You wanna cuddle with me, dont you~?, I do, but I want to finish zhis chapter more., Why does the book get your attention so much?. Im tired, physically and mentally, I just want a break. Oh wow, Purpled this is amazing, she whispered as she made her way up to the plaque so she could read what it said. Things pile onto each other and Y/n cant seem to find the strength to complete a mission, putting her life in danger. Alex turns his phone around, showing you to his stream. Wed like to preface this with a huge THANK YOU! I now want to see what would happen if you were to be playing Gartic Phone with Quackity and the boys and you were to write this as the prompt, Jack Manifall off bridge. , I just had to say this because I cant stop thinking about it , Do you ever just sit and wonder what youre doing with your life? irl!mcyts having a long-distance relationship w you! ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Bbh: The sweetheart cradle/head on chest. The one room I promised Y/n that I would never return to. Y/N worked with him. Sam left the room, Charlie following to see him out of the area and make sure he would finish the tower. But all I can think about is Jughead Jones from Riverdale! yelled a little girl in a (f/c) sundress, with an odd curl sticking out of the upper right side of her head. Alex said, eyeing you in light now. Will was 20, fundy was 4 and y/n was 1. They are fighting out there! I cry. Watching as she turned on her heels and walked away. "I should kill you where you stand. I was running for my fucking life. Shes gone and there is nothing I can do about it. H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Can request for me to post it sooner than planned), Requests are Open!! But before I could even question him, he dragged me towards the one bend in the road at the end of the parking lot. Its fun, especially when you get competitive, he loves to see you excited about it. I press it, half wishing it did nothing and half wanting this cursed land to be wiped off the face of the planet. Tommy, the lady has a point, Karl jumps in. Quackity has gotten way more hyper (somehow..) ever since you guys got together, on streams hes even louder and giggly, especially when you end up showing up. He loves to play stupid roblox games, or minecraft with you! How are you here?. Does that help? I respond in between breaths. Safely!. He visibly flinched with every stifled crunch his shoes would create in the hardened, frozen ground, and at every snap of a twig beneath his weight as he continued almost wading his way through the depths of the freshly fallen snow, picking his feet over the mounds and observing them vaguely. #dreamwastaken In front of her were the large dark oak doors leading to Schlatts office. Somehow, HYDRA had caught on to what Ive been doing. Your shoes clicked against the ruined streets of Berlin with each step. He tended to her healing wounds, and even though he wished he didnt need to, he told her what had happened. Everything could be done tomorrow or the next day. (see the dream team & co. through my eyes! #punz she chirped. He just comes up and full on lays on you. Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly . But as I reach the stairs and begin to climb them, the flight below me collapses. Y/n, I can see a building collapsing, and I heard Tonys call for backup. As soon as she got passed the door tears fell down her face. He always believes in you, and he is willing to do anything to help you. His face was angry as he sat back down in his chair. Nothing helps, not even taking sleep meds. "Exactly y/n, you start with your heading, you say dear and then the person you are talkin. A/N: A shorter one this time! He hadn't meant to be heard. Ive only met Tommy in person and he is currently staying over for the next couple of weeks. <3 Chapter 3 will be out soon! Hov could you think zhat?. What? I say quietly. Tommy Give me my phone back! I yell reaching for it. The drive takes another 30 minutes before Tommy turns into a parking lot. Chapter Summary - Wilbur finally snaps which leads him to the end of the line. ALSO LOVES THE DREAM FIC YOU HAD!!! But my annoyance with Peter is overruling my need to cuddle with him. He just comes up and full on lays on you. There was something about them that was mesmerizing. Holding you close. She walked quickly heading for Schlatts office. Apparently, HYDRA isnt completely gone as we had thought. Though, it is kinda funny how you found it necessary to try and climb your way out of the building when you knew I was minutes away, Peter says laughing a bit. Give me that, get me this! Quackity asked sarcastically. Do it, do it or they will!. and if you dont want to talk, hell understand and remind you how much he loves you <33, hes a bit more private when