They will develop, organise and participate in the BrisSynBio 4-Day More Business Acumen (MBA) course. Visiting Research Fellowship Commonwealth Studies, including Commonwealth related aspects of archaeology, anthropology, economics, history, human geography, law, literature, oriental studies, sociology, politics and social psychology Paid / Allowances Open to international applicants University of Cambridge Work permit : Required One of the potential ideas to slow down the rate of melting of glaciers is to construct a barrier mounted on the sea floor near the mouth of a glacier. The concept is that the barrier would impede the movement of warm salty water towards the glacier. It is known that white fluffy clouds reflect sunlight away from the Earth, but there have been a very limited number of trials of MCB. A few of their Group Leaders are affiliated with theCambridge Stem Cell Institute. Details: Applying with a Disability, SpLD or Long-Term Health Condition, Resources for super-curricular engagement, Pre-interview Notes for King's Candidates, Year 12 Access and Application Support Programme. M: 9:00 am - 5 . There is therefore an urgent need to identify international rules and norms, especially of a peremptory nature, that are robust enough to limit or qualify entitlements accorded by the Convention to States and by extension, to private parties. Telephone: +44 (0)1223 333400 Details about how to apply,deadlines, and devising your own placement, Frequently-asked questions about the summer research programme, A full list of supervisor-led placements currently available, 2023 King's College,Cambridge,CB2 1ST,UK, Thinking about an apprenticeship? To ensure that effective strategies for methane removal or conversion are feasible, the fundamental kinetics must be better understood. How the For more information, please visit the BIOS website or contact Dr Luke Skinner. and Colleges work. All course materials can be found on the Earth Sciences Moodle course pages. Position available for recent graduate or post-graduateworking in the Open Cell COVID Testing Facility on Jersey. Some of the possible projects are listed here, and others may be available related to the PhD projects listed here. The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) and the University of Cambridge offer an annual research internship based at BIOS. Cambridge Biomedical Campus . It brings together news, opinions, advice, and perspectives from Cambridge students and graduates. The Centre for Climate Repair is pleased to be offering four internships and five UROPs during the summer of 2023 (as per 2021 and 2022). In general, internships should be paid but students occasionally have their own funding. More information about taking part in work experience at the University of Cambridge can be found here. This project will explore the synthesis and testing of new low-cost carbon-based materials for direct air capture. This summer, Cambridge Zero and the Sustainability Team are collaborating to offer seven paid virtual internships for undergraduates and recent graduates. Some field scale experiments have taken place over the Great Barrier Reef to try and protect the coral. If you are interested in short summer projects we could circulate a CV to our staff. The In2scienceUK programme helps disadvantaged and under-represented 16-17 year olds (studying at least one STEM subject, either at sixth form or at college) gain an insight into science, technology, engineering or maths. The funding is intended to enable the postdoc to apply their research-based knowledge and expertise in a different context, helping the partner organisation innovate and the postdoc to gain valuable work experience. See our privacy notice for more information on how we take care of your data: reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. To read more about the Equality and Diversity policies at the University please see Equality & Diversity at the University of Cambridge. Various internship opportunities available for Masters and undergraduate students interested in bioinformatics and computational biology. If we have a good model, then we can use it to design methodologies for creating ice in the Arctic. You may want to check out the University of Cambridge Gurdon Institute which run their Aspiring Scientist Training Programme every year over the Summer. You may want to check out the University of Cambridge School of Biological Sciences which run their internship programme Experience Postgrad Life Sciences every year for undergraduates. Students with an interest in climate change law, international law, and environmental law would find this a fascinating project. For information see: childcare responsibilities, religious requirements, disability access requirements, work aids.) Please select 'Yes' if you would like to receive occasional emails from the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education about upcoming courses, events and other activities here at the Institute. Do you need help with any aspect of writing from generating ideas, planning and structure, to clarity and editing? Read our blog to get inspiration about your career choices. Our Biological Computation group in Cambridge is developing theory, methods and software for understanding and programming information processing in biological systems. A particularly rich source of evidence can be found in the long history of bioethics and medical ethics on specific topics such as stem cell research, gene therapy, cloning and in-vitro fertilisation. The programme seeks supervisors to host these students for 2-week placements in the summer, and h, as a widening participation initiative, , Opportunities for current postgraduate students to get involved with schools or training, For more information on Erasmus+, please contact, How the The group offers literature reviews, Part III projects and a variety of opportunities for . Study at Cambridge About the University Research at Cambridge Search site Home Study at Cambridge Undergraduate Courses Applying We welcome applications from all adult learners, you will need to be confident understanding and following arguments presented in written and spoken English at University level, and will need to demonstrate