Our industry does not respect tradition it only respects innovation. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. In a profile piece recently published by USA Today, Nadella shared part of the email he sent. In eight words, Nadella gives his employees a reason to read the email and in one sentence summarizes the email's main message. I've been fortunate to work closely with both Bill and Steve in my different roles at Microsoft, and as I step in as CEO, I've asked Bill to devote additional time to the company, focused on technology and products. Seems capable, but man, that hair cut. When I think about this moment in time, the start of 2023, its showtime for our industry and for Microsoft. Subject: RE: Satya Nadella - Microsoft's New CEO. Qi Lu captured it well in a recent meeting when he said that Microsoft uniquely empowers people to "do more." Nadellas book and his recent email about Microsofts focus on a cloud-based future reflect how effectively he communicates his vision. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. He articulates a consistent vision and a consistent approach to building a company. It will better connect us to our friends and families and help us see, express, and share our world in ways never before possible. I feel bad for him. And then, the protocols around Zain with us and the providers helping him and who work with us is what we are looking at.. Isn't he a Third-World person to run a First-World business? WDG will drive Windows as a service across devices of all types and build all of our Microsoft devices including Surface, HoloLens, Lumia, Surface Hub, Band and Xbox. People with a fixed mindset believe their qualities (intellect, skills) are carved in stone. The . In an interview, Wall Street Journal We do need the world to do well for us to do well., Thousands of WA workers may have to repay millions of dollars in pandemic benefits, Nordstrom to end Canadian operations amid financial struggles, Pioneering Moses Lake flight uses hydrogen to power regional airplane, Amazon shutters some convenience stores, including 2 in Seattle, Amazon Pauses Construction on Second Headquarters in Virginia as It Cuts Jobs. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. I,guess he might going for his own start up. Middle management. The announcement of Zain's death was acknowledged by the Company. The main field of his research activities is political and economic development in conditions of world turbulence. Meanwhile, employees who have reached Microsoft's "partner level" such as general managers, among other top executives may not get a high pay. In the interview, Nadella went on to explain the reasoning behind his encouraging tone: "It's so critical for leaders not to freak people out, but to give them air cover to solve the real problem. Niiice. but we all know the real master mind behind all this.. Joe B's hair. We can learn and grow. Joe B. is a lower level exec working under Terry in the WDG. Wellat least he accomplished something, I guess =P. Microsoft announced plans Tuesday to hire 20-year veteran exec Satya Nadella as its new CEO, transitioning founder Bill Gates to a new role as technology adviser. His son, Zain, 23, is a legally blind quadriplegic with cerebral palsy, which weakens his immune system and requires constant care in what Nadella likens to a nursing home at the familys Medina residence. Together with Activision Blizzard, we believe we have an incredible opportunity to bring the joy and community of gaming to everyone on the planet, and we will invest and innovate to create the best content, community and cloud for gamers. If one can sleep well nowadays.. I've been married for 22 years and we have 3 kids. Could be due to yet another shift in strategy. For me, the best way Ive found to get past this anxiety is to focus on what I can do each day to make a small difference. He has a bad record. How can Terry manage hardware as well as OS platforms effectively, and is Scott G really the right man to be in charge of CRM an Dynamics Enterprise services, surelt hat will distract him form his techncal genius on movingAzure forward. A new wife in the making, eh? Nadella's memo to employees doesn't even mention Windows until the 23rd paragraph. Nadella said the decisions were "difficult, but necessary," and vowed that staff losing their jobs would be treated with "dignity and respect." Please refresh the page and try again. Our industry does not respect tradition it only respects innovation." Could someone please thoroughly explain the bitterness towards Elop? This is the opportunity that drives each of us at this company. Here is Satya Nadella's email to employees on first day as Microsoft CEO. team after the Tay debacle. Geoff Baker covers hockey and is a sports enterprise and investigative reporter for The Seattle Times. While we have seen great success, we are hungry to do more. Note that it might not be a good idea for you to stand too firmly on the what you thought were fresh ideas. To: All Employees. Second, we will continue to invest in strategic areas for our future, meaning we are allocating both our capital and talent to areas of secular growth and long-term competitiveness for the company, while divesting