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No, judge involvement. However, most times, It ends in the form of verbal harassment as the noise can be irritating and devastating when it happens at all times. I needed a lot of materials to achieve this and even a lot more to put in more custom features. It can be anything. It is essential that you ask victims why they think they are being targeted, what they think they did to get targeted and who they think the perpetrators are. 2) Pressure mapping technology, such as the I-Scan system. However, combine that with anger, hurtful words, yelling, cursing or even slamming it while you are in the doorway is definately abuse. We also have air surveillance (helicopters) that fly around to attempt to see my whereabouts. now dispense w an action plan soldier cuz time is limited! I've asked landlord to soundproof door to prevent slamming or to move me to another apartment. If you got to this fucking page its because there is an absolute reason to be fearful and absolutely probable in todays day in age that those greedy ass bastards have organized and harnessed their knowledge and interest to get whats yours fucking corporations do it all day everyday! Furthermore, it is likely that they take advantage of existing federally-sponsored mechanisms, such as community crime watch or community policing organizations, senior citizens organizations, & religious groups, & use them as unsuspecting instruments in their retaliation campaigns. McKinney has been a Targeted Individual herself for many decades and understands the larger system as well as anyone. When confronted with their mean behavior, they often pass it off as a joke, accusing the recipient of being too sensitive. i posted warnings that my place was intruded. Be aware that this step might raise tensions between the neighbors, so you have to be prepared to fight for your rights. The main motivation behind Synchronized Harassment Activities is again that if the target complains about this type of Harassment he or she may be perceived as mentally ill. Communication happens in a number of ways. In this case, a pen is ANCHORED with your state of fear. Check your employee handbook for your employers anti-harassment policies. It's like the Devil you know vs the Devil you don't. this thug was right there on the street in-front of my carport I hadnt even gotten to my front door, Go s around twice with this sound blasting then disappears. Once a target is flagged, a notification is sent out, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. Where every you go, there is going to be difficult co-workers of various kinds and degrees. Everrthing is reality, I am not creating or inventing something. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Harassment by vehicles with loud or squeaky parts such as loud mufflers, squeaky fan belts or loud intentional squeaky brakes. Following the target everywhere they go. Please continue on this part of your diagnosis, this is very helpful and hope to learn more. We are not criminals, they are psychopaths, sociopaths, manipulative, sick,pathological mental disorders and anti-social behaviours. I guess they are concerned with getting attention in any way possible. How can they best be controlled? Forget you have the ability to recognize it in your life. Then the targets can be baited into reacting in public, or getting into a car accident. Subject is coming touch nose with hand or handkerchief, 2. The other neighbors can help you talk to the person to be courteous whenever they want to shut the door. I would suggest checking out the human behavior-based Wall Street instruments Alison McDowell has been researching. My brother was treated for serious allergies, some fifty such allergies, which no other member of my family of origin or extended family a huge family had. I have endured all of the above psychological and physical tortures, for the duration of my life, especially, in recent decades. Don took this short story from me, along with another one. Youll of course have to get your neighbors permission to inspect their door and diagnose why its so loud. This becomes an investment instrument. She wouldnt be able to slam the door then. Thank you so much for adding this resource on the web up u til lately Ive avoided doing any research that may tip my hand but youve explain every thing Ive experienced. Sensitization The little-known phenomena of Organized Gang Stalking allows the perpetrators anonymity and enables future victimizations, as stalkers are actually encouraged by the lack of repercussions. The harassment is so severe or pervasive that it interferes with the employees ability to perform their work or changes the terms and conditions of their employment, The harassment is related to the employees membership or perceived membership in a protected group, such as their race or gender, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), Criminal Conviction Discrimination in Employment, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Family Responsibility Discrimination in Employment, Sex and Gender Discrimination in Employment, Medical Condition Discrimination in Employment, Military Status Discrimination in Employment, National Origin Discrimination in Employment, Sex Stereotyping Discrimination in Employment, Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Employment, Workers' Compensation and Disability Benefits, Immigration Laws for Employers and Employees, Retaliation for Exercising Employee Rights. It is possible that I will survive the horrors of my enslavement and be able to accomplish other work of importance. I never doubted the reality; Ive always seen it as choreography, because they are obvious and rotten people. "Many