Characters have multiple opportunities to study Her lessons proved so effective that she was asked with Professor Lang in chapters 3 and stay as a professor. If without a spell slot if you are holding the primer.the save succeeds, you cant use the toy in this way Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choiceagain until you finish a long rest. Published by That D&D place . Silverquill and rupt institutions to accountPrismari see overlap in the area of performing arts, 5 Shadewing, forming weapons fromwith Silverquill emphasizing verbal performance darkness to slice and stab at foesand Prismari focusing more on dance and other 6 Silvertongue, bathing others in theforms of movement. But danger lurks even here. Join Lead Designer Amanda Hamon to find out what it means to be a student of magic and how to set your next Dungeons & Dragons adventure at this at this iconic school. characters first arrive at a location or under a specific CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT circumstance, as described in the text. Sooner or later, one professor orPLARGG, DEAN OF CHAOS another summons this spirit of a notorious stone giantPlargg (chaotic good ore Lorehold professor of warmonger, ostensibly as a cautionary tale about the dire fate that befalls a society that loses control of itschaos) is the current Dean of Chaos. 1 I love brewing up a new recipe, even if some mightSkill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival be repulsed by my choice of ingredients. The sigils of each of Strixhavens five collegesin Magali Villeneuves cover illustration. The campaign shies away from the strengths of the Strixhaven campaign setting - the five magical dragons, the bizarre archaics that wander around the outskirts of campus, and the mysterious Oriq . Chapter that arent even spells. You can cast the chosen lst-level spell without a SPELLSspell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you Level Spell School Class 1st Silvery Barbscan cast it in this way again. Charac-covers a years worth of adventure, so characters ters of any class can study at Strixhaven, whetherbegin chapter 3 as lst-level characters and first-year theyre full-fledged spellcasters like wizards, clerics, and druids; they manage a spell or two thanks to astudents and begin chapter 6 at the start of their subclass or feat; or they manifest magical abilitiesfourth year of studies (at around 8th level). Once the Studying phase of an Exam is over, have the players record any rerolls their characters re- Each Exam encounter has a Studying phase fol- ceive, then begin the Testing phase.lowed by a Testing phase. However, this outlookdeserve. While he often argues with Dean Talon- also means hes constantly disappointed by theirrook, he holds a deep (if begrudging) respect for suboptimal choices, and he is well known for histhe owlin. Rollicking campus adventures for the worlds greatest roleplaying game. Some Quandrix faculty members insist that of water, ten feet on each side. Lorehold Spirit Statue MascotAFTER STRIXHAVEN Prismari Art Elemental MascotA students course of study at Strixhaven lasts at Quandrix Fractal Mascotleast four years but allows for advanced study for Silverquill Inkling Mascotseveral years beyond that time frame. Others come to settle their differences in wild duels in the lot behind the tavern. Embed Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos to websites for free. 221 39 Scrivening and Symbology Silverquill Professor of Shadow.. . hammer, a hooded lantern, a tinderbox, a tome of history, a school uniform, and a pouch con- 2 By searching for these lost artifacts, I hope to find taining 15 gp who I really am along the way.FEATURE: LOREHOLD INITIATE 3 I can barely go a minute without talking about myYou gain the Strixhaven Initiate feat (presented later research. These mages brew their spells from the table to randomly determine the scholarly focusnatural components and the essence of living crea- of a Witherbloom student or faculty member. WITHERBLOOM PRIMER In addition, if you study the primer at the end ofa long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell from Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunementthe bard or sorcerer spell list. You may use theand symmetries to wield power over the funda- table to randomly determine the scholarly focus of amental mathematics of nature. 