an appropriate level of English language proficiency. These placements will last for 8-10 weeks and students will be able to start in early July. *Please note that we can only host students in Year 10 (aged 14/15) and above (excluding accelerated students). If you are interested in applying for an internship vacancy that you have seen advertised, please follow the application instructions on the advert. Unfortunately, we are rarely able to offer summer placements. There are two parallel summer research programmes, the Gatsby Summer Research Programme for the Sciences and the Kings Summer Research Programme for the Arts and Humanities, but a single application process. We cannot guarantee any placements, but will forward applications to staff members to see if they are able to offer positions. Nominations are open for our Christ-King's Residential with. The scheme offers 6-weeks research internships from the 4th July to the 12th August 2022, to four UK and Republic of Ireland residents who are studying . This programme is offered by the Postgraduate School of Life Sciences together with the other sponsors, with the aim of widening participation in postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge. Electrochemical processes, whereby the activation energy for the reaction is provided by a supplied electrical power (e.g. BrisSynBio are looking for an enthusiastic individual to support some of BrisSynBio's innovation activities in 2018. There may be the opportunity to undertake some laboratory experiments in order to explore the different patterns and to observe the effects of different structures. The internship is available to Cambridge University students in the Department of Earth Sciences in even-numbered years and in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in odd-numbered years. United Kingdom Interests in informal science education, maker spaces, open science, DIY science and public engagement are all desirable. For an ideaof the kind of projectsundertaken by interns, you can find a list of theprojects that were offered as part of the 2022programmehere. Dr Will Handley (Bayesian inference and machine learning. Further information about the programme, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, can be found on the programme website:, If you have any questions please email: CB23 8AQ. . University and Colleges work, Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics, Theoretical Cosmology and Gravitational Physics, Variable Dielectric Delay Lines in Liquid Crystals for Phased Array Feeds, Graduate Admission Procedures for 2023 Entry, Graduate Admissions Timetable for 2023 entry,,,,, Research Assistant / Research Associate in Physical Organic Chemistry (Fixed Term), Assist. A one-page expression of interest, together with contact details, an up-to-date CV and any brief supporting material should be sent the deadline. These include: the potential impact of a structure on the rate of melting; the pros and cons of different design options such as concrete walls or flexible fabric combined with buoys; the impact of the structure on marine life and impact of marine life on the structure. #Astronomy internship opportunity for undergraduates! The University of Cambridge in-person International Summer Programme allows you to combine courses from a wide range of subjects in the fields ofBusiness and Innovation; Global Challenges;History; Literature, Philosophy and the Visual Arts; and Science. The University of Cambridge Faculty of Biology provide an excellent list of internships and work experience opportunities, as does the Royal Society of Biology. Students from Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Engineering (including M.Math, and Part III) would be most suited to this project. The J&J Engineering Summer Internship Program is an 8-week internship experience targeted to rising first-year college students who have participated in the FIRST Robotics program during high school and are pursuing a STEM course of study at the university level. These student placements will address various aspects of Climate Repair. The LMB may use cookies to analyse how you use our website. The Arctic is melting fast. This project is ideally suited to an applied mathematician or engineer who is comfortable with partial differential equations and numerical methods, and who is eager to undertake laboratory experiments. In summer 2022, applications are sought for a placement within Cavendish Astrophysics. and Colleges work. For more information, please visit the BIOS websiteorcontact Dr Luke Skinner. Internship opportunity at British American Tabacco Southampton for current undergraduates in life sciences, biology, biochemistry or organic chemistry. Summer activity Projects Apply Fees & funding Class profile . External and existing University of Cambridge students are welcome to apply for internships within the University. Our research currently focuses on three main areas: Molecular Programming, Synthetic Biology and Stem Cell Biology. Applications are due by Monday, March 27, 2023 at 5:00pm Eastern Time. Atmospheric Methane Removal: Electrochemical Methane Oxidation. and Colleges work. University and Colleges work, The Addenbrookes Centre for Clinical Investigation, Cambridge Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre, Equality, Positive Culture & Wellbeing Champions, University Code of Practice for Research Students, Postgraduate Education and Clinical Academic Training - PECAT, How the University These cookies (and any others in use) are detailed in our,, Looking for a chance to meet some of the lovely Christ's cats? Tutors will be supported to complete a series of training modules before beginning work with us, and further continuous professional development for each subsequent placement. The University's Temporary Employment Service (TES) manages the internship scheme. and Colleges work. Re-named for 2017, the English Law and Legal Methods Summer Programme still attracts participants from across the globe. A great way for schools to explore Classics! 12 week bioinformatics internship available at Illumina, Cambridge. 