it comes to his love life, (if youre comfy) just like Ranboo, youre wearing a mask and glasses on his streams :]], the chat loves the chaotic neutral couple vibes you two are giving off, Ranboo sometimes makes some jokes about getting a divorce with you since he wants to marry Tubbo, and sometimes its the other way around! The light sound of tapping feet sounded throughout the living room and your attention was steered away from the glass pane you had been carelessly staring at for the past five minutes. Surprisingly she smiled up at him with no worry. He immediately ends the stream, but doesnt disconnect from the discord call. Munich, or Mnchen ("Home of the Monks"), traces its origins to the Benedictine monastery at Tegernsee, which was probably founded in 750 ce. A small groan of annoyance left his lips, but as you smiled up at him sweetly any upset left him, flew away, thoroughly evaporated, literally got up and walked out of the door slamming it on its exit. Sam said, equally annoyed. Peter is always asking me to do things for him with my abilities and Im getting sick of it! Big Q immediately answers this and Im not surprised. -- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering chumHandle [CH] -- He had been through a lot. Quackity sighed as he looked at the blueprint plans in front of him. Glatt: he/it 18 Blade: she/they 19 (icon by cinnipup on insta! He feels like he's protecting you. I dont know what I was thinking at the time, but I shouldnt have let him. Most of the buildings were finished, but the Eiffel Tower was taking much longer than expected to complete. Fluff alphabet courtesy of @magical-warlock <3. Ludwiggggggggg! his eye twitched and a light pink blossomed across his cheeks as you laid across his lap, there was honestly no need to do this other than the fact that you wanted to and ma, You wore black combat boots, camis, and a sparkly corset in the pattern of the German flag. ), Who Could Ever Hurt You? I meant to bring a pipe to me and instead I brought the whole bottom floor ceiling down on itself. I am currently sitting in my room, waiting for Tommy to finish up. Alex exclaimed jokingly and you giggled. Youve gotten louder aswell, youre not afraid to yell around the house if need be, thats for sure. What do you think youre doing? He leans over and looks at my screen. thank you so much <33 i will be posting a technoblade nsfw later today aswell, i might work on the hcs or i might post a fic, idk which will come first since the hcs are fillers but i will do them! Y/N worked with him. Turn that off! Y/N flinched trying to stand up straighter. Though he was very hesitant at first, eventually he snuggles with you. A hope that Schlatt could become the man he once was. Apparently, it could. Please answer them before they start bugging me, Tommy says, handing his phone to me and then leaning on the car. [CH] : Hey! Both laying on your sides face to face. It seemed like he was reading your thoughts as before you even think of another he adjusted both your positions so that he lips were by your ear and with a slight roughness to his voice he whispered I love you more than anything could ever even begin to explain, God youre such a simp you lowly chuckled, trying to ignore the cluster of butterflies currently swarming your stomach full of jittery happiness. -Quackity isn't insecure so he doesn't get jealous too often -Keyword OFTEN -He ofc has his moments just like everybody else. He likes to see your face. note: these are literally all the pictures that I collected making the other two that I didnt get the chance to use, but I really liked them, and I wanted them to be used, so I made this. You know the drill and I really dont feel like repeating it but check the follow button and Ill see you later. Im reading, Ludwig answered, turning a page of his book. We only wish we could have done more for you. You should have tried that first dipshit! quackity doesnt like being shipped with other cc (mainly his friends), but this isnt supposed to be shipping him with anyone but y/n. Did you forget that you have a college essay due tomorrow?. He nuzzled into her neck. K iss - Are they a good kisser? You arrived at the building with the internationally known sign of a red cross pasted onto a white background. You can find that here. Im just trying to help, watch your language!. . Y/n had taken the news surprisingly well, but what was unknown to everyone but Y/n, was that Y/n had already expected this outcome. Wilbur wasnt by her side when she woke, and he was too calm while he held her during what she thought were her last moments. Technoblade: Spooning. Are you saying you like the book more than me? you mockingly gasped melodramatically. Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly listening to rain before a ding interrupted you. these are some dream team and company x reader oneshots! Rest in peace our friend. hallo! Quackity like his hair! Hey, whats more romantic than you coming to my rescue? I respond sarcastically. This has to be done, there is nothing else we can do. Steve glances over it before handing it to me. Q uirk - Some random ability they have thats beneficial in a relationship. Another click is heard signaling another person joining the comns. A cozy little house. Quackity would be one to forgive easily, especially if its you, although you guys get into alot of joke arguments. :], Karl would most definitely want to share his happiness of having you with his fans, and if youre ok with it, hell write little appreciation tweets for you <3, but if you dont want much attention drawn to you, Karl would be very chill abt it and respect you, this sounds clich but falling asleep on call, for example - you or him couldnt fall asleep and called the other to ask whats the best medicine to take to fall asleep but you guys end up chatting till 4am, if you fall asleep first, hell get real quiet and just enjoy the fact that talking to him makes you so calm that you can fall asleep, if you guys are facetiming, Karl will just stare at your peaceful sleeping face for a bit and then end the call with a grin on his face, the first times you were a bit shy and didnt show your face, just talked time to time, when you got comfortable, you turned on your camera on the discord call :], Karl was very happy to see you comfy with him and his fans, the chat are swooning and calling you very pretty/handsome/gorgeous. He slowly stood from his chair towering over her. "Ludwig! Mhm, I say quietly, still looking at the wall. Lets go before we miss the party. With that, he pulls me up and begins dragging me to the front door. C!Jschlatt x Reader-Short Oneshot. B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? Theyve apparently been hiding in the shadows for weeks now. Y/n is fundys little sister. Im surprised you even finished it.. He wants to hold you but at the same time be held. Karl, a close friend to Y/n and Niki, made his way to the girls and wrapped his arms around them. 'Vhat!?!?!!! Do you really want to take that risk? Phil asks me, I can hear the hope in his voice that I wont take the risk. Can request for me to post it sooner than planned). Out of no where, Tommy jumps up and yells. I highly recommend it for when youre doing literally anything. We wanted something to remember you by.. Karl: The honeymoon hug. But I love you too. Was?! One piece hit my shoulder knocking me to the ground. You weren't surprised when you saw your good friend Feliciano springing along amongst the snow like an over excited child, his small brown curl bouncing slightly with every leap of faith he took to get further into the thickening snow. He had just came back from mining. after talking about it with Ranboo, youre hyped to start your day!! I stop short, gasping at the sight in front of me. This idea was originally supposed to be for the Two Ghosts fic but I think it went to far off track, so I separated it with the intention of writing it out as a stand alone fic. Most people honestly would have lost any hope for finding it, lost all belief in the idea of true love, but not him. But at what cost? How do they deal with it? I unlock my phone to see multiple messages from the boys. Big Q has a habit of giving me nicknames but saying them in Spanish. It's just so comforting to him. I see no party. ), Remember the rules & who/what we write! You loved it when he hummed or chuckled, especially when you could feel it resounding in his chest. ), Glatts working on the Quackity ones, by the way! You said it would be done and now we are set back.". V alue - How important is the relationship to them? Quackity asked. As you sat down you let out a sigh of relief. If you fucking ask again Im gonna turn around and were going home. Like, take Karl for example, he knows every one of my favorite songs. E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? Well, as free as he could conceivably construct in his mind. He likes to see your face. Now, please leave Cap.. Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? What? - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. He looks from me to the watermarks on his shirt, and back again. (Requests for this event are: OPEN! And Alex couldnt seem to let go of my hand, but Im not complaining. The book isnt going anywhere! you responded, turning back to him. It depends, some days hes got you down to a T, sometimes he misses the mark by alot but he is very empathetic! Happy Fourth of July everyone! Tommy said through the discord as he and the rest of the gang streamed.
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