3 I believe everyone has the ability to express their QUANDRIX SPELLS truest selves through art, and I m happy to quietly Spell Level Spells push them in the right direction. In these adventures, the lywug Murgaxor Grenshel, a disgruntled former player characters are students attending the univer- sity, and they become heroes in their own right as student who attended Strixhaven centuries ago. Everything falls Spell Level Spells apart someday. Rollicking campus adventures for the world's greatest roleplaying game. When you cast this spell us-Casting Time:1 reaction, which you take when a creature you can see within 60 feet of yourself ing a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage succeeds on an attack roll, an ability check, or a increases by ld6 for each slot above 2nd, and the saving throw number of Hit Dice that can be spent and added to the healing roll increases by one for each slotRange: 60 feetComponents: V above 2nd.Duration: Instantaneous MAGIC ITEMSYou magically distract the triggering creature andturn its momentary uncertainty into encouragement This section presents some magic items that arefor another creature. NL. )CHAPTER | CHARACTER OPTIONSClerics arent very common in this school, but some QUANDRIX STUDENTwith the Tempest domain end up here. Nassari takes little heed of Deanwith a range of elements whenever she isnt focused Mistcoilers quiet masterpieces and often feigns for-on her teaching. can use the sheet below to keep track of the effects If you find these rules arent the best fit for your of those rules on their characters. Chapter 2 is your guide to creating a student IT S AN ACADEMY OF MAGEScharacter. The dragons stat blocks are presented in chapter 7.Forgotten Realms, scholars describe the fabric of FOUNDER DRAGONSmagic as a Weave that allows spellcasters to inter-act with the worlds underlying magical reality. 4th Compulsion, Confusion SILVERQUILL TRINKETS 5th Dominate Person, Rary's Telepathic Bond d6 Trinket Consider customizing how your spells look when 1 A black leather notebook filled with half-finishedyou cast them. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is an adventure module and campaign guide for using the Strixhaven setting, from the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering, in the 5th edition.The book expands on game elements for the 5th edition, such as: Four adventures which correspond to each year of university; these adventures can be run as a continuous campaign or as individual one-shots Strixhaven can easily be dropped into any D&D world or campaign with the provided rules for adventuring as a student of magic. Druids and sorcerers are common in Pris- In addition, if you have the Spellcasting or PactMagic feature, the spells on the Prismari Spells mari, and wizards who study the Schools of Evo-table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting cation or Transmutation are also well represented.class. 222 . Suggested Characteristics. 1st Entangle, Guiding Bolt 4 Everyone is a critic, and I work to win them all over. column notes which side of the substance-theory conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.They love to expand and multiply; they can increase QUANDRIX SCHOLARS Principletheir knowledge or size by bending numbers. Students of Wither-You filled your childhood with rudimentary alchem- bloom College are equally likely to be found pickingical experiments, all in the hope of becoming a stu- herbs for a healing tincture or riding zombifieddent of Witherbloom College. Necessary cookies can be opted out through your browser settings. pledgemages. The greatest minds in the multiverse meet at Strixhaven University. Some acrobatic rogues leges math problems for prospective students. (If you are a multiclass character with multi-ple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them. Today we'll be talking about all five "Student" backgrounds offered to newcomers . Quandrix faculty members have repeatedlycube-shaped fountains, arching aqueducts that taught growth spells in this part of campus, andflow through the air, towers of solid-seeming water. com/strixhaven-a-curriculum-of-chaos-pdf/. Several of them are genasi, who are Humanoids touched by the Elemen- tal Planes.l6 CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENPRISMARI COLLEGEUviLDA MlSTCOILER, DEAN OF PERFECTION Nassari believes that true expression comes fromUvilda Mistcoiler (neutral good genasi Prismari the heart. Your Quandrix spells might manifest Prismari Trinkets. 1 | AT STRIXHAVENFAIN, THE BROKER THE ROSE STAGELost an important textbook? book about plant identification, an iron pot, an herbalism kit, a school uniform, and a pouch con- 3 Im going to befriend every single monster in this taining 15 gp swamp if its the last thing I do.FEATURE: WITHERBLOOM INITIATE 4 Everything in this world dies eventually. Each ad- venture takes place over the course of one academic on destroying Strixhaven University. During this embody the coexistence of these principles, while year, they wear a uniform of black, white, and gray. Some of them use a Prismari-spe- cific stat block from chapter 7. Just add Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos of That D&D place to My Favorites. This honor is bestowed in symbologists teach students how to recognize and recognition of groundbreaking research as well as understand the magical glyphs they encounter. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University to Dungeons & Dragons, drawn from the multiverse of Magic: The Gathering. Typically, joining an ExtracurricularExtracurriculars the campus clubs and societies in between academic years isnt eventful. learned a few spells associated with Strixhaven University. A longs to us all!professor of spirit studies, she has been called the So, naturally, he mastered the magical art of dupli-colleges most talented pastraiser. You may uselife and death. 118 Witherbloom Professor of Decay Exam: Augury .119 Witherbloom Professor of Growth .121 Tell Us in Song! Auto Flip. (If you are a multiclass character with multi-ple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) Quandrix mages Quandrix student or faculty member. download 1 file . Or per-ABILITY SCORE INCREASES haps your character is simply prone to rise later,When determining your characters ability scores, embodying the common nickname of night owl.increase one of those scores by 2 and increase a dif-ferent score by 1, or increase three different scores OWLIN TRAITSby 1. Strixhaven is a place of for future generations. Valentin is a kind of sangromancer he re-The decay philosophy sees life energy as a resource ceives visions from the blood he consumes, whichto be consumed, rather than a good to be nourished he uses to learn things about a creature or place.for its own sake. Box 43 Newport, NP19 4YH, UK.CONTENTSWelcome to Strixhaven 4 Shuvadri Glintmantle .58 Ch 6: A Reckoning in Ruins 156 157About This Book 5 Tilana Kapule 58 Running This Adventure 157 158Orientation 5 Urzmaktok Grojsh 59 A Sinister Shadow 159Strixhavens World 6 Zanther Bowen 59 A Brief Distraction 160 165Ch. As a student, he constantlyAUGUSTA TULLUS, DEAN OF ORDER spent time in detention for hoarding the best finds from Lorehold dig sites in his room; he lost countAugusta Tullus (lawful neutral human Lorehold of how many times he was sternly told, History be-professor of order) is the current Dean of Order. When In addition, if you study the primer at the end ofyou make a saving throw to avoid or end the fright- a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell fromened condition on yourself, you can give yourself the druid or wizard spell list. No one in Loreholds history had previouslyhelps delve into ancient sites created a spirit statue from scratch, and Hofri was9 Tomewielder, summoning fiery magic Chaos offered a professorial position after graduation,from the words in old writings which he happily accepted.10 Warsinger, studying the magic used in Chaos OSGIR, THE RECONSTRUCTORancient wars Even by Lorehold standards, Osgir (neutral stoneLOREHOLD FACULTY giant) is obsessed with relics of the past. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos comes with a campaign that is set across four school years, which many fans have pointed is similar to the gameplay loop of Persona 5.This raises the question of how similar Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos . Her research extendsa pack of hungry groffs and shepherded them back to the vital functions of fractal creatures and otherto Widdershins Hall, offering a lecture on proper artificial life-forms, leading her to teach courses at Quandrix College as well.herb-gathering practices during the journey. It also provides rules for creating characters who are students in one of its five colleges. Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. Murgaxor who uses evil magic to sustain his life Chapters 1 and 2 contain all the information the force focuses his all-consuming desire for revenge players need to play Strixhaven students. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. Some of them use aVein. A master of artistic technique, Uvilda trains and excitement. umn notes which side of the perfection-expressionThe curriculum overlaps with Lorehold in the field conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.of art history and with Silverquill in the literary arts,and some students divide their time between Pris- PRISMARI SCHOLARSmari and one of those other schools to pursue these d12 Scholar Principleinterdisciplinary fields. check succeeds or fails. A few universitys teaching philosophy is built on the idea students continue to live on central campus after that exploring opposites leads to an understanding choosing a college, particularly if they pursue exten- of a greater whole. The Silverquill Personalityminate or conceal is joined with the literal ability of Traits table suggests a variety of traits you mightmagic to do the same in your academic pursuits. They can cause entire WITHERBLOOM SCHOLARS Principleforests to blossom out of nowhere or call down Decay d8 Scholar Decayold curses that scourge flesh from bone. The or individually, as described below. Upon choosing a college, a their