in other areas. We're living through times of significant change, and as I meet with customers and partners, a few things are clear. Our deepest sympathies go out to his friends and family. Our competition and our customers don't care about our organization structure they care about innovation. As a company, our success must be aligned to the worlds success. You will receive a verification email shortly. Today we're focused on a broader range of devices. In the email, Nadella said that how gaming has always . Mask mandate in WA health care, correctional facilities to end, Fauci should be jailed over COVID lies and mandates, Cruz tells CPAC, Final state emergencies winding down 3 years into pandemic, Troops who refused COVID vaccine still may face discipline, A condition called POTS rose after COVID, and patients can't find care, Coronavirus origins still a mystery 3 years into pandemic, Lab leak likely caused COVID pandemic, Energy Dept. Panos speaks with confidence and so comfortable on stage like he's been your friend for years. The opportunity ahead will require us to reimagine a lot of what we have done in the past for a mobile and cloud-first world, and do new things. Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we've tested sent to your inbox daily. Or, the phone calls to his in-laws in his native India to check on their status. But whether you're developing products, marketing or selling, or managing others, the purpose of work is to provide value. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. I knew there was no better company to join if I wanted to make a difference. CEO Satya Nadella told employees the company was "living through times of significant change.". This group is leading the charge in building productivity services for digital work that span all devices and appeal to the people who use technology at work and in their personal lives. At the same time, the next major wave of computing is being born with advances in AI, as we're turning the world's most advanced models into a new computing platform. As Nadella puts it, successful people are learn-it-alls and not know-it-alls. Nadella believes that a fixed mindset will limit your growth while a growth mindset will propel you and your organization forward. The big idea was to wrap Microsoft around its customer in a One Microsoft way and to shift from a company of "know-it-alls" to a company of "learn-it-alls". There was a problem. It would be great if it did. Today, we are making changes that will result in the reduction of our overall workforce by 10,000 jobs through the end of FY23 Q3. Many of ms presenters need to enhance their public speaking skill. When Satya Nadella took over as Microsoft CEO on Feb. 4, 2014, the 39-year-old tech titan at the time was reeling from a series of failures. With the structural change described above, Stephen and I have agreed that now is the right time for him to retire from Microsoft. His biggest frustrations were Microsoft's flops in the consumer market, including Bing, a search engine the company . Elop would have been able to shape the news of his departure like spending time with his family, but didn't. After more than 25 years at Microsoft, Eric Rudder has decided to try something new. In an interview, Wall Street Journal This "Stephen and I have agreed.." part. The company's transformation is visible in financial metrics. I was even able to virtually destroy Nokia's phone reputation by purchasing the devices division and then force them to build nothing but sub-standard devices on the cheap so I can saturate the market with low-end devices, just like Android. He introduced a new strategy that would replace Ballmer's mantra and guide Microsoft's transformation into a cloud powerhouse: "Mobile and cloud-first. I doff my hat to this fellow.He has steered Microsoft well since he's come in. Ive been fortunate to work closely with both Bill and Steve in my different roles at Microsoft, and as I step in as CEO, Ive asked Bill to devote additional time to the company, focused on technology and products. It will enable businesses to engage customers in more meaningful ways. Ballmer and Elop should join to make a new company! I am 46. So family, curiosity and hunger for knowledge all define me. Its not that we are immune to broad economic growth being hampered, he said. CEO. To do this, building the best-in-class productivity services and platforms for the mobile-first, cloud-first world is at the heart of our strategy, with three interconnected and bold ambitions: Reinvent productivity and business processes. This builds loyalty and trust, which are the keys to all great relationships. says. Try to work things out with everyone to the best of your ability, while trying to do the right thing. | Microsoft News Center, From: Satya Nadella Here it goes a motivational email. NY 10036. One truth that brings me comfort, is just as this virus has no borders, its cure will have no borders, he wrote. They are especially difficult because they impact people and people's lives our colleagues and friends. Besides is beeing rumoured ongoing plans by Nokia to return to the smartphone business. Today is a very humbling day for me. Apple speakers are really good, but