly to help. "And nothing you say will make me leave.". Surely enough, snow was falling, and in chunks too, but this did not grasp Bokuto's attention. Looking away slowly, Akaashi watched as Bokuto and Kuroo reappeared in the distance. The discomfort could be heard in Bokuto's voice. Devastation weighed down on Akaashi in that instant. He was paler than before, and the bags under his eyes were darker. I'm usually around Kuroo, so" He shrugged with little energy. It almost sounded as if Bokuto were talking to himself. ", "Well if you've watched it seven times then why not watch it an eighth time? His head rested on mine with the weight of someone's who's unconscious.". Akaashi drew in a breath, but found that he couldn't say anything. His phone was there. Akaashi's parents were intent on having him intern in a hospital nearby, so that he could stockpile more things that would look good on his resume, for future purposes. I know that I'm a lost cause. "How insensitive of me" He furrowed his brow, mentally scolding himself. He set the drinks down and shuffled into bed, as if trying not to wake the other. Their walking then slowed to a halt, and it was then that Akaashi had become aware of the new individual who'd invaded his personal space. It was cold. He hated how difficult it had become for him to tell apart the real things from the fake ones. Thank you for reading, it means a lot that you've read through my work! Lying on his back, he stared at the ceiling. Akaashi placed the box back onto the counter and huffed softly. His face looked both shocked and exhausted at the same time. His tired eyes were on Akaashi. It was moments like these that made Akaashi realize just how much of an innocent soul Bokuto really was. He swallowed thickly. Storms trigger them.". After three sets, there was another hit, and another cheer from the former ace. Very happy to have met you. ], [I would hope so. The way his lips curled at the corners, the way his eyes squinted just enough so that only a glint of green could be seen. Kuroo." Bokuto blinked slowly. Standing still, Akaashi remained in place for quite some time, his legs refusing to carry him further. Bokuto talked quietly in response to Kenma, gave a nod, and smiled. Bokuto kept silent. He gripped his phone in his hand and took in a deep breath, filling his lungs with all the air that he could before he exhaled through his nostrils. i like how you see the main character develop through their friendship and idk, it made me feel like they were soulmates who had a positive impact on each other. His yellow eyes stared at the screen intently. "Why did you stop so suddenly? Verffentlicht am 1. Akaashi made sure to take a mental picture of this before he looked down and closed his eyes. The same thing happened to him some two and a half months ago. He was grinning. Just then, Akaashi's lips parted in realization. Anything is fine." "What used to be your position back when you would play?" Normally, Akaashi would have walked away that instant in order to pay Bokuto a visit, but as he neared his room, he could hear two voices coming from within. He chuckles. "I'm Holding it now.". No one could hear me. He stared up at Akaashi with that smile that never seemed to fade. Standing at the side of Bokuto's bed, Akaashi glanced to the open door that led to the hallway. "I see" Akaashi nodded once. "You do? It was difficult, however, as each time he tried to drift off to sleep, that unnerving fear of having the same dream would jerk him back awake. Stuffing his phone in his pocket, Akaashi shrugged. "For a guy who's name is Kuroo, he sure is a colorful one." "It was sudden." He's an okay guy. "Impressive." Tokyo needs a little more snow now and then. Bokuto gathered the navy blue blanket in his arms, and cautiously threw it around his shoulders. Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Akaashi entered the building and greeted the woman at the front desk, as always. "It's just how I am. Akaashi took an unnoticeable step back. In another life bokuto x akaashi - Fan art (2) (Not my story all credits goes to LittleLuxray on ao3) Summary : Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Akaashi stared intensely at the screen, then tore his gaze away and looked back to Bokuto. Akaashi leaned his head on his hand, chin resting in his palm. ", Akaashi turned his head to face Kuroo. The drastic weight loss was awful enough, but as if to add insult to injury, Bokuto's worsening condition also made it increasingly difficult for him to walk, move, and speak. His voice a mere murmur, Akaashi moved closer to Bokuto, then resumed to lie down on his back, his head slightly elevated