lives to the universitys operations, numerousstudent is assigned two professors to serve as coun- automatons and artificial life-forms various kindsselors to help the student plan a course of studies.The two deans of the college assign these two coun- of Constructs serve in various roles, includingselors, who represent the poles of the colleges phil-osophical opposition. Methodical histo-LOREHOLD STUDENT rians and daring adventurers alike can be foundYou have spent your youth preparing to be a student among the ranks of Lorehold college. Your studies focus on language, Suggested Characteristics. The adventure presented in chapter 6 offers char- acters the opportunity to enter this bog.MAP CHAPTER LIFE AT STRIXHAVENCHARACTER OPTIONS HE CAMPUS OF STRIXHAVEN DRAWS A CREATURE TYPE student body from across the worldor Every creature in D&D, including every player char- acter, has a special tag in the rules that identifies the many worlds. Follow this rule regardless of the method You have the following racial traits. They dontcounselor, meanwhile, might offer several ordered, step in directly, but a director known as the Voice of the Founders currently an imposing man namedrational proposals for course selection, focus on the Taiva speaks on the dragons behalf.political and human aspects of historical issues, and MASCOTSplace less emphasis on martial prowess. Also called the Col-enlightenment and learning, and both its graduates lege of Archaeomancy.and its delegates are typically welcomed and re- Prismari Uses the elements to practice the arts.spected wherever they go. propriate starting level for the adventure, as shown in the Adventure Levels table. get up to. Her vampire attracts students from across Strixhavenstudents and colleagues alike hang on her every purely for his lessons value as performance art. In College FounderArcavios, that fabric is knotted and tangled in some Lorehold Velomachus Loreholdlocations, creating a phenomenon called snarls. When your magic creates or alters creatures,table, instead of on the Trinkets table in the PlayersHandbook , for your starting trinket. While Dean Valentins exploitation of living The philosophy of the vein (decay) focuses on the creatures disgusts her, she also knows she can useinevitability of death and decay. This tutoring can be to cement friendships, establish rivalries, deepen bonds, and otherwise develop relationships with narrated through roleplaying, or you might simply student NPCs in this books adventures. The piece re- new aptitude: conducting.ceived a standing ovation from the mage-studentbody and a grumpy thumbs down from the campusconstruction golems. The player should track how many Job. Its mages tend to use elemental forces of cold, water, and wind.over-the-top magic. The campusthe Strixhaven campus. It could be in a world of your own cre- These Founder Dragons were among the first toation, in a published D&D setting (such as the For- master magic, and they realized that only throughgotten Realms or Eberron), in the planar cosmopo- disciplined study would magic be safe in the handslis of Sigil, or in an interplanar nexus that allows it of other peoples. their research of the past the essence and emotion of history over precision or procedure. session, each participating character has advantageUSING THESE RULES on their ability check during the Studying phase.Each of the books adventures includes Exams. It has a backdrop of rosesprofessor of shadow). At Strixhaven, historians call sional period, which can last from one to several the spirits of the dead to aid their lessons about the years, an instructor is elevated to the rank of profes- sor or let go. in this chapter. She proudly admits that she is willing to on one of these bridges or in some particularlywork hard to be as lazy as possible. Even when open, theComponents: V, S, M (a withered vine twisted bottle wont accept any liquid other than the coffee into a loop)Duration: Instantaneous it produces. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos now. Officially book is now available.. Download and Enjoy. using fire, lightning, and earth.STUDIES AND PHILOSOPHY SCHOLARS OF PRISMARIPrismari College is dedicated to the arts. 1: Life on Campus 8 Campus Kerfuffle 60 Arcane Herbology 165 9 Exam: Vegetation Identification 166Magical Study Running This Adventure 60 172Campus Overview 44 Clue in the Bayou 173Lorehold College 13 First Day on Campus . numbers together, and I m a mess.LOREHOLD SPELLS 6 In the end, its all just entropy. The school is like a town, where a relativelycentral campus and each of the five colleges. At an early age, they He teaches students of all levels, and even his mostbegan to see patterns in the tides and currents that experienced pupils benefit from a much deeper un-eluded even the most esteemed scholars of their derstanding of the fundamental building blocks