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Oct 27, 2007. He comes pre, not post; He comes before. How could they believe unless He caused them to believe? Register. I reject the wacky world of newspaper exegesis and cartoon eschatology, and crazy interpretation like the locusts of Revelation 9 being helicopters, et cetera. Guest. They taught that the kingdom of God would be visibly manifest on earth after the second coming of Jesus. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, this mortal must put on immortality. And then he goes on to talk about the fact that in that moment, in that event, Death is swallowed up in victory. We also applaud his insistence that the Bible must be interpreted literally, according to its normal sense. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Post-Millennialism, in stark contrast to Pre-Millennialism, believes that the Millennium occurs before Jesus' Second Coming rather than after. The other says it is the kingdom. His mode of expositing those verses that supposedly counter Preterism really helped me to focus on those areas in the Bible. Therefore, Israel has been permanently set aside, so that the only kingdom will be that kingdom that we call the church, ruled by Christ, either expanding to take over the world, or existing in the world, and finally in heaven. Jonathan Edwards, a noted postmillennialist and someone MacArthur quotes unfavorably in his Shepherds talk, outlined the future of the Christian Church in his 1774 History of Redemption. Theyve been refined, clarified, expanded, enriched through these 50 years, but I was convinced when I started. I know where history is going. You can figure it out. We who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus shall we always be with the Lord. Heres the application: Therefore - do what? In short, there shall be, as it were, a universal spread of religion and holiness to the Lord, throughout the world. We shall all be changed, in a moment, the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed., Thats the rapture; were going to study the rapture. We chart the course and God reacts. Well, we now come to the doctrines that relate to the end times. Whats that about? A Purchased Victory: A Conference on the Bright Hope of Postmillennialism, Website made by Chittam Technology Solutions, LLC. - comfort one another. You get Israel right when you get the Old Testament covenants and promises with Israel right. CLASSIC DISPENSATIONALISM. And for most evangelicals, for most people who hold to a sound, biblical view and Reformed theology, they would live and die that the text of Genesis 1 through 3 means exactly what it says it means, because thats the only way to interpret Scripture. In 1679, Scottish minister Walter Smith drew up some guidelines for prayer meetings: As it is the undoubted duty of all to pray for the coming of Christs kingdom, so all that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and know what it is to bow a knee in good earnest, will long and pray for the out-making of the gospel-promises to his Church in the latter days, that King Christ would go out upon the white horse of the gospel, conquering and to conquer, and make a conquest of the travail of his soul, that it may be sounded that the kingdoms of the world are become his, and his name called upon from the rising of the sun to its going down. Now, they make perfect amillennialists; thats a perfect setup for them. We sent you an email. Theres a recovery of premillennialism in the modern era, and the recovery of premillennialism in the modern era came from two very unlikely sources. Amillennialism really seems to fit them. Did He do it and somehow muddle it so hopelessly that the high ground for Bible students and the high ground for theologians is to recognize the muddle and abandon the perspicuity or the clarity of Scripture on that subject? In other words, Piper believes Jesus Christ will come on earth and reign for 1,000 years. They believe that salvation can be gained and lost. Those are the views. John MacArthur's Defense of Dispensationalism Monday, December 8, 2008 by Gary DeMar In 1988, John MacArthur wrote The Gospel According to Jesus, a controversial book in certain circles because he relied heavily on the views of Calvinistic writers to deal with the lordship salvation controversy. Turn to 1 Corinthians 15; 1 Corinthians 15. In fact, the worst evil thats ever been done on the history of the world was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and by that - the worst evil - He gained the greatest glory. , . As soon as you abandon that, then its fair game for anybodys craziness. (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, [1834] 1974), 1:607.). Ridgeley spends several pages refuting ancient and modern Chiliasts, or Millennarians ((Ridgeley, Commentary on the Larger Catechism, 1:558562.)) In fact, some say nearly one-fourth of Scripture is prophetic. ), We have, hence, sufficient ground to conclude, that, when these prophecies shall have their accomplishment, the interest of Christ shall be the prevailing interest in the world, which it has never yet been in all respects; so that godliness shall be as much and as universally valued and esteemed, as it has hitherto been decried, and it shall be reckoned as great an honour to be a Christian, as it has, in the most degenerate age of the church, been matter of reproach…. So to interpret Matthew 24 the way John MacArthur does as all about the tribulation period, and then all of a sudden