250 per week subsistence payment, will be supported in accessing accommodation in Cambridge, and will be encouraged to experience all that Cambridge has to offer during their internship. In the computational biology field, Microsoft Research Cambridge often offer 12-week paid interships targeted primarily at Masters and PhD students. These commercial activities are becoming technically and economically feasible for the first time in history. Summer Research Programme Every summer the Institute of Astronomy hosts a number of undergraduate interns who undertake research projects supervised by a member of the Institute's staff. Nuffield Research Placements give students the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians for 4-6 weeks over the summer holidays. Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. The University of Cambridge Amgen Scholars Programme provides support for undergraduates from across the globe to participate in cutting-edge research opportunities. We encourage applications for this placement in any of the following broad areas: Students with interest in any of the above areas who meet the criteria for The David and Bridget Jacob Internship Programme are encouraged to apply by Fri 4th March 2022, after which time selection will take place through interview. The role will be Cambridge based with the possibility of visiting our offices in London. The University of Cambridge Faculty of Biology provide an excellent list of internships and work experience opportunities, as does the Royal Society of Biology. JJ Thomson Avenue Key output will be a written report detailing three of the most viable legal approaches to protect Arctic ice assessing their prospects and if time permits, an online database of principal sources. University-wide call for data champions to act as local advocates for good research data management, supporting researchers in areas such asdataorganisation, storage and sharing. Accordingly, the Law of the Sea Convention lacks provisions to protect polar ice which was taken for granted at the time of drafting. Applications . University of Cambridge Our research groups may be able to host work experience students*; you will need to contact them directly to agree this. Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK is leading the way in applying techniques from diverse fields such as biology, machine learning, human-computer interaction, systems, security and programming languages to explore new domains of research in areas such as healthcare, cloud computing, and programming biological systems. and Colleges work. Sell what you love. For more information about the Erasmus Programme, please visitErasmus+. The Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre acts as a hub for synthetic and engineering biology activities at the University of Cambridge in collaboration with corporate partners, policy organisations and NGOs. Students receive additional subject specific teaching across five subject strands (English, Physics, Maths, Chemistry and History) which is delivered by experience teachers and departmental outreach practitioners. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA. You will receive a competitive salary for the period of the internship. Department of Earth Sciences The programmes are aimed at students in the early and middle years of their degree, and you must be based in Cambridge for the duration of the project, even if the project can be completed remotely. CC Bio are keen for the candidate to become a valued member of the team. Working on analysis on omics datasets, bioinformatics and the AI/ML drug discovery process. The curriculum development could for example be incorporated into a Part 2 paper across a range of different subjects; or it could be used to inform seminars hosted by the Centre for Climate Repair or other organisations. Undergraduate Opportunities, Placements and Internships. Over seventy years ago, in 1948, the University of Cambridge inaugurated the English Legal Methods Summer School. This is a pioneering programme within the University of Cambridge and its aim is to bring talented students to Cambridge, who might otherwise not consider postgraduate research in the Life Sciences. There is no closing deadline for this post. The Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) ice pack is a vital global climate regulator due to its reflective properties and is under threat due to direct and indirect greenhouse effects. However, if you wish to apply for a placement, please send your CV (in pdf format) to along with a brief description of the area/project you are interested working in. Prior experience of experimental laboratory work is helpful. The toes of glaciers are melting at an increasing rate as a result of the ingress of warmer but dense salty water towards the glacier. The Programme will support one 4 - 10 week summer internship placement, alternating annually between Cavendish Astrophysics and the Institute of Astronomy. Cambridge Dr Sean Lang: Cambridge: the Platinum Years, 1952-2022 Cambridge has a rich history of connections to royalty. questions, How the Undergraduate Summer Research Programme - Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute The Institute welcomes any enquiries from students wishing to undertake a summer research placement or work experience in the building. Cavendish Laboratory In 2022 we returned to hosting interns at the Institute. This is best done in spring when people are likely to be thinking about these things. For details and to apply see:, The LMB is also part of the Experience Postgrad Life Sciences summer internship programme. The e-mail address for internship enquiries is Based on 2482 salaries posted anonymously by University of Cambridge Summer Intern employees in Whitechapel. Students with social science or humanities backgrounds (including, but not limited to HSPS, HPS, TRPR, History, Law, Philosophy) are encouraged to apply, although we will consider those in STEM subjects or other disciplines with a strong interest and background in ethics. Please take a look before contacting us. The Realise project's aim is to encourage more young people in care to consider higher education. In addition, the programme introduces students to university and the options which are available to them in the future. Discussions about climate repair frequently involve