they tend to sound prophetic when they speak. A new focus on people and talent. But not many at Nokia or Windows Phones fans will be sad to see him go. This is a critical time for the industry and for Microsoft. I know it can sound hyperbolic and yet its true. 1. On a broader scale, the company is collaborating with governments to help them engage citizens, share guidance and enable employees to work remotely while schools and universities are using Microsoft tools for remote learning. I worked in a large company. According to several sources, they were first communicated via email. The email assures workers the company will continue paying impacted retail-store employees and hourly service providers their regular wages regardless of time worked. EMPLOYEES. Satya Nadella emailed staff on Wednesday to notify them about layoffs. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider "Our industry does not respect tradition it only respects innovation. Steve and Bill have taken it from an idea to one of the greatest and most universally admired companies in the world. 2 cloud player with more than 15 percent of the market, presenting the most credible threat to the dominance of Amazon Web Services. Band 2? Nadella's 3 biggest achievements have been: This is the opportunity that drives each of us at this company. U.S.-benefit-eligible employees will receive a variety of benefits, including above-market severance pay, continuing healthcare coverage for six months, continued vesting of stock awards for six months, career transition services, and 60 days notice prior to termination, regardless of whether such notice is legally required. Who knows. Leadership means making choices and then rallying the team around those choices, according to Nadella. Satya Nadella email to employees: Bringing the joy and community of gaming to everyone January 18, 2022 | Microsoft News Center From: Satya Nadella Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 5:33 AM To: Microsoft - All Employees; All MS Store Employees FTE Subject: Bringing the joy and community of gaming to everyone Team, Instead, Nadella refers to the concept again and again in his public presentations and company-wide communication. Use consistent language and themes. IMO Elop is a hardware guy, since Google sold Motorola, I'm not sure if Google is the correct company to start working with. As we approach a new fiscal year, I'd like to share with you how we are aligning our structure to our strategy and the changes to our Senior Leadership Team. During its Build 2016 developer conference, a blind Microsoft employee demonstrated AI-driven smartglasses that use Microsoft's Cognitive Services to help the blind navigate the world. . Xbox falls under the management of one of the 12 divisions above. While Elop was CEOat Nokia, helped to build the best camera a phone has ever seen (talking about Lumia 1020, sorry iPhone 6, but the Lumia 1020 still beats your camera), but in Microsoft, I didn't saw him announce anything important. I don't hate many people. The best work happens when you know that it's not just work, but something that will improve other people's lives. I wish Microsoft should reach new height under his motive leadership. You can learn a lot about effective leadership from just a few, short sentences. And like anyone else, a lot of what I do and how I think has been shaped by my family and my overall life experiences. This doesnt mean that we need to do more things, but that the work we do empowers the world to do more of what they care about get stuff done, have fun, communicate and accomplish great things. Were adding new generative AI features to help sellers close deals more quickly. It included the following: "Keep pushing, and know that I am with you (The) key is to keep learning and improving. Make no mistake, we are headed for greater places as technology evolves and we evolve with and ahead of it. Jan 18, 2023 The entire Microsoft clan requires . Please join if you can. We knew most of these people either directly or indirectly and knowing someone's personality fills in the blanks. In the 2006 book Dweck explores the habit of having a growth mindset: the belief that our potential is not stagnant. Finally, I truly believe that each of us must find meaning in our work. In the letter, Nadella speaks of what he thinks makes Microsoft. Nadella could be argued to be the greatest CEO in the world. Today were focused on a broader range of devices. If we deliver on this, we will emerge stronger and thrive long into the future; its as simple as that. As we look forward, we must zero in on what Microsoft can uniquely contribute to the world. He says "We need to prioritize innovation that is centered on our core value of empowering users and organizations to 'do more.'" We have done it, were doing it today, and we are the team that will do it again. It made HR's role that much easier. This represents less than 5 percent of our total employee base, with some notifications happening today. It will enable businesses to engage customers in more meaningful ways. Was looking at that and figured this is who I'm really interested in. It reminds me of my very first day at Microsoft, 22 years ago. And with every service