you get to verse thirteen and you read into that a whole soteriological concept that I've got to make it to the end of my life in good works to prove I'm a Christian so I can get to heaven. First of all, we commend Dr. MacArthur for his solid Biblical position on Israel, and that Israel has a glorious future in the plan and purpose of God. He has also written or edited nearly four hundred books and study guides. Its a strange approach. But there is a growing influence of amillennialism, because amillennialism has been a part of reformed theology. The alpha privative in the Greek language means a negative, so there is the view that there is no millennium; that what John is writing about in Revelation 20 is very vague, may refer to nothing other than a long time in which the church flourishes on earth, simply referring to that kingdom which is spiritual - that is, the rule of Christ over those who belong to Him while on earth. What passage is it in? For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ - thats part of the coming eschatology. But we distributed that, and I arranged - and I dont know when its going to happen for you - I arranged to get a copy for every family at Grace Church as a gift. He concluded that Nothing is more certainly foretold than this national conversion of the Jews in Romans 11. (Jonathan Edwards, History of Redemption, The Works of Jonathan Edwards, 2 vols. The world, as they see it, is in an ongoing golden process of progress. I remember when I flew to Kazakhstan in about a 35 or 38-hour flight; got off the plane at 7:00 in the morning to speak at a conference. Turn to 1 Thessalonians chapter 4; 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. The Rise of Philo-Semitism and Premillennialism During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Now, Im going to save the good stuff till next time, but I want to just end by giving you a little list of benefits of getting your eschatology right, okay? And by the way, dispensationalists - people say, Well, that whole premillennial view, that came out of C.I. For details about this sermon and for related resources, click here: To receive John MacArthur's monthly l. He told me he would study the issue and get back to me. Basically he said that when people spiritualize or allegorize the first three chapters of Genesis we call them Liberals, but when they do the same with the prophetic Scriptures we call them amillennialists. This primer takes you on a Biblical study of questions surrounding prophecy, Israel, the rapture, and the different millennial . Erik Raymond is the senior pastor at Redeemer Fellowship Church in Metro Boston. Dr. MacArthur picked this fight. There were 1600 pastors from central Asia - the first Central Asian pastors conference in history after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Btw, LA is beautiful and the conference is great, I hope to post some reflections as the week goes on. And Ive gone back after I preach, and Ive written commentaries - now I think 26 or 27 volumes on the New Testament - back through the same material again and again and again and again and again, so that this understanding of eschatology has had to stand the acid test of every text. Ive written about this in several places. Hes improving; Hes definitely on the upward curve. Fundamental So, heres how to get the foundation for a good sound eschatology: get election right, get Israel right, you got it. Theres a rapture, and theres a bma seat judgment; we know that. Now it is time to reestablish the high ground of sovereign grace for a future generation of ethnic Israel in salvation and the messianic earthly kingdom. Blessed. So, if were going to change the rules of interpretation to inject into Scripture a preconceived idea or to avoid what is obvious, we better be sure that we have a word from God. This is simply a way to understand Scripture in its normal sense. Yet, Abraham did not receive it during all the time of his journey there. Thats called process theology. Leave it to the semi-Pelagians and Pelagians, who go in and out of salvation; it makes sense for their theology. Cause what that means is God does know the future; God has set the future, and the future involves not only the glory of His church but the fulfillment of His elect people Israel with regard to everything that He promised that nation. Whether you are a pessimistic amillennialist, or an optimistic amillennialist - thats a postmillennialist - you dont know what to do with prophetic truth, because if you interpret prophetic truth in the same normal, natural way you interpret all the rest of the passages of Scripture, youre going to end up a premillennialist; its inevitable. See more on the author's page Sung Wook Chung We want the Word to cause us to live lives pleasing to You. Turn to Revelation chapter 1. See here and here. He is known around the world for his verse-by-verse expository preaching and his pulpit ministry via his daily radio program, Grace to You. John MacArthur's ministries, including Grace to You and Masters University, also employ a grammatical historical method of interpretation, and they come to a dispensational view of eschatology. Why? Show it to me. (Quoted in DeJong, As the Waters Cover the Sea, 38.). Now, when they came here, Im very much aware that many of them are amillennialists. Now, next time Im going to take you through a series of about five questions that were going to ask and see how this plays out on the pages of Scripture, okay? God is just trying to find His way through the melee of choices and decisions, through the endless vicissitudes and choices that everything and everyone makes, through all of the numberless issues in this massive universe that are going on; Hes sorting it all out as He goes. There are two great elect people in the Bible: Israel and the church; and Israel is elect, as the church is elect - the New Testament is full of comments about the church being the elect. Oh sure, it helps to know some history and some background, but this is a pronounced blessing. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure., Getting your eschatology right will bless you and getting your eschatology right will purify you. There are 73 references to Israel in the New Testament; each of them refers to Israel. Piper was responding to an "Ask Pastor John . The reasons are simple enough: this classic work is forthrightly Biblical. He is currently the chancellor emeritus of The Master's University in . Christ's Prophetic Plans: A Futuristic Premillennial Primer. It matters to me to understand what God has said about the end. Premillennialism: The millennium is the long period (perhaps a literal 1,000 years) when King Jesus will rule on earth. DMcFadden said: The mixture of dispensational eschatology and Calvinist soteriology is not unique to MacArthur. An Excellent Defense of The Rapture by Dr. John MacArthur But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. Amillennialism is ideal for Arminians because, according to their theology, God elects nobody and preserves nobody. In the modern theological world, I say leave amillennialism to the process theologians. So, I told the pastors at the conference, and the title of this talk is, Why every self-respecting Calvinist has to be a premillennialist. Because, if you believe in divine sovereign election, then you have to believe that as God will be faithful to His promises to His church, He will also be faithful to His promises to His elect nation Israel. Postmillennialists think things are going to get better. An article by John MacArthur: "The common question of which Bible translation to use is very important--it concerns the most important words ever spoken, the words of God the Creator. In a really interesting illustration MacArthur envisioned an amillennialist evangelizing a Jew. They are certainly available (or they should be) in the library at MacArthurs Masters Seminary. Its the whole point of the beginning and the middle. Not one reference anywhere in Scripture - and there are over two thousand, referring to Israel - means anything other than Israel. So, we can set aside the idea that somehow this is rooted in wacky dispensationalism; it is not. MacArthur is a fifth-generation pastor, a popular author and conference speaker and has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969, and as President of The Master's College (and the related Master's Seminary) in Santa Clarita, California. Every Sunday morning for over 50 years, John MacArthur a faithful pastor with many of the same convictions as Barrow has ascended the pulpit of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, opened his Bible, and boldly preached God's Word to the thousands assembled there to worship. Craig Blaising and Darrell Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism And . I have thought about these things, by the way, for a long time. This is why its message is hated. Why Every Calvinist Should Be a Premillennialist, Part 1. And who made them? Accordingly, we have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions in order to comply with GDPR. And Im really grateful that the Spirit of God is moving the way He is these days, and moving in the church to reestablish the glorious high ground of the sovereignty of God in salvation. Is that what God wanted us to do, to look at it and say, Aw, I cant figure this out; lets forget it? There are whole denominations that are instructed not to teach on the end times. Thats for people who dont know this; that the way history ends, is with Jesus coming and taking us away. Do you understand the massive apologetic power of the existence of Israel as an ethnic people in their own land? Log In They dont want to accept that the entire universe was created in six nearly twenty-four-hour days. We know that Word about the future has that power. He is best known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio programme Grace to You and has been the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since February, 1969.He is also currently is the President of The Master's University in Newhall, California and The Master's Seminary in Los Angeles . But, for certain, according to amillennialists, there will be no thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth. Now, talking about eschatology is not without controversy. He made an interesting connection between Genesis and Revelation. MacArthur pulled no punches in his messages saying things like Jesus, Peter, the writer of Hebrews, and James were all premillenial. So here, we are living in the view of our eschatological triumph in Christ: the glory of the Rapture, the last trump, rising from the grave, made imperishable and immortal. Because when you understand Gods purpose for Israel, you now have the foundation for all eschatology; all eschatology. In the meantime, Ive continued to study the Old Testament to write all the footnotes for the MacArthur Study Bible through the entire Old Testament. How could He hold them responsible for not