rationalize their mistreatment by believing that they somehow did something worthy of the behavior they are receiving," says Romanoff, "which enables a complacency to continue to accept it.". (I dont know if they know that or) The motivation is to yes harass to try and scare but they are also constantly colliding with you to get pieces of your identity. Once he was taken out of our house, my family told me a horrid lie, that the system was looking at me as an accessory. I totally lost my trust! Then, they were getting caught financially abusing me. Some Stalkers are actual Private Investigators who have been hired to gather information concerning the victim. Indeed, a lot of little things can provoke this action. J Pers Assess. I lost countless hours of sleep in anticipation of that door being slammed by the evil neighbor. Organized Stalking is Mobbing that takes place out in public. This is the new way now, they are not using foot soldiers now but using clones in your environment. All of these things are effective if you give it 1% of your attention or time. They are not morally strong enough to question criminal behavior. Also City of Phoenix Police Dep. Sherri Gordon is a published author and a bullying prevention expert. Sand. I believe some have been rewarded by monetary value illegally to act against me. Instantly access free expert advice, management strategies and real-life examples of workplace Occasionally, things could even cross the line into deliberate and targeted harassment. Again, if your really sincere in fighting the gang stalking culture occurring across the US, you will clean up your act, and start by sorting out all these distinctions. Offhand comments or mild irritations are not considered harassment. Breaking into their homes and going through their stuff. Home is a place to rest and relax after a long day. If you recieve please contact me. He was supposedly going to provide some kind of commentary. If this becomes a frequent act, it could be termed antisocial behavior and being rude on the part of the person involved. Also up in a prepaid phone in my name. The weapon it uses does different effects like heating, making me feel like Im being poisoned, heart attack, not being able to walk with a intense lower back pain, chest pain. Someone acting as a passive-aggressive bully doesn't see themselves as the bully in the situation. I have a first cousin who is a biology professor at Hebrew University, in Jerusalem. Others are more sullen and argumentative. They will learn to recognize set-ups and will find ways to either document and/or foil the types of overt operations described in the following article. I had read some information about organized stalking. By the last such ambush period, I remembered having the swastika scar, which I had forgotten deliberately, at age six or seven. (Personnel took it very seriously. I was living with my daughter & her husband & without my husband around, it was a nightmare. Bring the Harassment to the Attention of your Employer. Otherwise your employer may raise what is called the Faragher-Ellerth defense to a Title VII claim. If its a romantic relationship, they will find out what your significant other likes and try to get them to cheat, or leave you. In countries like the US, Canada, and the UK, its a grievous offense and can be tagged as privacy invasion, physical abuse, and attempted murder. Other of my ideas have also appeared in feature films. So, its advisable! Consumer Stalking can also be used to describe certain illegal activities of debt collectors. I believe that while in Boston I was injected with some kind of nano technology or had a chip installed in me, in one of my few procedures I had done and that they had to put me under anesthesia and all 3 procedures were done at Mass General Hospital. A few began to behave like they heard negative lies about me. The most common and sensible way in which you can deal with problems with neighbors is by talking to them. It is a known fact that these individuals involved in Organized Gang Stalking and Technological Harassment are also involved in Illegal Criminal Racketeering Operations with use of Remote Neural Monitoring, where these criminal individuals are profiting off of individuals involving masturbation, in some cases. Sorry to hear about this. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. (I never dated anyone who was married so they must have heard some BS) It was a slander campaign to make me seem controversial. It happened too much eventsbin my life. The files are usually not left behind, but they are used to prejudice and slander individuals against the target. I wondered if I had been selected for special qualities. Dont talk about it. Do Butterflies Like Hibiscus? Thus, you are encouraging the good behavior. I almost had commited suicide. This will all be used to put together a profile of the target and then to get them into situations for their detriment. There is much evidence in my home that my floors have been vandalized and this was done over a decade. Dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive isn't always easy. Remember, people who are passive-aggressive often feel misunderstood. The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. I've had to move 12 times in the last 6 years, and I've learned a thing or two about moving, decorating, and buying and selling furniture. The entire system is designed for them. I was marked at age 19. It is important for you to point this out. It goes on now into a fifth year of everyday and all night harassment and threats to me. No. Blame you for their abusive behavior. Dont Think about it. When people take the law into their own hands, any notion of law is destroyed altogether.