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One of the positive implications of the valuable-future view of killing is that it can explain why killing infants is wrong, even if an infant does not meet all of the qualifications of personhood. B. One day, Frank asks Mary what she thinks of a hat he has recently purchased. To show that abortion is NOT always unjust killing, what does Jarvis-Thomson do first? Based on your reading of the ABOUT Ethics in Accounting Reading Material (CA-4, given article 1) respond to the following:Ethics and Integrity Standards are based on the following, EXCEPT: Intellectual Property (books, music, movies) says ____________ is illegal. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental principle of free enterprise or capitalism? Behaving ethically requires that we meet the mandatory standards of the law and then go above and beyond them to recognize that an action may be legal but we personally may consider it unacceptable. Which of the following is the most serious consequence of cheating? Business ethics is the application of general ethical ideas to business behavior. Claim that morality is primarily about becoming a certain type of person. Quiz: Can You Pass This Ethics And Morality Test? Aristotle's Virtue Ethics Quiz Questions And Answers, Enmgy E-00059-15-o Series1 Ethics - 1 Cpe Hour For A Score Of At Least 70%. Suppose a drug-user is a bum and exhibits antisocial (but non-criminal) behavior. C. Ethics are the principles or conditions that customarily govern. This is an amazing ethical theories quiz with questions and answers. A person's ethical beliefs are affected by, Ethics Practice Quiz Questions And Answers. Alexei asks her the following question: "If you had borrowed money from someone and promised to pay it back a week later, wouldn't you be thrilled if they came to you after that week and said that there was no need to pay the loan back?" c.) The study of ethics combines psychology and philosophy. Aristotle thinks the following about moral virtue: A. Virtue is a mean between two behavioral extremes Such an argument is characterized as, Imagine a situation in which a patient is not competent and has left no instructions regarding end-of-life preferences. C. Implies that if we think God gives us a moral law because it is good, then (presumably) we should be able to figure it out without reference to God by figuring out what is good for us. What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)? According to the Greek system of logic introduced by Socrates, normative, Based on what you have learned in this unit, answer the following questions: How is the ancient concept of distributive justice understood in today's political debate? PHIL 1404 PHIL 1404 Ethics and social Responsibility Review Graded Quiz 3.docx, phil 1404 Self-Quiz Unit 8 and terms.docx, Ethical decision making in business is limited to major corporate decisions with dramatic social con, 3 In calculating the net exports X N component of GDP the value of imports is a, 22 Lesson learning outcomes By the end of the lesson you will be able to 211, 9_7 Relative, Demonstrative Pronouns.docx, delivery convenience is a very important aspect where the customers would not, The balance in the prepaid rent account before adjustment at the end of the year, Optionality Analysis Because the Authority will be refunding these candidates, Which one of the following is a good password policy for an organisation a All, 33 The factors of production include all of the following EXCEPT A money B land, Normal blood pressure in the supine position c Rapid thready pulse d Cold clammy, // If you have already taken an earlier PR ethics quiz, What do you know about business ethics? The Sarbanes-Oxley Act determines the standards of financial reporting for state and local government. C. Determines its duty according to reason, i.e. Ethics are moral codes of conduct that one must follow. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? C. Casual sex requires one to use another person for the object(ive) of receiving sexual pleasure. Conducting personal business on company time (sending personal messages on company email; taking a longer lunch break to run errands). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Prescriptive statements, also known as normative statements, are meant to express truth claims about the way things are., Your friend claims that there is only one, absolute, moral rule: seek power at all costs. Which of the following is an important component of capitalism? One way we might reject Gay-Williams' argument from nature is by showing that not everything that sets us against our natural inclinations is wrong (like brushing our teeth). Gay-Williams thinks that natural instincts are a guide for determining whether an action is right or wrong. They serve as a reference point for all the . Sanjay is Sikh and Joanne is Christian. As part of the decision-making tool, it is recommended that one develops a list of at least _______ option(s). Peter Singer uses the "Principle of Equal Consideration" as a basis for his argument that we should change our standard animal practices. Is the study of the nature of morality and its origins Even when people cannot afford adequate health care, their rights haven't been violated. True The ___ has primary responsibility for ensuring the quality and timeliness of the goods and services in meeting contract performance standards. Which of the following is a TRUE statement about stakeholders? Such an action could conceivably be sanctioned by. The answer is; A. a.) 3. Natasha's embrace of the Golden Rule obliges her to excuse Alexei's debtafter all, she must do unto Alexei what she would have done unto herself, For Aristotle, a person living a life of reason is living a life of, Virtue ethics claims that the right action is the one performed by the virtuous person and that the virtuous person is the one who performs the right action. Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is wrong. Used by Peter Singer to explain what we mean when we say all people are equal Which of the following is true with regard to how bad decisions happen to good people? It is a mechanism that may be used to thoroughly think through an issue and evaluate the consequences of an action. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental principle of free enterprise or capitalism? What is the most likely outcome of the case? Which of the following statements is true of ethics? Plagiarism is only a concern for academic assignments. What is Diane's perspective on lying most likely to be? Moreover, revisions to Cultural Competence standard provide more explicit guidance to social workers. Code of ethics. The building opposite this one contain a superb library. B. Casual sex requires another person in order to receive sexual pleasure C. Differentiated between pleasures, thinking that the best pleasure is tranquility. (There is only one option):, Why does Moore think the naturalistic fallacy is a . According to Kant, his ethical theory is a direct response to Mill. to teach you how to be ethical It means that moral judgments have a factual component that is capable of being true/false, and an irrational component that ultimately makes them neither true nor false. But some argue that with the COVID-19 vaccine, this rationale may be shortsighted. Eric insists that lying is never permissible since it always violates the categorical imperative. Aristotle thinks happiness is a state of being. Do you want to test your knowledge of social work ethics? A patient is admitted to the hospital for a total knee replacement. Ethics and morality are exactly the same. Code of Ethics: A code of ethics is a guide of principles designed to help professionals conduct business honestly and with integrity. a. Something can be both unethical and illegal. It is important because criminal justice system is more . Has two major groups: those who believe in moral facts (realists), and those who don't (antirealists). XX There should be no collusion between sellers of goods. However, social workers' responsibility to the larger society or specific legal obligations may, on limited occasions, supersede the loyalty owed clients, and clients should be so advised. C. You have a duty not to commit suicide, A. The COR may not conduct inspections Active euthanasia is when death is brought about by an act - for example when a person is killed by being given an overdose of pain-killers. 2. Principlism is a moral theory that is intended, in part, to solve the problem of conflicting rules or principles. This is a new 10-question quiz to test yourknowledge of theethical practice of public relations. withholding treatment for a terminally ill patient and allowing that patient to die. One premise of the main argument for cultural relativism is that because different cultures have different beliefs about what is right and wrong, there are no objective moral principles. . One day, she loans $100 to her friend Alexei and has him swear that he will pay her back in one week's time. Some people act immorally after proper reflection. What type of immunity is protective against Haemophilus influenzae type b? because the best rules, under this theory, seem to be those with amendments that make them as specific as possible to particular cases, and this leads to a collapse into act-utilitarianism, Suppose a utilitarian judge decides to rule against a plaintiff in a lawsuit just because people in general would be happier if the plaintiff lost the case. Ethics c. Standards d. Values; Answer: A. Ayer, the sentence: "Stealing is wrong!" 7. The private sector proposed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as a way to regulate competition within industries. This theory is inconsistent with our considered moral judgments because it says that it is right to harm innocent people when it benefits you, A moral theory is inconsistent with our considered moral judgments if, it allows us to cause pain to infants for fun. Which of the following statements are TRUE with regard to ethics? Our moral experience provides general background knowledge about morality, while our considered moral judgments provide evaluations of specific actions as right or wrong. 8. C. An activity that accords with virtue. Transcribed image text: 1 pts Question 3 Which of the following statements about ethics training is true? It is unclear, since there is little relation between earnings estimates and stock performance. Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group. Mill thought we could divide pleasure based on the qualities of "higher" and "lower" pleasures based on whatever method we please. The idea behind __________ is that in any society, morality demands that people receive what they are due (what is fair). The correct answer here is B.Ethics seeks to define good and bad. Business ethics is the culmination of ethical values and appropriate business behavior. Describe a practical way to prioritize the claims of stakeholders. This aspect of his worldview is called, The health insurance program supported jointly by the federal and individual state governments that covers some low-income families, pregnant women, families and children, and people with disabilities is named, In the American health care system, those who don't have the money to pay for health care, even those with serious illnesses or injuries, often get no medical care at all because of escalating costs. Which of the following is NOT a reason Gay-Williams gives for why euthanasia is immoral: It would be wrong to have the sort of social program that eliminates those who are too 'ill' to function normally any longer. B. B. She now wants to determine whether this creature counts as a person in the moral sense. India? According to Ross, we determine our actual duty: C. By weighing our prima facie duties against one another through 'considered reflection', Eudaimonia is best translated as "bad demon.". B. Virtue accords with a rational principle and also has an affective dimension The government has no role to play apart from making sure people aren't prevented from getting care. Suppose your friend Julie believes that it's possible for her to make mistakes on moral matters and that the culture to which she belongs can make also mistakes about morality. Which of the following is not a test option in the handbook for evaluating an ethical dilemma? From Foot: "[T]he grounds of a moral judgment do not reach all the way to it": A. Employees assume no risk when they conduct themselves ethically. 