i had complete blood check and everything was ok. i told the doc that i stopped smoking and he didnt discuss the symptoms of quitting. whatever that means but now my symptoms are a very sharp pain in my lower throat(possibly my lymph nodes) every once in a while this is very rare. Oh yes! And I WAS a smoker for 48 years. Good luck Lee, dont give up! Apparently it gets better or so Ive been told. Really, whats the big deal? Well get there. I had some cravings yesterday but I kept on thinking that I am a no smoker until the craving passed, Yes Ive had this too Abby, I work and im meant to be up 16hrs of the day , so when I go to sleep at 10pm to wake up at 6am I need a good nights sleep, and wow just about every night I got horrible nightmares easily wake up every hour, then so hard to sleep as Id normally duck out for a smoke, but i stayed strong and Ive been moody and really hungry, but Im getting through it, Im on my 3rd week quitting and yes still bad dreams and hard to sleep, low on energy, brain doesnt function the best either , lol Im sending this at 12:12am in the morning, my client most likely wake me up in 4 to 5 hours . Katie, good on you, and I relate to what you are saying. Igor believe that if I can stop cigarettes, I can stop vaping. When you smoke, impurities build up in the lungs. As I write the urge is therebut will subside. Pfffft. She immediately said that this is a well known side effect due to the accumulation of phlegm in the body. Specifically, it is thought inhaling nicotine can lead to serious heart events, especially in people who already have heart disease. I also hear voices in these dreams. Smoker for 44 years. I am 48 hours into quitting smoking. I am determined to beat this and not let cigarettes ever take control of my life again! I KNOW that they are for me! Can vaping give you a tight chest? 1st week was very hard. I also suffer with severe forms of anxiety and depression and cant not cope with these getting much worse. The chest tightness may or may not be from quitting vaping and if it doesn't go away within a few days it might be best to go to your doctor. If anyone needs help, i am here. I tried quitting vaping before, 3 years ago. When e-cigarettes first hit the market in late 2000, they were believed to be a safer alternative to tobacco cigarettes, but now there is evidence to the contrary. Have faith everyone, dont look back when you quit. Signs of this potentially fatal complication. Good luck to everyone quitting, you can do it. Your chest pain might disturb you a lot, and you may be startled. Can cope with this ok, having all the symptoms expected. Random chest pains after quitting. Any advice on coping with the agony of withdrawl. Their death means your life. Lungs already feel better. Trust me of I can do it you can do it. The first five days of quitting cold turkey totally SUCKED! We had both smoked for 38 years. Im turning 50 in October. I think giving up the vape will be a challenge, but the way I see it If I can stop smoking those nails and stay off of them, I can handle quitting the vape too! After 15 years, your risk of developing coronary heart disease becomes the same as a nonsmokers. Was it always this easy with these two combinations. Ive been smoking for 20 years (since 15). Like walking around in a dream. It's continued for a month now. I had to decide if I wanted to live or die. Readings like that can only be good news, and incentive to stay on the wagon, in the meantime however, and Im retired so I can do it, I just want to sleep on the couch every moment I can steal. Now where do I start and how.. Hi there! Barkey! I tire easily and feel slippy much earlier than before. Chills, fever, joints aching head aching. I never really smoked cigs too too much but Im sure they do not help. over a year ago, guest My whole inside of body wants to burst. This can include cleaning supplies, like bleach, or things such as refilling your car's gas tank. Your breathing may improve, too: The two key ingredients in an e-cigarettepropylene glycol and vegetable glycerinproduce chemicals when heated that are detrimental to your respiratory tract, according to research published in 2018 in theInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (Not nice but too funny!) Information from Better Health: Quit Smoking. Are you trying to say vaping is fine and has no ill effects, but smoking is the thing thats bad? Please tell me it gets easier!!!!! Best of luck on your quits and stay away from patches, gum and vapes. I been feeling dizzy with cold sweats and my upper body feels cold. After my first week of quitting, I had a problem and couldnt breathe. I have smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for over 17 years. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. I wish I decided 49.9 years ago. Jason, to get rid of your yeast and fungal stuff you have to go gluten free too. You just described my last several weeks. Believe in our self .stay strong , drink water and keep reminding yourself why you quitting. But am not giving up cos I know every thing will be fine. Its Oxygen. And I exercise regularly to keep my mind occupied mostly good luck! It sounds like you are experiencing some anxiety due to the circumstances of your friends death. is anyone experiencing these symptoms? But Im 25, 120 lbs, and I know I got this. I seriously thought I was going to have a hearth attack that I was even afraid to go to sleep. Golly I feel exactly the sameso hard hoping that tomorrow will feel a bit better.not smoked for 3weeks but really struggling too.think the anxiety is probably the worst experience ever..will still keep going though. You may experience all of the above or only a few. Best off luck to your all. I feel like Im sick everyday. As soon as you put out the last cigarette, your body will start to come back to its normal state again. Got through the foggy head, lack of concentration, hideous constipation and irritability though still fighting weight gain and insomnia. I feel the way you wrote,towards alcoholics and drug addiction. Week 2 anxiety tightness in the chest mucus and foggy in the head. My main problem is depression without Cigarettes. Other people need us to quit. Started off with 6mg, worked my way down to three, and now on my first day with 0mg nicotine, and I feel fine. The chest tightness may or may not be from quitting vaping and if it doesn't go away within a few days it might be best to go to your doctor. Your body is gearing up to throw off the toxins that you were inhaling every day. Keep telling myself it will get better. I went through this myself. I just need this to be over with! I was able to sleep for the first time last night crazy dreams and night sweats. Decided two months ago now down to one cigarette a day I was at a pack a day. Its not for everyone but Ive been smoke free for a week now thanks to Chantix. It was definitely tough the first week, but once I made it past that, it has been a breeze. 4 For example, in the short term, inhaling nicotine may lead to increased heart rate and blood pressure. Nicotine is a powerful psychoactive drug, so it is not surprising that it can affect your sleep. I have been eating more but not excessively and I know that Im now committed and wont be going back. I am 11 days in from quitting vaping and I agree 100%. I am feeling same as you. The zero nicotine vape does seem to help me get by cravings, just by the motions. As stated in other comments, read Allen Carrs book Easyway to Quit smoking or check out goggle reviews I will make it ALOT EASIER TRUST ME. Allen Carr is the way to go Easy Way to Stop Smoking. When does it end? 38 yo, I havent smoked a cigarette in 12 days after 18 years of a pack a day. The thing that helped me most besides prayer was exercise. I been smoking for over 57 yrs. That would be so much worse than vaping. But all of these things are sideffects of the nicotines powerful effect on our brains. Can vaping cause chest tightness? I know it will, and when I am on the go, it is less stressful but I am tired and dont want to be on the go that much. Relatively small things that would ordinarily cause some stress can cause you to snap and become extremely irritable. I feel periods of nauseousness throughout the day especially when my stomach is empty. And Tsai says the industry is basically unregulated, which means theres no set standard manufacturers have to follow. Thousands had lung damage that needed treatment in hospitals, and several died from the condition. It cant get it from a cigarette anymore. By day 3 the worst is NOT over. YOU need to think of yourself as a damn NON smoker. I had it too. I have to ask, do these damn cravings ever go away? I have quit 2-3 months back. these comments are really helping I got the flue a for 3 days and couldnt smoke slept away most of the cravings so I figured ive ben through the worst already on day 5 this is a great tool for a support group good luck every one and god speed. Acute nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be psychological and physical, says Dr. Djordjevic. This time I decided to try quitting cold turkey (Best thing I ever did). I have a headache everyday all day. I started smoking when I was 16, then switch to a Juul so I could hit in class without Ms. Leri noticing. 7 years later I am trying again. Got an anxiety attack about 3 weeks back after my BP went haywire,spent a good amount not knowing what it was. WE choose what and how we let into our bodies and lives. I am a 43 mother of 4 and stopped smoking cold turkey In March 2018. 35 years of smoking 3 packs/day of Kools. Im on this blog today because Im having a craving. Going through tough experiences is always easier when you can turn to friends and loved ones for emotional support. Back aches, neck aches, tight chest. You smoke you die simple as that and so the feeling of breathing keeps me going. Quit cold turkey again on the spot and this time pretty intense cravings are hitting several times an hour. I am a 64 year old female. Don't smoke or vape in groups. Its true that you cannot concentrate or think good during nicotine withdrawal. One of these days. Quitting is very much like losing a frienda best friend. I quit smoking and now Im smoking the Blue, now Im hooked on it, Now I want to quit smoking the blue cigarette, been on it for almost 2years..Help! I downloaded quit guide as a reminder for why I wanted to quit. Battling anxiety and panic attacks at least twice a week. Take three deep breaths. Im with steama you need to listen to your body. did danny thomas lose a child to cancer, full frame compact camera, sky sports cricket commentators 2022,