and device launch going forward we need to bring more innovation to bear around these scenarios. Eric has played a number of key roles at Microsoft including founding and growing the Server and Tools business in its early days, leading Microsoft Research, and most recently driving our advanced technology and education efforts. This is the context in which we as a company must strive to deliver results on an ongoing basis, while investing in our long-term opportunity. Microsoft has released CEO Satya Nadella's email to the company's employees about the big leadership changes that were announced today, including the departure of Stephen Elop as head . Subject: RE: Satya Nadella Microsofts New CEO. Combining Windows and Devicesmakes sense. This will be A LOT o fwork for the VPs, but it'll be worth it :). Second, we will continue to invest in strategic areas for our future, meaning we are allocating both our capital and talent to areas of secular growth and long-term competitiveness for the company, while divesting in other areas. Will it run Windows? To: All Employees I came here because I believed Microsoft was the best company in the world. That's basically "you got fired". In these early days that would be like asking, at the dawn of the 19th century, who will come out top from the These are the kinds of hard choices we have made throughout our 47-year history to remain a consequential company in this industry that is unforgiving to anyone who doesn't adapt to platform shifts. | Microsoft News Center, From: Satya Nadella Success requires all of us and particularly the Senior Leadership Team to work across boundaries as one Microsoft and in harmony with our partners. Integration of Digital Technology 2. . Two things We need to prioritize innovation that is centered on our core value of empowering users and organizations to "do more." Nadella has made a choice about Microsofts future. which isn't rude. Thats not always easy, given the anxieties surrounding his son, whosuffered from in-utero asphyxiation and weighed 3 pounds at birth. Finally, I truly believe that each of us must find meaning in our work. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has now sent an email to LinkedIn employees, commenting on the company's decision to acquire the business-themed social network. I believe over the next decade computing will become even more ubiquitous and intelligence will become ambient. as well as other partner offers and accept our. The best work happens when you know that it's not just work, but something that will improve other people's lives. With the structural change described above, Stephen and I have agreed that now is the right time for him to retire from Microsoft. To paraphrase a quote from Oscar Wilde we need to believe in the impossible and remove the improbable. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Theres no doubt that the workflow of all our jobs is changing fast, with many of you doing so much of your work remotely for the first time, some while also caring for young children at home, he wrote. Terry Myerson will lead a new team, Windows and Devices Group (WDG), enabling our vision of a more personal computing experience powered by the Windows ecosystem. Nadella has said that he plans to make Windows services platform neutral. (Elop has lot of kids and perhaps a new wife in making) Get the best of Windows Central in your inbox, every day! It's official, Satya Nadella is Microsoft's next CEO, and on his first day on the job he's sent a letter to the whole staff. I regret the loss of leadership that this represents, and look forward to seeing where his next destination will be. It has been suspended without pay, Nutella says its because of cut-backs.geddit.CUT-BACKS!!! Satya Nadella is Microsoft's new CEO: the full story, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella makes a big impression in just a year, Microsoft gives former Nokia boss Stephen Elop full control of games and hardware, Microsoft's PC partners have 'tremendous confidence' in new CEO. Microsoft is combining the tech behind OpenAI's ChatGPT with its Bing search engine. I am here because we have unparalleled capability to make an impact. U.S.-benefit-eligible employees will receive a variety of benefits, including above-market severance pay, continuing healthcare coverage for six months, continued vesting of stock awards for six months, career transition services, and 60 days' notice prior to termination, regardless of whether such notice is legally required. January 18, 2022 Date: Feb. 4, 2014. Microsoft and NVIDIA announce expansive new gaming deal, This monthand all yearwe recognize and celebrate the contributions of the Black and African American community at Microsoft. Joe b. can do it very very good. Activision Blizzard is one of the largest game publishers worldwide across console, PC and mobile, and its home to nearly 400 million monthly active players, along with iconic games including Call of Duty, Candy Crush, World of Warcraft and Diablo. While the deal is not yet complete, we will welcome to our family Nokia devices and services and the new mobile capabilities they bring us. Normal polite way for division leaders is something along the way that its