with the pillows that sat behind him. Confused, Bokuto glanced over at him. "The three hours!" ", "It's more than that!" Forcing a smile of his own, Akaashi tilted his head only slightly. But people never laugh at my jokes. "Fucking bullshit." He didn't care. Healthy. Akaashi sighed to himself, frustrated with how easily he'd given in to Bokuto's begging. "Close your eyes for the time being." Been here for about Four weeks now." In his silence, Bokuto wept to himself, fat tears rolling down his cheeks in numbers. He wasted no time ascending the steps needed to get to the part of the hospital where he'd almost reached all that time ago. Akaashi let out a half-assed grunt and continued to stare forward. I'm already three quarters done and I'm bawling my eyes out. It was his best and only way to hide his pain. Akaashi pulled Bokuto back inside. His hand took Bokuto's own, and he held it gently. Akaashi shifted, leaning in the direction of where he'd come from. When Bokuto was like this, Akaashi would normally look away to spare himself the sight of it all. Why is that? He zipped his jacket up to shield himself from the harsh winds that came his way and advanced forward. He placed one hand on the windowsill and squeezed, his knuckles going white. So much so that his hands trembled slightly whenever he'd push Akaashi's bangs away. He only looked like a tall, thin, black mass now as he stood near the stairway. He was happy that he'd admitted those words. Akaashi dragged a hand down his face. Another shudder threatened to rattle him, but he kept himself still, as difficult as that was. "It's not like I would've made any noise," Bokuto all but shouted, following after him. "Ha! btw, HERES THE DISCORD SERVER!! Akaashi cast a weary look in Bokuto's direction, gave a nod, and continued on his way until he was out of the building. Akaashi found himself laughing along with him. "What's the big deal? The title for the movie that Bokuto and Akaashi watched in the fanfic "In Another Life" is "Cloud Atlas". Your interest is always appreciated. Perplexed, Akaashi directed his full attention to Bokuto. In an attempt to move, he tapped his fingers against his legs at an impatient pace. [I'm well, thank you Just catching up on some volleyball things], [VOLLEYBALL?! He looked in Akaashi's direction. He'd brought along a volleyball of his own, just in case they weren't provided with any. He continued to stare on as he talked. "What is it? left kudos on this work. Short description of the movie (from Google): Six individuals belonging to different generations go on an emotional ride while exploring how human actions impact the lives of their loved ones in this ever-changing world. After what felt like the longest ten seconds of his life, a sudden shudder charged down Akaashi's spine, causing goose bumps to rise on his flesh. He smiled in Akaashi's direction, bright yellow eyes catching his own. Bokuto didn't make a sound. Akaashi lifted his head in subtle interest. He already knew. But most of the time, he only sat there and continued to watch nothing. In no time, Akaashi is ready and prepared for school. Akaashi muttered. "Why do you watch me like that?" I like to think of this as the, of course, depression part of his Bipolar. "So I figured if you left now You Wouldn't have to And it wouldn't h-hurt so much". to watch kuroo slowly die was a kind of pain i didn't know existed. It took quite some time for a message from Kuroo to arrive, but when it did, Akaashi realized that he'd sent a video instead of what was initially asked for. "No you haven't. ], [I guess. He probably had a thousand things to say, but he kept them all at bay and instead rolled onto his side, facing away from Akaashi. Akaashi kept his eyes down. But Kuroo insisted." He leaned his chin against the palm of his hand and chortled. "Thank you." i think this is probably one of the saddest . So i havent seen ppl talking about this so i m guessing i m the only one who thinks this and its prolly CRAZY but HEAR ME OUT i think akaashi is now have same disease as bokuto and first he coulndt fell asleep and now he is also seeing hallucinations and prolly he will also die like bokuto but the diffrence being he was there for bokuto but sadly there will be no one by his side and he will die alone but surely with a smile on his face cause he can finally meet bokuto in after life. It had been three days since Bokuto's passing, and surely enough, sleep did not come to Akaashi as easily as it used to. ", Bokuto looked over at the phone screen. I'm taking you back." Akaashi moved his head to the side and touched his forehead to Bokuto's neck. I never said that I was.".