4.Solved Which of the following statements about ethics |; 5.Which of the following statements about ethics training is true? Your friend claims that there is only one, absolute, moral rule: seek power at all costs. Therefore, the dog will bark.". The argument against casual sex based on objectification asserts which of the following: A. Objectification is an essential part of casual sex Ethics is about determining what is moral and what is immoral. Something must be wrong. According to a news report, "Having lost 30 pounds from a stomach disorder, suffering from congestive heart failure and in constant back pain, the admiral had been determined to dictate the hour of his death." Contrastivism has been applied to a wide range of philosophically important topics, including several topics in ethics. Who said "reason is the slave of the passions"? 2) Therefore, euthanasia is wrong. Quiz: Kantian Ethics and Engineering Ethics! Take as many times as you like. Think you can pass the quiz? Psychology questions and answers. An ethical dilemma occurs when one must make a choice among alternative actions and the right choice is not absolutely clear. Eric, a Kantian, and Diane, an ethicist of care, are debating whether lying is ever morally permissible. Are embodied and exemplified by the ubermensch Kant's theory emphasizes three of morality's most important features, universality, impartiality, and respect for persons, Aquinas says that judging the rightness of actions is a matter of, consulting reason and considering rational grounds for moral beliefs, that we should do something in all situations regardless of our wants and needs, In natural law theory, the emphasis on reason makes morality independent of, A pregnant woman has cancer and will die unless she receives chemotherapy to destroy the tumors. Accountancy is the only discipline with a formal . Social workers have some code of ethics that dictate their work. An unscrupulous business tactic known as ________ advertises a product at a low price but when the customer comes in to buy, only more expensive products are available. As mentioned above, feelings, laws, and social norms can deviate from what is ethical. Step-by-step explanation. Ethics is also known as moral philosophy. What do you do? What should we conclude about Equalia's attempts to persuade Oppressia to treat all of its citizens equally? All of the following statements about harassment are true EXCEPT: Sexual harassment is the least common form of harassment. I will say of the above because ,ethics are moral behaviors and they form the background of other things people do and apply on a daily bases, discipline is an aspect of ethics and if you are discipline, it is applicable to your work. Why? A parent's guidance tends to be helpful and needed, and some young women have regretted having abortions, The pro-lifer can argue that Mary Anne Warren's view of personhood leads to an absurdity: if a fetus is not a person, then neither is a newborn. B. Incline their agents to behave rightly, thereby judging rightly how to proceed in a particular situation. According to emotivism, when someone says, Lying is wrong," what are they really saying? Prescriptive statements, also known as normative statements, are meant to express truth claims about the way things are. Explain why ethical responsibilities go beyond legal compliance. Such a case suggests that virtue ethics may have a problem with, In ethics, the central question asked by a virtue ethicist is, "What should I do? Ethics or moral We sincerely welcome you to our ethics practice quiz questions and answers. If we say 'good' refers to a psychological state, then we'll never be able to settle debates about why we chose a particular psychological state as 'good', A thing is only good as a means to some other good end, the view that the motive for all our actions is self-interest, Decisions are based on what is best for the individual making the decision. Try to get the rule changed, while obeying the rule. According to Halwani, someone might think that fungibility is morally wrong because it is like treating people like pens or paper cups. Hume thinks that if morality were based on the real relations of ideas (reasons), then animal and oak tree activity would be considered moral and/or immoral. How might the destruction of the meadow reflect the impact of war? Therefore, she has decided to start a petition that will demand that undocumented immigrants get access to health care equal with that of any U.S. citizen, since every person, regardless of citizenship status, is of equal value and is worthy of equal moral consideration. A person who does not know how to swim is not morally obligated to jump into a pond to save a drowning boy, Commonsense morality distinguishes between doing our duty and doing more than duty requires, what are called supererogatory actions. Therefore we (usually) think active euthanasia is wrong. But they have access to it so long as no one is blocking their way into hospitals or doctors' offices. Philosophy maintains society's collective memory. Standing up for what you believe in by speaking up and taking action. 4. Raja Halwani argues that sexual desire is inherently morally suspicious, but is not inherently morally wrong. Which of the four numbered statements is the conclusion? Some people who act immorally after proper reflection must not have a sufficient reason to act morally. Maladaptive Daydreaming Test: Am I A Maladaptive Daydreamer. Killing is wrong because it violates the right-to-life of the fetus. Following this case, consumers felt even more confident in Ford's diligence in designing cars for safety. Information that is general or common knowledge must be cited. I get that people need access to health careI do. Philosophy improves understanding of argumentation. The quiz is not only a way for you to test your understanding of ethics, but it will Quiz: Can you pass this ethics and morality test? Sexual activity occurring outside the context of a love relationship Block 9 Vaccines Abx Infxn Cntrl And Ethics MCQ's, AODA Quiz: Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act Trivia Questions, Adi Shankaracharya Quiz Questions And Answers.