their decision to move to new changes, spend time with family etc. You left out "I regret the loss of leadership that this represents, and look forward to seeing where his next destination will be." In our early history, our mission was about the PC on every desk and home, a goal we have mostly achieved in the developed world. Feb. 21, 2023 6:00 AM PST. Team, I know it can sound hyperbolic and yet its true. Ive been fortunate to work closely with both Bill and Steve in my different roles at Microsoft, and as I step in as CEO, Ive asked Bill to devote additional time to the company, focused on technology and products. This is a critical time for the industry and for Microsoft. Viva Sales is the super app for all things sales across Microsoft 365, Teams, and a sellers CRM. Microsoft announced plans to cut its workforce by 10,000 people on Wednesday, warning employees it was "living through times of significant change.". That means every one of us and every team across the company must raise the bar and perform better than the competition to deliver meaningful innovation that customers, communities, and countries can truly benefit from. Diverse and inclusive. For certian folks that you could not fire, they would just do away with the Job. I regret the loss of leadership that this represents, and look forward to seeing where his next destination will be. I saw then how clearly we empower people to do magical things with our creations and ultimately make the world a better place. It is an incredible honor for me to lead and serve this great company of ours. All Rights Reserved, By submitting your email, you agree to our. Today is a very humbling day for me. Bing and Edge + AI: a new way to search starts today. The email by Nadella comes at a time when most of the . Im also looking forward to working with John Thompson as our new Chairman of the Board. Microsofts 120,000 employees know what their CEO believes, how he sees the world, and where he wants the company to go. There are some powerful lessons here for leaders. Lastly, a number of months ago, Mark Penn shared with me that he is planning to leave Microsoft in September to form a private equity fund, among other things. Wow. Many who know me say I am also defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning. The coevolution of software and new hardware form factors will intermediate and digitize many of the things we do and experience in business, life and our world. Thank you for the focus, dedication, and resilience you demonstrate for Microsoft and our customers and partners each day. So family, curiosity and hunger for knowledge all define me. This enables us to create new categories while generating enthusiasm and demand for Windows broadly. This will be made possible by an ever-growing network of connected devices, incredible computing capacity from the cloud, insights from big data, and intelligence from machine learning. So, we are trying to do everything to help them. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, in his email to employees, said that the company is making "a significant additional investment in our compensation programs", more than its normal budget. The tech giant would also seek to "align our cost structure with our revenue and where we see customer demand.". This starts with clarity of purpose and sense of mission that will lead us to imagine the impossible and deliver it. When you encourage and build others up, rather than dishearten and tear down, they'll be motivated to continue giving you their best. At some point, either someone close to us or within the family is going to be affected by it if we dont find the treatment or the vaccine, Nadella, 52, told The Seattle Times in a Saturday interview, speaking of the population as a whole. Satya Nadella believes one of his main responsibilities is to create a clear, tangible, and inspiring message to move employees forward. The email goes into more detail about why Microsoft is making these leadership changes, which include the departure of Stephen Elop as the head of its Devices and Services division. We must change this. I'm very concerned and anxious about Windows 10 and what it has to offer in terms of universal execution and high performance. Steve Ballmer repeatedly directed the question at his lieutenants in the year before he stepped down as CEO of Microsoft in 2014, according to two people who heard him ask it. I believe over the next decade computing will become even more ubiquitous and intelligence will become ambient. Nadella also posted another. I disliked this stupid nutalla from the beginning, this makes me dislike even more. 5G, Borje Ekholm, Ericsson, Ericsson HQ, google, job . 2. Microsoft Corporate Blogs. We are the only ones who can harness the power of software and deliver it through devices and services that truly empower every individual and every organization. Nadella said in his email that Microsoft is in a position to help slow the pandemic by demonstrating leadership in the face of adversity and maximizing the company's biggest strength . At the same time, the next major wave of computing is being born with advances in AI, as were turning the worlds most advanced models into a new computing platform.