believing? Did God do this but somehow mumble? Weve been working our way through doctrinal emphases in Scripture, doctrinal themes, and we have covered a lot of ground. Some people want to turn it into ages - theres nothing in there that does that; theres nothing in the text itself that does that. If you dont know what you believe about the future, you cant preach on it. Its two ways to view human history. Historical Records of New South Wales, vols 1-7; Historical Records of Australia, series 1, vols 1-17, series 3, vols 2-3, series 4, vol 1; S. Macarthur Onslow, Early Records of the Macarthurs of Camden (Syd 1914) S. J. Butlin, Foundations of the Australian Monetary System, 1788-1851 (Melb, 1953) M. H. Ellis, John Macarthur (Syd, 1955) and for bibliography Contrary to MacArthur, the historical record demonstrates that postmillennial Calvinists had developed a prophetic role for the Jews hundreds of years before Scofield. You can choose Him and then not choose Him, and then choose Him again and then not choose Him, and you make the decision; and so, all of the promises of God are conditional on you. Tell us about the future. They were in a very hopeless situation, having very little in life. Israel and the church, and advocate for futuristic millennialism. He notes that "the decisive authority of Asiatic millennialism is John, from whom the elders claimed to have obtained their information. And Im not into all kinds of complex charts, and Im not into all that is traditionally known as dispensationalism - seven dispensations, two kingdoms, two New Covenants, two ways of salvation, discontinuity between the Old Testament and the New - Im not talking about that. The first view well call the postmillennial view; that is to say, that Christ will come after the millennium; that the return of Christ is post, it is after the millennial kingdom. This up to now has been more like a lecture, but turn to Revelation chapter 1, and just look at verse 3 for a moment. John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue's new systematic theology titled Biblical Doctrine has many positive aspects. Articles Baptist Theology Calvinism Charles Spurgeon Christology Classic Premillennialism Covenant Theology e-Articles e-Books Eschatology Historic . When I was in seminary I thought about it, and I guess for about 50 years Ive been thinking about eschatology, the time of the end. Why would God wait nearly 2000 years to redeem a single generation of Jews only to have the antichrist wipe out two-thirds of them? And when the church has brought about the dominating influence of Christ across the world, He will then come and end everything, and establish the new heaven and the new earth, which is the eternal state. Not that they were the end, but they were the means to the end. But some are holding on to what they have taught in the past; I guess self-preservation dominates their theology at that point. Now, with regard to the coming kingdom of Christ, in which Christ rules as supreme and sovereign ruler, there are a number of views, but let me boil them down to three views - and these are good, and Ill give you a simple explanation so that you understand where we are going. And so, we stand steadfast, immovable. It is pungently clear. Dispensational Premillennialism is a recent, complex, and increasingly controversial form of modern Historic Premillennialism (HP). "Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Pre-Millennialist." For those of you who don't know, this was a statement, among others, that John MacArthur was recorded as making at the recent Shepherd's Conference 2007 at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley California. First, the Antichrist would appear and a seven-year period of tribulation would commence. And I can only tell you I am unwaveringly committed to the sovereign election of a future generation of Jews to salvation, and the full inheritance of all the promises and covenants of God given to them in the Old Testament. These are dicult words to pronounce and even harder concepts to understand. I have dragged you through virtually every verse in the New Testament. Now, I've been telling you for a number of months that we were going to get into the subject of eschatology, the doctrine of last things. He and his wife, Christie, have six children. When it was first published three and a half decades ago, Paradise Restored helped to precipitate a massive paradigm shift in the Evangelical and Reformed world from abject pessimism to unabashed optimism. John McArthur John MacArthur was born on 19 June, 1939. That is called historical premillennialism: Christ will come, set up the kingdom, but it won't have the Jewish character that we anticipate from Old Testament promises it would have, because those promises were cancelled to Israel and given to the church. That is to say, while they understood that someone would come, they understood whatever it was that had been revealed to them, the timing was not clear, and the precise personages were not clear. As one prominent amillennialist said when asked, What is the biblical significance of the existence of Jews in their land? and he said, It has no significance at all. Really? We can interpret it the way we interpret any other passage of Scripture, with the same use of the normal, natural means of interpreting language, and we should; and it will yield for us as clear an understanding of the future as the Lord wants us to have. three js image effects, jordin sparks weight loss surgery,