ofsociety. A Studentlars noted below, as described later in this section.If a student character also works on campus using Die is a d4 the player can roll and add to an ability check that the character makes, provided the checkthe Job rules, the character can benefit from only uses one of the skills listed in the Extracurricularsone Extracurricular. No more than one Student Die can be rolled per check. tion) check and a successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, both using the DC set for the Exam. She explores new Imbraham wants nothing more than to crack the theorems by giving them physical form, and hermysteries of the world through dauntingly complex exquisite geometric creations are thrilling sightstheories. Thetures, using that power to heal or harm the living or Principle column notes which side of the growth-de- cay conflict a scholar more likely aligns raise or entreat the dead. These maps are designed to be eas-ily reproduced on graph paper, a wet-erase mat, or to help the academic year feel varied and robust.some other surface to help the players visualize lo- Finally, as the characters are completing tasks together for their courses or hanging out with theircations and devise combat strategies. This chapter adds to that wealth of op- the game affect creatures of certain types in differ-tions with the material in the following sections: ent ways. (If you are a multiclass character with multi- be destroyed. Magazine: [Full Book] PDF Download Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos . 3 Boon witch, brewing drafts to em-STUDIES AND PHILOSOPHY power the livingThe curriculum of Witherbloom College focuses on 4 Boughcaller, summoning creaturesvarious sciences, revolving around the life sciences. She has visited The perspective of substance emphasizes physical and studied countless bizarre magical phenomena,reality. When you make your char- amid kaleidoscopic swirls of fractal patterns, ampli- fying the tiniest movements of your somatic compo-acter, you may roll once on the Prismari Trinkets nents. Necromancy Druid, Sorcerer,Prismari Choose two from fire Choose one lst- WizardQuandrix bolt, prestidigitation, level bard or sor- *The artificer class appears in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything cerer spell. acter aced the Exam, having gotten all the ques- During the Studying phase, each character must tions correct. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSCHOOL Is IN SESSION T HE FOLLOWING FOUR CHAPTERS PRESENT A STRIXHAVEN CAMPAIGN a series of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adven- tures optimized for four to six characters. spell. One side shows the Strixhaven University cam-ture, you should ask each player to choose at least pus, with a focus on the central campus and the fiveone student to be a Friend, a Beloved, or a Rival,as described in the Relationship rules later in this surrounding colleges. You can alter fellow students, consider challenging them witha maps features as you see fit. Adds new player character options including feats and backgrounds. members mentioned in chapter 1 include genasi, tri- The characters are also subject to the authority tons, and even a bipedal brown bear.of the universitys faculty and staff members. Your academic passions are in the broad field you might adopt for your character.of history. . 145Melwythorne 55 Advanced Arcane HistoryMina Lee 55 Exam: Unearthed Arcana 145Nora Ann Wu 55 A Starlit Night 146Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III.56 Midnight at Lorehold 149Rosimyffenbip Wuzfeddlims 52 Aftermath 154Rubina Larkingdale 57 Advance to 8th Level! DISTINGUISHED SOCIETY OF FINEARTISTS Skills: Performance or Sleight of Hand Member: Cadoras Damellawar, Nora Ann Wu These painters, sculptors, printmakers, and mosaic artists gather to create fine works and to discuss the latest techniques and trends in the world of art.44 CHAPTER | SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONDRAGONCHESS CLUB LIVE-ACTION ROLEPLAYING GUILDSkills: Deception, Investigation Skills: Animal Handling, Performance Member: Cadoras Damellawar, RosimyffenbipMember: Bhedum Rampart Sooviij, Tilana Kapule Rosie WuzfeddlimsThese experts in the game of dragonchess discuss These storytelling enthusiasts engage in a mix ofthe latest in strategy, compete against one another,and test out homemade variations of game rules. If you create deleterious effects, Strixhaven kindly requests you refrainfrom invok-First Printing: November 2021 ing any names, symbols, or other references to the university should youfind yourself in a confrontation. where to catch the hapless student before they sufferLOREHOLD CAMPUS serious harm. The Lorehold campus shown on map 1.2 is situ- EFFIGY ROWated northwest of the central campus in a region of The heart of the Lorehold campus surrounds astark vertical relief.