students and public policy researchers with very little background knowledge about this subject, so little in fact, that it is often assumed wrongly that climate repair is a hypothetical subject for the future. If you are a secondary school or sixth form student in Years 10-13, you may be interested in our Work Experience placements. You will join one of the research groups at LMB and carry out original research, working alongside LMB scientists with full access to our world-class research facilities. Further information about the programme, including eligibility criteria and how to apply . Enquires regarding work experience opportunities at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute can be sent to: Comfort with analytical modelling is essential. There are a number of issues which need to be understood further in order to assess the potential viability and effectiveness of a scheme. It will be necessary to update the literature review undertaken in summer 2021. University and Colleges work, Illumina Summer Intern - Bioinformatics [apply before 20th June], New No-Code Programming for Biology Workshop Dates Announced, Biomedical/Medical Engineering Internship - 12 months [applications closed], Call for University Data Champions [apply by 20th February], Undergraduate Internship - Biotechnology at BAT [applications closed], GSK Biostatistics Industrial Placement Programme [apply by 1st November], Internship in Biology, Biochemistry or Bio Sciences [apply by 12th November], Bioinformatics Internship Opportunities at EMBL-EBI [applications closed], Bioinformatics and Digital Health Internship at Oxcitas [deadline unspecified], SynBioUK Hummingbird Venture Fellowship [apply by 15th September], Microsoft Research Internships in Health Intelligence [deadline unspecified], Research Resolutions: refreshing your research landscape [apply by 5th January], No-Code Programming for Biology Workshop Recordings Now Available, Molecular Biologist - COVID Testing Centre - Jersey [deadline unspecified], Royal Society Short Industry Fellowship [apply by 3rd November], University of Cambridge Launch Sustainable Futures Academy, IFST Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Fellowship [apply by 31st August], Synthetic Biology/Molecular Microbiology PIPS Internship at CC Bio [applications closed], Computational Biology Internship at Microsoft Research (2020) [applications closed], Computational Biology Internship at Microsoft Research, [Apply by 8 July 2018] Summer internships available! This project takes stock of the protections afforded by international law with a view to mobilising international action to prevent further damage caused by harmful activities in the CAO, particularly shipping over the pole and mineral exploration and extraction under the ice. The course presents the central aspects of English law as a working system, primarily for lawyers and law . Non-residential places are also available for those who live locally or who prefer to stay elsewhere. University of Cambridge Summer internships Technical Talks Supporter Events and Competitions How to join Collaborate with Us Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C) Equality and Diversity Equality and Diversity overview Athena SWAN E&D Committee Support and Development Targeted funding LGBTQ+@CL LGBTQ+@CL overview Events Links and resources Queer Library women@CL CB3 0EZ United Kingdom Areas include: hospital care, mental health, medical imaging, immunomics and synthetic biology. To add to your academic experience you can book to stay in a Cambridge College, close to the teaching site and the vibrant city centre. Madingley Hall Cambridge Summer School Team 07840 638822 Most of the common queries that we receive are answered on our Frequently Asked Questions page. View Courses and Apply now Telephone: +44 (0)1223 337191 The Arctic is melting fast. A fourth-year engineering student has developed ice-thickening experiments and has made interesting measurements with water flowing in a channel inside a freezer at -18oC, and work is now underway to undertake experiments with a radial geometry. Program Details. The Cavendish Laboratory and the Institute of Astronomy recognise with deep gratitude the support of Mr David and Mrs Bridget Jacob and their establishment of The David and Bridget Jacob Internship Programme. One of the world's leading research institutes, our scientists are working to advance understanding of biological processes at the molecular level - providing the knowledge needed to solve key problems in human health. We are not normally able to offer internships to students studying at other institutions. It brings together news, opinions, advice, and perspectives from Cambridge students and graduates. University and Colleges work, How the University The University and schools in 20 regions collaborate to form regional consortia to support highly-able students from under-represented areas and backgrounds, and involves approximately 4,000 students in Year 12 each year. Please let us know if you have any requirements when you submit your application. 12-month internship available forengineering student studying mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering or similar interested in a year long placement. Glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica are undergoing faster melting, and as a result of the loss of ice at the toe, the glaciers may descend towards the sea more quickly. It is seeking applications from individuals who will implement the communication needs of the community. Our internships are paid and usually take place in the summer, although occasionally openings are available throughout the year. The University of Cambridge runs a large number of events ranging from science days to theatre days to give a taste of life as a student at Cambridge. We advise that you consider the 'Experience Postgrad Life Sciences' programme: We don't just sell creative solutions to our clients and partners, we help to shape them; using our expert knowledge of ad products, sales channels and the industry to impact the way the world . Internships are fixed-term periods of paid work experience, typically lasting 1-3 months.
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